Creusa, Eurytus, Iasus, Inachus, Iphicles, Nereus, Piren
Achaeus, Actaea, Aegialeus, Agave, Amatheia, Amphinome, Amphithoe, Amphitrite, Apseudes, Argus, Autonoe, Calypso, Ceto, Cranto, Cymo, Cymothoe, Dero, Dexamene, Dione, Doris, Doto, Dynamene, Eione, Erato, Eucrante, Eudore, Eulimene, Eumolpe, Eunice, Evagore, Galatea, Glauce, Glauconome, Halimede, Halie, Hipponoe, Hippothoe, Iaira, Ianassa, Ianira, Iphitus, Kallieneira, Kallienassa, Klymene, Kymodoke, Limnoria, Lysianassa, Maira, Melite, Mycene, Nausithoe, Nemertes, Neomeris, Nesaea, Oreithuia, Pherusa, Phoroneus, Plexaure, Polynome, Pontomedusa, Proto, Psamathe, Sao, Spio, Thetis, Thoe
- Zeus seduces Io
- Zeus turns Io into a cow to conceal her from Hera
- Argus guards Io, the cow
- Hermes kills Argus and rescues the cow Io
- Io, pursued by a gadfly from Hera, comes to the Ionian gulf
- Io is pursued by the gadfly to Scythia
- Io is pursued by the gadfly to the Bosphorus
- Io is pursued by the gadfly to the Cimmerian Lands
- Io is pursued by the gadfly to Illyria
- Io is pursued by the gadfly to Mount Haemus
- Io regains human form and gives birth
- Io finds her son in Syria with the wife of King Byblus
- Io and Telegonus get married
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