Places mentioned in: Apollodorus - Library and Epitome: Library, Book 1

  1. Tartarus An abyss beneath Hades used as a dungeon of torment and suffering.
  2. Hades Abode of the dead. Though Acheron may be used as a synonym, it also exists separately as a river within Hades.
  3. Crete
  4. Mount Dicte
  5. Styx A river in Hades.
  6. Pieria
  7. Troy
  8. Mount Olympus
  9. Lemnos
  10. Triton
  11. Asteria
  12. Delos
  13. Delphi
  14. Chios
  15. Hermion
  16. Eleusis
  17. Well of the Fair Dances Located within the Temple of Eleusis, where Demeter sat while searching for Persephone.
  18. Phlegrae
  19. Pallene
  20. Sicily
  21. Cos
  22. Nisyrum
  23. Cilicia
  24. Egypt
  25. Mount Casius
  26. Syria These coordinates are distinctly Syria circa 303 BC.
  27. Nysa
  28. Thrace
  29. Mount Haemus
  30. Sicilian Sea
  31. Mount Etna
  32. Mount Caucasus
  33. Phthia
  34. Greece
  35. Thessaly
  36. Isthmus
  37. Peloponnese
  38. Parnassus
  39. Attica
  40. Ossa
  41. Mount Pelion
  42. Naxos
  43. Elis Region in western Peloponnese founded by Endymion
  44. Curetian Country
  45. Aetolia A Region
  46. Evenus Once known as Lycormas. Renamed when Evenus threw himself in to the river.
  47. Messene
  48. Calydon
  49. Sparta
  50. Athens
  51. Pherai
  52. Arcadia Region in central Peloponnese
  53. Iolcus
  54. Thebes
  55. Larissa Prominent city in Thessaly
  56. Salamis
  57. Argos
  58. Olenus
  59. Achaia
  60. Oenoe
  61. Boeotia
  62. Sigeum
  63. Chersonese Located on the modern day Gallipoli peninsula on the Aegean Sea.
  64. Hellespont
  65. Athamantia
  66. Corinth
  67. Phocis
  68. Seriphus An island of the western Cyclades
  69. Enipeus A river.
  70. Pylos
  71. Alpheus River
  72. Phylace
  73. Nemea
  74. River Anaurus Barrington gives the mouth of the Anauros river near modern Volos, Greece.
  75. Colchis
  76. Dodona
  77. Mysia
  78. Cius
  79. Aphetae
  80. Land of the Bebryces
  81. Salmydessus
  82. River Tigres
  83. Propontis
  84. Strophades Islands
  85. Clashing Rocks
  86. Land of the Mariandynians
  87. Thermodon
  88. Caucasus
  89. River Phasis
  90. Tomi
  91. Eridanus River
  92. Apsyrtides Islands
  93. Ausonia
  94. Liguria
  95. Celtic Homeland
  96. Sardinian Sea
  97. Tyrrhenia
  98. Aeaea Circe’s Mythical Isle
  99. Lilybaeum
  100. Wandering Rocks These rocks were said to move by the Greeks. They may be the same as the Dark Rocks referred to by Herodotus.
  101. Thrinacia
  102. Corcyra
  103. Ceraunian Mountains
  104. Illyria
  105. Melas River
  106. Anaphe
  107. Aegina An Island
  108. Euboea
  109. Locris
  110. Media
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