例: <ab> (anonymous block)
These search results reproduce every example of the use of <ab> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <ab> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.
- 1 The TEI Infrastructure
- 5 Characters, Glyphs, and Writing Modes
- 10 Manuscript Description
- 11 Representation of Primary Sources
- 13 Names, Dates, People, and Places
- 14 Tables, Formulæ, Graphics, and Notated Music
- 17 Simple Analytic Mechanisms
- 20 Non-hierarchical Structures
16 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment
xml:space="preserve"><ab> <lb n="1" xml:id="line1"/><supplied reason="lost">si</supplied> non <choice><reg>habui</reg><orig>abui</orig></choice> quidquam vaco <lb n="2"/>si<gap reason="illegible" quantity="3"
unit="character"/>b<gap reason="illegible" quantity="3"
unit="character"/> cohort<unclear>e</unclear> mi rescribas <lb n="3"/><unclear>s</unclear>emp<unclear>er</unclear> in <choice><reg>mente</reg><orig>mentem</orig></choice> <choice><reg>habe</reg><orig>abe</orig></choice> supra res <lb n="4"/>scriptas<gap reason="lost" extent="unknown"
unit="character"/> <lb n="5"/>auge et opto u<unclear>t</unclear> bene valeas</ab>
16.3 Blocks, Segments, and Anchors
<lb/>to the memory of
<abbr>M<hi rend="superscript">rs</hi>
<lb/>born at Che<g ref="#long-s">s</g>terfield in
<lb/>Great Britain,
<abbr>Jan<hi rend="superscript">y</hi>
<abbr>25<hi rend="superscript">th</hi>
</abbr> 1722:
<lb/>and died in Carolina
<abbr>Sept<hi rend="superscript">r</hi>
<abbr>26<hi rend="superscript">th</hi>
</abbr> 1777.
<lb/>This <g ref="#long-s">s</g>tone
<lb/>is placed by her only Child
16.3 Blocks, Segments, and Anchors
<head>The First Book of Moses, Called</head>
<head type="main">Genesis</head>
<div2 n="1" type="chapter">
<ab n="1">In the beginning God created the heaven and the
<ab n="2">And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness
<hi>was</hi> upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God
moved upon the face of the waters.</ab>
<ab n="3">And God said, Let there be light: and there was
16.3 Blocks, Segments, and Anchors
<div2 n="1" type="scene">
<head rend="italic">Actus primus, Scena prima.</head>
<stage rend="italic" type="setting"> A tempestuous noise of
Thunder and Lightning heard:
Enter a Ship-master, and a Boteswaine.</stage>
<ab>Heere Master: What cheere?</ab>
<ab>Good: Speake to th' Mariners: fall too't, yarely,
or we run our selues a ground, bestirre, bestirre.
<stage type="move">Exit.</stage>
<stage type="move">Enter Mariners.</stage>
<ab>Heigh my hearts, cheerely, cheerely my harts: yare, yare:
Take in the toppe-sale: Tend to th' Masters whistle: Blow
till thou burst thy winde, if roome e-nough.</ab>
<ab> (en)
<div type="chapter" n="1">
<ab>In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.</ab>
<ab>And the earth was without form, and void; and
darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the
spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.</ab>
<ab>And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.</ab>
<!-- ...-->
16.5.2 Alignment of Parallel Texts
<ab xml:id="english1">
<s>According to our survey, 1988 sales of mineral water and soft
drinks were much higher than in 1987, reflecting the growing popularity
of these products.</s>
<s>Cola drink manufacturers in particular achieved above-average
growth rates.</s>
<div xml:id="french" xml:lang="fr"
<ab xml:id="french1">
<s xml:id="fs1">Quant aux eaux minérales et aux limonades, elles
rencontrent toujours plus d'adeptes.</s>
<s xml:id="fs2">En effet, notre sondage fait ressortir des ventes nettement
supérieures à celles de 1987, pour les boissons à
base de cola notamment.</s>
<head>The Study</head>
<ab>The Study</ab>
<ab>is a place</ab>
<ab>where a Student,</ab>
<div xml:id="L98" xml:lang="la"
<ab>est locus</ab>
<ab>ubi Studiosus,</ab>
<!-- five div1 elements -->
<p>Zui-Gan called out to himself every day, <q>Master.</q>
<p>Then he answered himself, <q>Yes, sir.</q>
<p>And then he added, <q>Become sober.</q>
<p>Again he answered, <q>Yes, sir.</q>
<q>And after that,</q> he continued, <q>do not be deceived by others.</q>
<q>Yes, sir; yes, sir,</q> he replied.</p>
<ab type="aggregation">
<ptr xml:id="rzuiq1"
<ptr xml:id="rzuiq2"
<ptr xml:id="rzuiq3"
<ptr xml:id="rzuiq4"
<ptr xml:id="rzuiq5"
<ptr xml:id="rzuiq6"
<ptr xml:id="rzuiq7"
<joinGrp evaluate="one" result="q">
<join target="#rzuiq1 #rzuiq2 #rzuiq4 #rzuiq7">
<desc>what Zui-Gan said</desc>
<join target="#rzuiq3 #rzuiq5 #rzuiq6">
<desc>what Master said</desc>
1 The TEI Infrastructure
att.breaking (en)
leodum la<lb break="no"/> ðost ærþan ichim lifes
ƿeȝ rihtne ȝerymde reord be<lb break="no"/>
rendum hƿæt me þaȝeƿeorðode ƿuldres ealdor ofer...
