Belia wife of Vives le Romanzour
Referred to in records as: “Belia”.
Brief biography

Belia resided in Northampton, where the activities of her husband can be traced in
1270s and 1280s. She had a daughter named Giwa or Gywa
(likely a diminutive of the name Avigaye) and she and her daughter appear in records
where they are identified in relation to Vives. Vives’s
epithet le Romanzour (romançour in Anglo-Norman
French, or romauncer in Middle English) seems to indicate that he was
a translator of French or perhaps, more broadly, a writer of the vernacular languages
England. (In two records, scribes write le Romonger—that is, the
horse-trader—but this is almost certainly an error; the vast majority of records related
to him use some form of romançour.) In June 1277, he was imprisoned
in the Tower of London, after he and Belia, along with another Jewish man called Dyekyn
le Romanzour (possibly their son), were accused of robbing one Isabelle Crok. She
been walking on Coleman Street in the London Jewry the previous summer, she said,
the group robbed her of seven shillings. Belia, Vives, and Dyekyn denied the charge,
a mixed jury of Christian and Jews was to be convened. This charge may be why Vives
imprisoned in the summer of 1277, and Belia likely accompanied him to the Tower—though
nothing further is known of the case. By 1280, their daughter Gywa had been accused
some trespass by a group of Christians, who subsequently had their land and goods
for not appearing to prosecute the charge. Belia’s husband Vives served as a trusted
juror on several Northamptonshire cases in the 1280s.
Further reading
- MacLellan, Rory, Jewish History of the Medieval Tower of London,, [see Dataset no. 142].
- Rokéah, Zefira Entin, Money and the Hangman in Late-13th-Century England: Jews, Christians and Coinage Offenses Alleged and Real (Part II), Jewish Historical Studies 32 (1990-1992): 159–218.
Dates mentioned in records