Events mentioned in: Apollodorus - Library and Epitome: Library, Book 3
- Amphictyon rules Attica
- Heroes gather in Calydon to fight the boar
- Athamas kills Learchus with an arrow
- Ino kills herself and Melicertes
- Sisyphus tells Asopus that Zeus has abducted Aegina
- Argonauts encounter Phineus on Salmydessus
- The Argonauts punish Phineus
- Zetes and Calais chase the Harpies
- Agenor rules Phoenicia
- Zeus kidnaps Europa
- Poseidon sends up a bull for Minos which Minos promises but fails to sacrifice
- Hercules takes Troy
- Hercules takes Sparta with Cepheus and sons and kills Hippocoon and sons
- Hercules reestablishes Tyndareus as ruler of Sparta
- Hercules impregnates Auge
- Auge gives birth to Telephus and places him in the precinct of Athena
- Auge’s father discovers her baby Telephus in the precinct of Athena
- Baby Telephus is exposed
- Telephus is nursed by a doe
- Auge’s father gives her to Nauplius
- Nauplius gives Auge to Teuthras, they get married
- Europa gives birth to Minos, Sarpedon and Rhadamanthys
- Agenor sends his sons to look for Europa
- Phoenix, unable to find Europa, settles in Phoenicia
- Cilix, unable to find Europa, settles in Cilicia
- Unable to find Europa, Cadmus and Telephassa live in Thrace
- Unable to find Europa, Thasus founds and lives in Thasus
- Asterius marries Europa
- The sons of Europa fight over the affections of the same boy
- Asterius rules Crete
- Miletus founds Miletus
- Sarpedon rules Lycia
- Sarpedon and Cilix become allies
- Rhadamanthys creates laws for Crete
- Rhadamanthys marries Alcmena
- Rhadamanthys and Minos act as judges in Hades
- Minos marries Pasiphae, has children
- Minos rules Crete
- Poseidon makes Pasiphae fall in love with the Cretan Bull
- Daedalus constructs a hollow wooden cow to assist Pasiphae
- Pasiphae has sex with the Cretan Bull
- Daedalus is banished from Athens for murder
- Pasiphae gives birth to the Minotaur
- Minos and Daedalus enclose the Minotaur in the labyrinth
- Daedalus builds the Labyrinth
- Catreus gets an oracle that one of his children will kill him
- Althaemenes learns of the oracle that their father will be killed by his child
- Althaemenes and Apemosyne leave Crete
- Althaemenes founds Cretinia
- Althaemenes founds an altar of Atabyrian Zeus
- Hermes rapes Apemosyne
- Althaemenes murders Apemosyne
- Catreus gives Aerope and Clymene to Nauplius to sell into slavery
- Catreus comes to Rhodes in order to give his kingdom to Althaemenes.
- Althaemenes accidentally kills Catreus
- Althaemenes disappears into a chasm
- Glaucus chases a mouse into a jar of honey and drowns
- Minos gathers diviners to bring Glaucus back to life. Polyidus succeeds
- Minos forces Polyidus to teach divination to Glaucus
- Polyidus makes Glaucus forget the art of divination
- Telephassa dies and is buried by Cadmus
- Cadmus is a guest of the Thracians
- Cadmus consults the Delphic oracle about Europa
- Cadmus journeys through Phocis in search of a cow to follow
- Cadmus follows a cow across Boeotia
- The cow Cadmus is following settles in Thebes
- Cadmus tries to sacrifice the cow he was following to Athena, some of his companions are killed by a dragon in the attempt
- Cadmus kills a dragon and sows its teeth in the ground at Athena’s behest
- The Sparti rise up from the ground, and fight amongst themselves. Many are killed.
