Esempio: <ptr> (pointer)
These search results reproduce every example of the use of <ptr> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <ptr> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.
- 1 The TEI Infrastructure
- 2 The TEI Header
- 4 Default Text Structure
- 9 Dictionaries
- 11 Representation of Primary Sources
- 12 Critical Apparatus
- 13 Names, Dates, People, and Places
- 14 Tables, Formulæ, Graphics, and Notated Music
- 16 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment
- 19 Graphs, Networks, and Trees
- 22 Documentation Elements
3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents
3.7 Simple Links and Cross-References
The complete XPointer specification is managed by the W3C<note place="foot">
<ptr target=""/>,
<ptr target=""/>,
<ptr target=""/>, and
<ptr target=""/>
for a discussion of TEI schemes for XPointer, see
<ptr target="#eSATS"/>.</p>
<!--... -->
<div xml:id="eSATS">
<!--... -->
3.7 Simple Links and Cross-References
3.7 Simple Links and Cross-References
<item>Saints aid rejected in mel. <ptr target="#p299"/>
<item>Sallets censured <ptr target="#p143 #p144"/>
<item>Sanguine mel. signs <ptr target="#p263"/>
<item>Scilla or sea onyon, a purger of mel. <ptr target="#p442"/>
3.7 Simple Links and Cross-References
<term rend="ldquo rdquo">rewriting systems</term>, have a long history
among mathematicians, but the specific form of <ptr target="#fig22"/>
was first studied extensively by Chomsky <ptr type="bibliog" target="#chom59"/>.
<!-- ... -->
<figure xml:id="fig22">
<graphic url="fig22.jpg"/>
<!-- elsewhere, in the bibliography -->
<bibl xml:id="chom59">
<!-- citation for the book referenced above -->
<ptr> (en)
<ptr target=""/>
<ptr cRef="1.3.4"/>
<citedRange> (en)
<ptr target="#mueller01"/>, <citedRange target="">vol. 3, pp.
<title level="m">Description de la ville de Paris et de tout ce qu’elle contient de plus remarquable, par Germain Brice ; enrichie d’un nouveau plan et de figures dessinées et gravées correctement. 7e édition, revue et augmentée par l’auteur</title>
<date when="1717">1717</date>
<publisher>F. Fournier</publisher>
<ptr type="catBnf"
1 The TEI Infrastructure
<div xml:base="">
<!--... -->
<ptr target="elsewhere.xml"/>
<!--... -->
<!--... -->
<ptr target="elsewhere.xml"/>
<!--... -->
att.pointing (en)
<ptr xml:id="pol-swh_aln_2.1.1-ptr"
target="pol/UDHR/text.xml#pol_txt_1-head" type="tuv" targetLang="pl"/>
<ptr xml:id="pol-swh_aln_2.1.2-ptr"
target="swh/UDHR/text.xml#swh_txt_1-head" type="tuv" targetLang="sw"/>
2 The TEI Header
<publicationStmt> (en)
<publisher>Zea Books</publisher>
<pubPlace>Lincoln, NE</pubPlace>
<p>This is an open access work licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.</p>
<ptr target=""/>
<classDecl> (fr)
<taxonomy xml:id="RAMEAU">
<bibl>Répertoire d'autorité-matière encyclopédique et alphabétique unifié
(RAMEAU) de la Bibliothèque nationale de France. <ptr target=""/>
<!-- ... -->
<keywords scheme="#RAMEAU">
<term>Bien et mal -- Enseignement coranique</term>
2.3.11 The Application Information Element
<application version="1.5"
ident="ImageMarkupTool" notAfter="2006-06-01">
<label>Image Markup Tool</label>
<ptr target="#P1"/>
<ptr target="#P2"/>
<appInfo> (en)
<application version="1.24" ident="Xaira">
<label>XAIRA Indexer</label>
<ptr target="#P1"/>
<application> (en)
<application version="1.5"
ident="ImageMarkupTool1" notAfter="2006-06-01">
<label>Image Markup Tool</label>
<ptr target="#P1"/>
<ptr target="#P2"/>
<application> (fr)
<application version="1.24" ident="Xaira">
<label>XAIRA Indexer</label>
<ptr target="#fr_HD"/>
<application> (zh-TW)
<application version="1.5"
ident="ImageMarkupTool1" notAfter="2006-06-01">
<ptr target="#P1"/>
<ptr target="#P2"/>
<correspContext> (en)
<ptr type="next" subtype="toAuthor"
<ptr type="prev" subtype="fromAuthor"
4 Default Text Structure
<item>Introduction, or How I stopped Worrying and Learned to Love
Interpretation <ptr target="#fish1"/>
<head>Part One: Literature in the Reader</head>
<item n="1">Literature in the Reader: Affective Stylistics
<ptr target="#fish2"/>
