Places starting with: 'B'
- Babylon
- Bactria
- Bassae Located in Arcadia, home to the temple of Apollo Epikourios
- Barce (aka: Barke, Barkaia) A city founded by Arcesilaus
- Batieia (aka: Tomb of Lithe Myrrhine)
- Belian Gate One of the gates of Babylon.
- Bene A town in Crete. Birthplace of the poet Rhianus.
- Bessa Likely intended to be a real location, but no decisive geographical data exists.
- Biblis A spring that was named for the myth of Byblis, a girl who fell in love with her brother, and when her affections were not returned, cried incessantly until a spring appeared.
- Bithynia Region in northwest Anatolia bordering the Bosporus, with the major city being Nicomedia
- Boagrius River (aka: Boagrios River)
- Boeotia
- Booneta
- Borysthenes River (aka: Dniepro River)
- Bosphorus (aka: Thracian Straits, Thracian Bosporus, Bosporus)
- Boudeion (aka: Boudeia)
- Bouprasion (aka: Buprasium)
- Boebean Lake
- Boebe (aka: Boibe)
- Boeae (aka: Voies)
- Black Cloaks (aka: Melanchlaeni) This is a Tribe living North of Skythia near the Maeetian Lake.
- Black Sea (aka: Euxine, Euxine Pontus, Euxine Sea)
- Britain
- Bryseae
- Branchidae A sanctuary located in Ioniapolis, where a massacre took place by the hand of Alexander the Great.
- Brenthe Ancient city located in Macedonia.
- Brentheates River that flows against the walls of Brenthe.
- Brauron
- Brundisium A city in Italy with a much coveted port.
- Bruttium (aka: Calabria) Known in present day as Calabria, Bruttium was an ancient Italian region that held a Greek colony at one point in history.
- Brongus River (aka: Margus) A tributary of the Brongus River. Today it is called the Great Morava.
- Bura (aka: Boura) One of the twelve cities of the Achean League.
- Buraicus A river near the town of Bura where a statue of Hercules stands in a cave.
- Budini The territory of the Budini.
- Byblus
- Byzantium An ancient Greek colony located in modern day Istanbul.
- Balearic Islands
- Prasies (aka: Brasiae)
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