People starting with: 'G'
- Apollo (aka: Apollon, Delphinius, Far-Darter, Phoebus, Musegetes, Goetosyrus, Lyceus)
- Eurycles (aka: Eurycles of Sparta, Gaius Julius Eurycles)
- Gaia (aka: Earth, Gaea)
- Galatea
- Ganymede
- Gelanor
- Genetor
- Geraestus
- Geryon
- Gitiadas
- Glauce
- Glauce
- Glauce
- Glauce
- Glaucippe
- Glauconome
- Glaucus
- Glaucus
- Glaucus
- Glaucus (aka: Glaukos)
- Glaucus
- Glaucus
- Glaucus
- Glenus
- Gobryas
- Gonnipus
- Gorgus
- Gras
- Gordius
- Gorge
- Gorge
- Gorgo
- Gorgophone
- Gorgophone
- Gorgophonus
- Gorgyra
- Gorgythion
- Granianus
- Gration
- Grylus (aka: Gryllus)
- Guneus
- Guneus
- Gyes
- Gyrtios
- Hippolyte (aka: Melanippe, Glauce)
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