<item n="2">What is Stylistics and Why Are They Saying Such
Terrible Things About It? <ptr target="#fish3"/>
<div xml:id="fish1">
<!-- ... -->
<div xml:id="fish2">
<head>Literature in the Reader</head>
<!-- ... -->
<div xml:id="fish3">
<head>What is stylistics?</head>
<!-- ... -->
the efficient cause of drunkenness, <ref target="#P461">461</ref>
<item>Alehouses, the number of, not the efficient cause of drunkenness, <ptr target="#P461"/>
9 Dictionaries
9.3.4 Etymological Information
<!-- ... -->
<lang>F</lang> fr. <lang>ML</lang>
<mentioned>neuma</mentioned> fr. <lang>Gk</lang>
<xr type="etym">more at <ptr target="#pneumatic"/>
<def>any of various symbols used in the notation of Gregorian chant
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<entry xml:id="pneumatic">
<!-- ... -->
</entry> Cross-References to Other Entries
<xr>Compare <ptr target="#madrigal.1"/>
<entry xml:id="madrigal.1">
<!-- ... -->
</entry> Cross-References to Other Entries
<form type="inflected">
<orth type="lat">pinnae</orth>
<orth type="std">pinnas</orth>
<sense n="1">
<def>any leaflet of a pinnate compound leaf.</def>
<sense n="2">
<usg type="dom">Zoology</usg>
<def>a feather, wing, fin, or similarly shaped part.</def>
<sense n="3">
<xr type="syn">
<ptr target="#auricle.2"/>
<date>C18</date>: via <lang>New Latin</lang> from <lang>Latin</lang>:
<gloss>wing</gloss>, <gloss>feather</gloss>, <gloss>fin</gloss>
11 Representation of Primary Sources
<metamark rend="underline"
function="transposition" target="#ib01" place="above">2.</metamark> og
<seg xml:id="ib02">hör</seg>
<metamark rend="underline"
function="transposition" target="#ib02" place="above">1.</metamark>
<!-- either nearby or elsewhere, typically inside <profileDesc> or <standOff>: -->
<ptr target="#ib02"/>
<ptr target="#ib01"/>
<metamark function="transposition"
place="margin-left">2.)</metamark> thi da er du med Himmelen i Pagt; —
<line xml:id="ib4">
<metamark function="transposition"
place="margin-left">1.)</metamark> da kan du
Folkets Jøkelhjerter tine;
<!-- either nearby or elsewhere, typically inside <profileDesc> or <standOff>: -->
<ptr target="#ib4"/>
<ptr target="#ib3"/>
<listTranspose> (en)
<ptr target="#ib02"/>
<ptr target="#ib01"/>
<transpose> (en)
12 Critical Apparatus
<witness xml:id="El">Ellesmere, Huntingdon Library 26.C.9</witness>
<witness xml:id="Hg">Hengwrt, National Library of Wales,
Aberystwyth, Peniarth 392D</witness>
<witness xml:id="Ra2">Bodleian Library Rawlinson Poetic 149
(see further <ptr target=""/>)</witness>
<listWit> (en)
<witness xml:id="HL26">Ellesmere, Huntingdon Library 26.C.9</witness>
<witness xml:id="PN392">Hengwrt, National Library of Wales,
Aberystwyth, Peniarth 392D</witness>
<witness xml:id="RP149">Bodleian Library Rawlinson Poetic 149
(see further <ptr target="#MSRP149"/>)</witness>
<witness> (en)
<witness xml:id="EL">Ellesmere, Huntingdon Library 26.C.9</witness>
<witness xml:id="HG">Hengwrt, National Library of Wales,
Aberystwyth, Peniarth 392D</witness>
<witness xml:id="RA2">Bodleian Library Rawlinson Poetic 149
(see further <ptr target=""/>)</witness>
13 Names, Dates, People, and Places
<climate> (en)
<!-- ... -->
<head>24-hr Average Temperature</head>
<cell role="label">Jan</cell>
<cell role="label">Jun</cell>
<cell role="label">Dec</cell>
<cell role="label">°C</cell>
<cell role="data">7.1</cell>
<cell role="data">21.7</cell>
<cell role="data">8.3</cell>
<cell role="label">°F</cell>
<cell role="data">44.8</cell>
<cell role="data">71.1</cell>
<cell role="data">46.9</cell>
<note>Taken from <bibl>
<abbr>GHCN 2 Beta</abbr>: The Global Historical Climatology Network,
version 2 beta, 1904 months between 1811 and 1980. <ptr target=""/>
<persPronouns> (en)
<addName>the T. rex</addName>
<residence>The Field Museum. Chicago, Illinois, United States.</residence>
<sex value="0"/>
<persPronouns value="they">they/them</persPronouns>
<quote>Specimen FMNH PR 2081. Legendary Fossil. Apex
Predator. National Treasure. <emph style="text-transform:uppercase; letter-spacing:0.25rem;">Murderbird.</emph>
<bibl>SUEtheTrex, Twitter biography.