5 Characters, Glyphs, and Writing Modes
<seg style="rotateY(180deg)">ΚΑΘΕΟΝΠΟΤΘΕΜ</seg>
<seg style="rotateY(180deg)">ΟΙΥΕΝΟΙΤΙΕΚΚ</seg>
<seg style="rotateY(180deg)">ΣΙΜΟΣΟΤΤΑΙΕ</seg>
10 Manuscript Description
<layout> (en)
<!-- Further down in document body -->
<div type="page">
一二三<cb type="top-stream"/>
一二三<cb type="mid-stream"/>
一二三<cb type="bottom-stream"/>
<!-- cb here for demo purposes -->
11 Representation of Primary Sources Text Omitted from or Supplied in the Transcription
<subst> (en)
<add place="above">ῶν</add>
<add place="above">ων</add>
<add place="above">ων</add>
13 Names, Dates, People, and Places
<climate> (en)
<!-- ... -->
<head>24-hr Average Temperature</head>
<cell role="label">Jan</cell>
<cell role="label">Jun</cell>
<cell role="label">Dec</cell>
<cell role="label">°C</cell>
<cell role="data">7.1</cell>
<cell role="data">21.7</cell>
<cell role="data">8.3</cell>
<cell role="label">°F</cell>
<cell role="data">44.8</cell>
<cell role="data">71.1</cell>
<cell role="data">46.9</cell>
<note>Taken from <bibl>
<abbr>GHCN 2 Beta</abbr>: The Global Historical Climatology Network,
version 2 beta, 1904 months between 1811 and 1980. <ptr target="http://www.worldclimate.com/cgi-bin/data.pl?ref=N41E012+1202+0004058G2"/>
<!-- ========= events ========= -->
<event xml:id="DB-3F" where="#WWIIEast"
<head>Luftwaffe shoots down Ilyushin Il-4</head>
<head type="short">DB-3F</head>
<ab type="altitude">
<measure unit="m" quantity="7000"/>
<ab type="survivor">
<persName ref="#p-IC">Іван Чиссов</persName>
<event xml:id="SCP" where="#l-GSN"
<head>Snap, Crackle, Pop is shot down by German flak</head>
<head type="short">B-17</head>
<ab type="altitude">
<measure unit="m" quantity="6700"/>
<ab type="survivor">
<persName ref="#p-AM">Alan Magee</persName>
<event xml:id="DS664" where="#l-Obe"
<head>Avro Lancaster shot down by Junkers Ju 88</head>
<head type="short">Lancaster</head>
<ab type="altitude">
<measure unit="m" quantity="5490"/>
<ab type="survivor">
<persName ref="#p-NA">Nicholas Alkemade</persName>
<event xml:id="LANSA508" where="#l-PI"
<head>LANSA 508 struck by lightning</head>
<head type="short">Amazon rainforest</head>
<ab type="altitude">
<measure unit="m" quantity="3000"/>
<ab type="survivor">
<persName ref="#p-JK">Juliane Diller (née Koepcke)</persName>
<event xml:id="jat367" where="#l-Seb"
<head>Bombing of Yugoslav Airlines Flight 367</head>
<head type="short">JAT 367</head>
<ab type="altitude">
<measure unit="m" quantity="10050"/>
<ab type="survivor">
<persName ref="#p-VV">Весна Вуловић</persName>
<ptr type="furtherInfo"
<event xml:id="BG" where="#l-KorZ"
<head>SAS parachute failure</head>
<head type="short">Bear Grylls</head>
<ab type="altitude">
<measure unit="m" quantity="4877"/>
<ab type="survivor">
<persName ref="#p-BG"/>
<event xml:id="CM" where="#l-Joh"
<head>Johannesburg parachute failure</head>
<head type="short">Christine McKenzie</head>
<ab type="altitude">
<measure unit="m" quantity="3353"/>
<ab type="survivor">
<persName ref="#p-CM">Christine McKenzie</persName>
<event xml:id="JBK" where="#l-Kam"
<head>Cameraman fails to open chute</head>
<head type="short">Sport videographer</head>
<ab type="altitude">
<measure unit="m" quantity="1829"/>