- Cadmus serves Ares for a year to make up for the death of most of the Sparti
- Athena gives a kingdom to Cadmus
- Zeus gives Cadmus Harmonia to marry
- Gods attend the wedding of Cadmus and Harmonia
- Zeus has sex with Semele and agrees to grant her any favour
- Hera tricks Semele into asking Zeus to manifest to her as he appears to Hera
- Zeus kills Semele with a thunderbolt
- Zeus sews Dionysus into his thigh to gestate
- Zeus gives birth to Dionysus, gives him to Hermes
- Hermes gives baby Dionysus to Ino and Athamas
- Hera drives Athamas and Ino insane
- Zeus turns Dionysus into a kid
- Hermes brings Dionysus, in kid form, to the Hyades
- Chiron trains Actaeon to be a hunter
- Actaeon is eaten by his dogs
- Actaeon woos Semele
- Actaeon sees Artemis bathing, she transforms him into a deer
- Dionysus discovers the vine
- Hera drives Dionysus insane
- Dionysus wanders through Egypt in his insanity
- Dionysus is hosted by Proteus
- Dionysus wanders through Syria in his insanity
- Rhea cures Dionysus of insanity
- Rhea teaches Dionysus rites of initiation
- Lycurgus is king of the Edonians
- Lycurgus insults and expels Dionysus
- Dionysus takes refuge in the Sea with Thetis
- Lycurgus takes Maenads and Satyrs prisoner
- Dionysus drives Lycurgus insane
- Lycurgus kills his son Dryas while under Dionysus’ influence
- A prophecy require the sacrifice of Lycurgus to restore the fertility of his kingdom’s land
- Lycurgus is sacrificed to Dionysus
- Dionysus wanders through Thrace
- Dionysus wanders through India
- Dionysus arrives in Thebes
- Dionysus compels the women of Thebes to go up Cithaeron
- Pentheus tries to stop Dionysus and his rites
- Agave, under Dionysus’ influence, rips Pentheus to pieces
- The people of Argos fail to worship Dionysus appropriately
- Dionysus drives the women of Argos insane
- The women of Argos eat their babies
- Dionysus hires a pirate ship of Tyrrhenians to take him to Naxos
- The ship Dionysus hired sails past Naxos and heads for Asia instead
- Dionysus turns pirates into dophins
- Dionysus fetches Semele from Hades
- Dionysus and Semele go to heaven
- Cadmus and Harmonia leave Thebes for the Encheleans
- Cadmus and Harmonia lead the Encheleans in their war against the Illyrians
- Cadmus and Harmonia are turned into snakes by Zeus
- Illyrius is born
- Zeus sends Cadmus and Harmonia to the Elysian Fields
- Polydorus becomes king of Thebes
- Polydorus marries Nycteis
- Labdacus born
- Labdacus dies
- Laius inherits rule of Thebes
- Lycus takes over rule of Thebes while Laius is a child
- Pentheus grants Lycus and Nycteus citizenship at Thebes
- Lycus made a general of Thebes
- Lycus killed by Amphion and Zethus
- Zeus has sex with Antiope
- Antiope flees to Sicyon to escape Nycteus’ anger
- Antiope marries Epopeus
- Nycteus instructs Lycus to punish Antiope and Epopeus
- Nycteus kills himself
- Lycus captures the city of Sicyon
- Lycus kills Epopeus
- Lycus takes Antiope captive
- Antiope gives birth to Amphion and Zethus
- Amphion and Zethus are exposed
- Amphion and Zethus are discovered and adopted by a shepherd
- Hermes gives the lyre to Amphion
- Lycus and Dirce imprison Antiope
- Antiope is reunited with Amphion and Zethus
- Amphion and Zethus kill Lycus
- Amphion and Zethus tie Dirce to a bull and throw her into a spring
- Amphion lifts stones with his lyre to help re-found Thebes.
- Amphion and Zethus expel Laius and rule Thebes
- Laius flees to the Peloponnese.
- Laius is warmly received by Pelops
- Laius teaches Chrysippus to drive a chariot
- Laius falls in love with Chrysippus and carries him off.