<ptr target=""/>.
Accessed <date when="2020-03-25">March 25th, 2020</date>.</bibl>
<!-- ========= events ========= -->
<event xml:id="DB-3F" where="#WWIIEast"
<head>Luftwaffe shoots down Ilyushin Il-4</head>
<head type="short">DB-3F</head>
<ab type="altitude">
<measure unit="m" quantity="7000"/>
<ab type="survivor">
<persName ref="#p-IC">Іван Чиссов</persName>
<event xml:id="SCP" where="#l-GSN"
<head>Snap, Crackle, Pop is shot down by German flak</head>
<head type="short">B-17</head>
<ab type="altitude">
<measure unit="m" quantity="6700"/>
<ab type="survivor">
<persName ref="#p-AM">Alan Magee</persName>
<event xml:id="DS664" where="#l-Obe"
<head>Avro Lancaster shot down by Junkers Ju 88</head>
<head type="short">Lancaster</head>
<ab type="altitude">
<measure unit="m" quantity="5490"/>
<ab type="survivor">
<persName ref="#p-NA">Nicholas Alkemade</persName>
<event xml:id="LANSA508" where="#l-PI"
<head>LANSA 508 struck by lightning</head>
<head type="short">Amazon rainforest</head>
<ab type="altitude">
<measure unit="m" quantity="3000"/>
<ab type="survivor">
<persName ref="#p-JK">Juliane Diller (née Koepcke)</persName>
<event xml:id="jat367" where="#l-Seb"
<head>Bombing of Yugoslav Airlines Flight 367</head>
<head type="short">JAT 367</head>
<ab type="altitude">
<measure unit="m" quantity="10050"/>
<ab type="survivor">
<persName ref="#p-VV">Весна Вуловић</persName>
<ptr type="furtherInfo"
<event xml:id="BG" where="#l-KorZ"
<head>SAS parachute failure</head>
<head type="short">Bear Grylls</head>
<ab type="altitude">
<measure unit="m" quantity="4877"/>
<ab type="survivor">
<persName ref="#p-BG"/>
<event xml:id="CM" where="#l-Joh"
<head>Johannesburg parachute failure</head>
<head type="short">Christine McKenzie</head>
<ab type="altitude">
<measure unit="m" quantity="3353"/>
<ab type="survivor">
<persName ref="#p-CM">Christine McKenzie</persName>
<event xml:id="JBK" where="#l-Kam"
<head>Cameraman fails to open chute</head>
<head type="short">Sport videographer</head>
<ab type="altitude">
<measure unit="m" quantity="1829"/>
<ab type="survivor">
<persName ref="#p-JB"/>
<!-- ========= places ========= -->
<place xml:id="l-GSN">
<placeName xml:lang="fr">Gare de Saint-Nazaire</placeName>
<place xml:id="l-Joh">
<country>South Africa</country>
<region type="province">Gauteng</region>
<place xml:id="l-Kam">
<placeName xml:lang="ru">Камчатке</placeName>
<region>Kamchatka Krai</region>
<place xml:id="l-Ken">
<place xml:id="l-Obe" xml:lang="de">
<region type="state">Nordrhein-Westfalen</region>
<geo cert="low">51.154,8.357</geo>
<place xml:id="l-PI" xml:lang="es">
<placeName>Puerto Inca</placeName>
<district>Puerto Inca</district>
<place xml:id="l-Sch">
<placeName xml:lang="de">Schmallenberg</placeName>
<placeName xml:lang="wep">Smalmereg</placeName>
<place xml:id="l-Seb">
<placeName xml:lang="de">Sebnitz</placeName>
<place xml:id="l-WWIIEast">
<name>Eastern Front</name>
<ptr type="furtherInfo"
<place xml:id="l-Zam">
<!-- ========= people ========= -->
<person xml:id="p-VV">
<persName xml:lang="sr-Cyrl">Весна Вуловић</persName>
<persName xml:lang="sr-Latn">Vesna Vulović</persName>
