Mildegod of Oxford
Referred to in records as: “Mildegod”.
Brief biography

Mildegod resided in the university town of Oxford. She married Copin son of Bonefey, who
was dead by December 1252. In the wake of Copin’s death, Mildegod provided security
her inheritance fines so that she could keep the houses and belongings of her
former husband. One of these properties, just outside the East Gate of Oxford (now
site of Magdalen College), the king excluded from her inheritance for use by the
Hospital of St John. In 1253, however, the Hospital leased part of this property back
her (her seal is still on the charter recording the transaction), and Mildegod had
all she owed. She likely remarried shortly thereafter and was dead by 1290. By 1292,
property at the East Gate had been formally given to the warden of the Hospital of
John, along with the properties of five other Oxford Jews
which King Edward exile of the Jews in the eighteenth year of his reign [1290].At that time, the property was held by
Jacob, called Mildegod’s—almost certainly her son.
If Mildegod was young and childless when her first husband Copin died, it is very
likely that she is the same Oxford women as Mildegod
wife of Josce, the mother of Jacob. If this
is the case, her second husband Josce was dead by 1280,
when she appeared again before the Exchequer of the Jews to negotiate inheritance
Mildegod, who by this time would have been at least in her 50s, agreed to let the
take over all of Josce’s debts. In 1281, her son Jacob
served as a guarantor for Josce of Newbury in a debt-related case
against an Oxford Christian woman.
Further reading
- Williams Boyarin, Adrienne, The Christian Jew and the Unmarked Jewess: The Polemics of Sameness in Medieval English Anti-Judaism. The Middle Ages Series. University of Pennsylvania Press. 2021, pp. 120–21.
- Goldy, Charlotte Newman, Muriel, a Jew of Oxford: Using the Dramatic to Understand the Mundane in Anglo-Norman Towns, in Writing Medieval Women’s Lives, ed. Charlotte Newman Goldy and Amy Livingstone (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012), pp.227–245, pp. 234–235.
- Friedenberg, Daniel M., Medieval Jewish Seals from Europe. Wayne State UP. 1987.
May be the same person as
Dates mentioned in records
Oxfordshire, London, Hampshire