- Zethus marries Thebe
- Amphion marries Niobe
- Niobe gives birth to seven sons and seven daughters
- Niobe says she is more blessed with children than Leto
- Leto calls upon Apollo and Artemis to defend her honour
- Artemis shoots down Niobe’s daughters
- Apollo shoots down Niobe’s sons
- Amphion and Chloris are the only two of Niobe’s family not killed by Artemis and Apollo
- Chloris married Neleus
- Niobe returns to her father after the slaughter of her children
- Niobe prays to Zeus and is turned into a stone that weeps
- Amphion dies
- Laius regains power after Amphion’s death
- Laius marries Jocasta
- Oracle warns Laius not to have a son, because the son he fathers will kill him
- Laius gets drunk and has sex with Jocasta
- Laius pierces baby Oedipus’ ankles
- A herdsman exposes baby Oedipus per Laius’ instructions
- Herdsmen of Polybus, king of Corinth, find baby Oedipus
- Herdsmen bring baby Oedipus to Periboea, who adopts him
- Periboea raises Oedipus as her own
- Oedipus’ jealous friends call him a bastard
- Periboea refuses to confirm Oedipus’s parentage
- Oedipus receives a prophecy that he will murder his father and marry his mother
- Oedipus leaves Corinth to avoid the prophecy
- Oedipus kills Laius and his herald Polyphontes
- Oedipus arrives at Thebes
- Laius is buried by Damasistratus
- Creon succeeds to power at Thebes
- Hera sends the Sphinx to Thebes
- Sphinx learns a riddle from the Muses
- Sphinx asks her riddle of the Thebans, eating those who give the wrong answer
- Oracle tells Thebans they will be free of the Sphinx when they solve her riddle
- Haemon dies answering the Sphinx incorrectly
- Creon offers Jocasta and the kingdom to the whoever solves the riddle of the Sphinx
- Oedipus solves the riddle of the Sphinx
- Sphinx throws herself from the citadel
- Oedipus becomes king of Thebes
- Oedipus unwittingly marries his mother, Jocasta
- Polynices, Eteocles, Ismene and Antigone are born to Oedipus and Jocasta
- Oedipus discovers that he is the son of Laius and Jocasta
- Jocasta hangs herself
- Oedipus is driven from Thebes by his sons
- Oedipus stabs out his eyes
- Oedipus curses his sons
- Oedipus and Antigone arrive at Colonus
- Oedipus is a suppliant at the Precinct of the Eumenides
- Theseus hosts Oedipus
- Oedipus dies
- Eteocles and Polynices agree to annually alternate rule of Thebes
- Eteocles refuses to return power to Polynices
- Polynices arrives at Argos in possession of the robe and necklace of Harmonia
- Adrastus breaks up fight between Polynices and Tydeus
- A seer tells Adrastus to yoke his daughters to the boar and the lion
- Polynices and Tydeus marry Adrastus’ daughters Deiphyle and Argia
- Tydeus marries Deipyle
- Polynices marries Argia
- Adrastus promises Polynices and Tydeus that he will regain their lands
- Adrastus marches on Thebes
- Tydeus fled from Calydon
- Amphiaraus foresees that all of the Seven against Thebes except Adrastus will die
- Polynices asks the seer Iphis how to compel Amphiaraus to join the expedition
- Iphis tells Polynices to give Eriphyle the necklace of Harmonia
- Amphiaraus forbids Eriphyle to accept gifts from Polynices
- Polynices begs Eriphyle to convince Amphiaraus to go to war
- Amphiaraus swears to let Eriphyle resolve a future dispute between him and Adrastus
- Eriphyle persuades Amphiaraus to go to war
- Amphiaraus instructs his sons to kill Eriphyle and march on Thebes they grow up
- Adrastus musters an army and the Seven against Thebes
- Seven against Thebes stop for water at Nemea
- Hypsipyle leads the Seven against Thebes to a spring
- Hypsiple leaves the infant Opheltes unattended
- Lemnian women learn that Thoas had been saved
- Lemnian women kill Thoas and sell Hypsipyle into slavery
- Hypsipyle becomes servant of Lycurgus
- Opheltes is killed by a serpent while Hypsipyle is out