<birth when="1950-01-03"/>
<death when="2016-12-23"/>
<ptr type="furtherInfo"
<person xml:id="p-IC">
<persName xml:lang="uk-Cyrl">Іван Михайлович Чиссов</persName>
<persName xml:lang="ru-Cyrl">Иван Михайлович Чисов</persName>
<persName xml:lang="uk-Latn">Ivan Mikhailovich Chisov</persName>
<birth when="1916"/>
<death when="1986"/>
<ptr type="furtherInfo"
<person xml:id="p-AM">
<persName>Alan Eugene Magee</persName>
<birth when="1919-01-13"/>
<death when="2003-12-20"/>
<ptr type="furtherInfo"
<person xml:id="p-NA">
<persName>Nicholas Stephen Alkemade</persName>
<birth when="1922-12-10"/>
<death when="1987-06-22"/>
<ptr type="furtherInfo"
<person xml:id="p-BG">
<persName>Edward Michael Grylls</persName>
<birth when="1974-06-07"/>
<ptr type="furtherInfo"
<person xml:id="p-JK">
<persName>Juliane Koepcke</persName>
<birth when="1954-10-10"/>
<ptr type="furtherInfo"
<person xml:id="p-JB">
<persName>James Boole</persName>
<birth>1978, give or take a year</birth>
<ptr type="furtherInfo"
<!-- ========= conjunctions and disjunctions ========= -->
<altGrp type="location">
<alt xml:id="l-KorZ"
target="#l-Ken #l-Zam"/>
14 Tables, Formulæ, Graphics, and Notated Music
14.2 Formulæ and Mathematical Expressions
is given by the formula: <formula xml:id="f12" n="12" rend="inline">
</formula> which is readily calculated.</p>
<p>As we have seen in equation <ptr target="#f12"/>, ... </p>
14.3 Notated Music in Written Text
14.3 Notated Music in Written Text
<ptr target="bar1.xml"/>
<desc>First bar of Chopin's Scherzo No.3 Op.39</desc>
14.3 Notated Music in Written Text
<ptr target="bar1.xml"
<desc>First bar of Chopin's Scherzo No.3 Op.39. Encoded in
14.3 Notated Music in Written Text
<ptr target=""/>
<desc>First bar of Chopin's Scherzo No.3 Op.39. Encoded in
14.3 Notated Music in Written Text
<ptr target="bar1.mscz"
<desc>First bar of Chopin's Scherzo No.3 Op.39. MuseScore Notation
Software format.</desc>
14.3 Notated Music in Written Text
<ptr target="bar1.xml"/>
<graphic url="bar1.jpg"/>
<desc>First bar of Chopin's Scherzo No.3 Op.39</desc>
14.3 Notated Music in Written Text
<p> We now give some examples, from the works of the great masters, of
some of the most frequently used bowings. </p>
<figure n="Ex. 3">
<head>SCHUBERT: Symphony in B minor.</head>
<ptr target="example_schubert.xml"/>
<notatedMusic> (en)
<ptr target="bar1.xml"/>
<graphic url="bar1.jpg"/>
<desc>First bar of Chopin's Scherzo No.3 Op.39</desc>
14.4 Specific Elements for Graphic Images
<ptr xml:id="PD2" target="Fig1.svg#object2"/>
16 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment
16.1.2 Using Pointers and Links
<l>The Goddess smiles on Whig and Tory race,
<ptr rend="unmarked" target="#note3.284"/>
<l>'Tis the same rope at sev'ral ends they twist,</l>
<l>To Dulness, Ridpath is as dear as Mist)</l>
<note xml:id="note3.284" type="imitation"
<bibl>Virg. Æn. 10.</bibl>
<l>Tros Rutulusve fuat; nullo discrimine habebo.</l>
<l>—— Rex Jupiter omnibus idem.</l>
target="#L3.283 #L3.284"/>
<anchor> (en)
<s>Help me find it.<ptr target="#A234"/>
<anchor> (fr)