<ab type="survivor">
<persName ref="#p-JB"/>
<!-- ========= places ========= -->
<place xml:id="l-GSN">
<placeName xml:lang="fr">Gare de Saint-Nazaire</placeName>
<place xml:id="l-Joh">
<country>South Africa</country>
<region type="province">Gauteng</region>
<place xml:id="l-Kam">
<placeName xml:lang="ru">Камчатке</placeName>
<region>Kamchatka Krai</region>
<place xml:id="l-Ken">
<place xml:id="l-Obe" xml:lang="de">
<region type="state">Nordrhein-Westfalen</region>
<geo cert="low">51.154,8.357</geo>
<place xml:id="l-PI" xml:lang="es">
<placeName>Puerto Inca</placeName>
<district>Puerto Inca</district>
<place xml:id="l-Sch">
<placeName xml:lang="de">Schmallenberg</placeName>
<placeName xml:lang="wep">Smalmereg</placeName>
<place xml:id="l-Seb">
<placeName xml:lang="de">Sebnitz</placeName>
<place xml:id="l-WWIIEast">
<name>Eastern Front</name>
<ptr type="furtherInfo"
<place xml:id="l-Zam">
<!-- ========= people ========= -->
<person xml:id="p-VV">
<persName xml:lang="sr-Cyrl">Весна Вуловић</persName>
<persName xml:lang="sr-Latn">Vesna Vulović</persName>
<birth when="1950-01-03"/>
<death when="2016-12-23"/>
<ptr type="furtherInfo"
<person xml:id="p-IC">
<persName xml:lang="uk-Cyrl">Іван Михайлович Чиссов</persName>
<persName xml:lang="ru-Cyrl">Иван Михайлович Чисов</persName>
<persName xml:lang="uk-Latn">Ivan Mikhailovich Chisov</persName>
<birth when="1916"/>
<death when="1986"/>
<ptr type="furtherInfo"
<person xml:id="p-AM">
<persName>Alan Eugene Magee</persName>
<birth when="1919-01-13"/>
<death when="2003-12-20"/>
<ptr type="furtherInfo"
<person xml:id="p-NA">
<persName>Nicholas Stephen Alkemade</persName>
<birth when="1922-12-10"/>
<death when="1987-06-22"/>
<ptr type="furtherInfo"
<person xml:id="p-BG">
<persName>Edward Michael Grylls</persName>
<birth when="1974-06-07"/>
<ptr type="furtherInfo"
<person xml:id="p-JK">
<persName>Juliane Koepcke</persName>
<birth when="1954-10-10"/>
<ptr type="furtherInfo"
<person xml:id="p-JB">
<persName>James Boole</persName>
<birth>1978, give or take a year</birth>
<ptr type="furtherInfo"
<!-- ========= conjunctions and disjunctions ========= -->
<altGrp type="location">
<alt xml:id="l-KorZ"
target="#l-Ken #l-Zam"/>
14 Tables, Formulæ, Graphics, and Notated Music
14.4 Specific Elements for Graphic Images
<figure n="a">
<graphic url="./figs/6.45a.png"/>
<ab type="caption">Parallel</ab>
<figure n="b">
<graphic url="./figs/6.45b.png"/>
<ab type="caption">Perspective</ab>
<ab type="caption">The two canonical view volumes, for the (a)
parallel and (b) perspective projections. Note that -z is to the
17 Simple Analytic Mechanisms
att.linguistic (en)
<w pos="PPER" msd="1.Pl.*.Nom">Wir</w>
<w pos="VVFIN" msd="1.Pl.Pres.Ind">fahren</w>
<w pos="APPR" msd="--">in</w>
<w pos="ART" msd="Def.Masc.Akk.Sg">den</w>
<w pos="NN" msd="Masc.Akk.Sg">Urlaub</w>
<pc pos="$." msd="--">.</pc>
20 Non-hierarchical Structures
20.1 Multiple Encodings of the Same Information
body—pointed her finger at the back of one certain man and asked me,
<said>Is that guy a psychiatrist?</said> and by god he was!
<said>Yes,</said> She said, <said>He <emph>looks</emph> like a
psychiatrist.</said> Grown quiet, I looked at his pink back, and