<s>Aidez-moi à la trouver.<ptr target="#fr_A234"/>
<anchor> (zh-TW)
<s>請搜尋此處<ptr target="#zh-tw_A234"/>
<!-- five div1 elements -->
<p>Zui-Gan called out to himself every day, <q>Master.</q>
<p>Then he answered himself, <q>Yes, sir.</q>
<p>And then he added, <q>Become sober.</q>
<p>Again he answered, <q>Yes, sir.</q>
<q>And after that,</q> he continued, <q>do not be deceived by others.</q>
<q>Yes, sir; yes, sir,</q> he replied.</p>
<ab type="aggregation">
<ptr xml:id="rzuiq1"
<ptr xml:id="rzuiq2"
<ptr xml:id="rzuiq3"
<ptr xml:id="rzuiq4"
<ptr xml:id="rzuiq5"
<ptr xml:id="rzuiq6"
<ptr xml:id="rzuiq7"
<joinGrp evaluate="one" result="q">
<join target="#rzuiq1 #rzuiq2 #rzuiq4 #rzuiq7">
<desc>what Zui-Gan said</desc>
<join target="#rzuiq3 #rzuiq5 #rzuiq6">
<desc>what Master said</desc>
<title>De Bello Gallico</title>
<!-- ... -->
<div type="edition">
<div type="textpart" subtype="chapter"
n="1" xml:id="ch1">
<p n="1" xml:id="c1p1">
<seg n="1" xml:id="c1p1s1">Gallia est omnis divisa in partes tres, quarum unam
incolunt Belgae, aliam Aquitani, tertiam qui ipsorum lingua Celtae, nostra
Galli appellantur.</seg>
<!-- ... -->
<seg n="6" xml:id="c1p1s6">Belgae ab extremis Galliae finibus oriuntur,
pertinent ad inferiorem partem fluminis Rheni, spectant in septentrionem et
orientem solem.</seg>
<seg n="7" xml:id="c1p1s7">Aquitania a Garumna flumine ad Pyrenaeos montes et
eam partem Oceani quae est ad Hispaniam pertinet; spectat inter occasum solis
et septentriones.]</seg>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- Ch. 2 etc. ... -->
<place xml:id="Gallia">
<placeName xml:lang="la">Gallia</placeName>
<placeName xml:lang="en">Gaul</placeName>
<idno type="URI"></idno>
<!-- ... -->
<TEI xmlns="">
<!-- Metadata applying just to the set of annotations -->
<annotation xml:id="ann01"
motivation="linking" target="#Gallia">
<respStmt xml:id="ed">
<persName>Fred Editor</persName>
<change status="created"
when="2020-05-21T13:59:00Z" who="#ed"/>
<change status="modified"
when="2020-05-21T19:48:00Z" who="#ed"/>
<licence target=""/>
<!-- Gallia in seg 1 -->
<ptr target="#string-range(c1p1s1,0,6)"/>
<!-- Galliae in seg 6 -->
<ptr target="#string-range(c1p1s6,19,7)"/>
<!-- ... -->
<annotation> (en)
motivation="linking" target="#Gallia">
<!-- See and -->
<respStmt xml:id="fred">
<persName>Fred Editor</persName>
<change status="created"
when="2020-05-21T13:59:00Z" who="#fred"/>
<change status="modified"
when="2020-05-21T19:48:00Z" who="#fred"/>
<!-- See -->
<licence target=""/>
<!-- Multiple bodies -->
<!-- Pointers to sections of text in the same document -->
<ptr target="#string-range(c1p1s1,0,6)"/>
<ptr target="#string-range(c1p1s6,19,7)"/>
19 Graphs, Networks, and Trees
19.4 Representing Textual Transmission
<eTree type="hypothetical">
<eTree type="hypothetical">
<eLeaf type="extant">
<eLeaf type="lost">
<eTree type="hypothetical">
<eLeaf type="extant">
<eLeaf type="extant">
<ptr type="contamination"
<eTree xml:id="gamma" type="hypothetical">
<eLeaf type="extant">
<eLeaf type="extant">
22 Documentation Elements
22.4.1 Description of Components
<listRef> (en)
<listRef> (fr)