- Adrastus and the Seven against Thebes kill a serpent and bury Opheltes
- Amphiaraus declares that the killing of Opheltes by the snake was an omen
- Opheltes is given the name Archemorus
- Nemean games are celebrated in honor of Opheltes
- Adrastus wins the horse race at the Nemean games
- Eteoclus wins the footrace at the Nemean games
- Tydeus wins the boxing match at the Nemean games
- Amphiaraus wins the leaping and discus-throwing event at the Nemean games
- Laodocus wins the javelin throwing at the Nemean games
- Polynices wins the wrestling event at the Nemean games
- Parthenopaeus wins the archery event at the Nemean games
- Seven against Thebes arrive at Cithaeron
- Tydeus is sent to tell Eteocles to cede Thebes to Polynices
- Eteocles refuses Tydeus’ request to return Thebes to Polynices
- Tydeus challenges Thebans to single combat and beats all he faces
- Thebans send 50 men to ambush Tydeus
- Tydeus kills all of the Thebans who ambush him except Maeon
- Tydeus arrives safely back at camp on Cithaeron
- Seven against Thebes approach the walls of Thebes
- Adrastus goes to the Homoloidian gate
- Capaneus goes to the Ogygian gate
- Amphiaraus goes to the Proetidian gate
- Hippomedon goes to the Oncaidian gate
- Polynices goes to the Hypsistan gate
- Parthenopaeus goes to the Electran gate
- Tydeus goes to the Crenidian gate
- Eteocles arms the Thebans and assigns a leader to each gate
- Eteocles consults seers to learn how the Thebans might win the war
- Tiresias is blinded for revealing the secrets of the gods to mortals
- Chariclo covers Tiresias’ eyes when he saw Athena naked and blinds him
- Athena gives Tiresias the ability to understand the birds and a special staff
- Tiresias is turned into a woman when he sees snakes copulating
- Tiresias is turned back into a man
- Hera and Zeus consult Tiresias about whether men or women enjoy sex more
- Tiresias says women enjoy sex more than men
- Hera blinds Tiresias
- Zeus gives Tiresias the gift of prophecy
- Thebans consult Tiresias about the war
- Tiresias says the Thebans will be victorious if Menoeceus is sacrificed
- Menoeceus kills himself before the gates of Thebes
- The Thebans are chased back to the walls
- Capaneus climbs the walls of Thebes
- Zeus strikes Capaneus down with a thunderbolt
- Eteocles and Polynices kill each other
- Ismarus kills Hippomedon
- Leades kills Eteoclus
- Parthenopaeus is killed
- Athena brings Tydeus medicine to make him immortal
- Amphiaraus cuts off Melanippus’ head and gives it to Tydeus
- Tydeus eats Melanippus’ brains
- Athena withholds the immortality potion from Tydeus
- Amphiaraus flees from Periclymenus, is made immortal by Zeus
- Adrastus is saved by his horse Arion
- Creon gives orders that Polynices and those who fought with him remain unburied
- Antigone steals the body of Polynices and secretly buries him
- Creon has Antigone buried alive
- Creon discovers Antigone burying Polynices
- Adrastus takes refuge at the Altar of Mercy in Athens
- Theseus and the Athenians capture Thebes
- Evadne throws herself on her husband Capaneus’ funeral pyre
- Laodamas kills Aegialeus
- The Thebans flee from Thebes
- Tiresias advises the Thebans in their conflict with the Argives
- The Thebans send a herald to make a treaty with the Argives
- The Thebans found and live in Hestiaea
- The Argives sack Thebes
- The Argives send Manto and some spoils from the sack of Thebes to Delphi
- Manto and spoils from Thebes are dedicated to Apollo at Delphi
- Eriphyle receives a robe from Thersander
- Eriphyle persuades her sons to go to war
- Alcmaeon kills Laodamas
- Tiresias drinks from the stream Tilphussa and dies
- Alcmaeon kills Eriphyle in accordance with oracle from Apollo
- Alcmaeon is visited by the Fury of his mother’s murder
- Alcmaeon visits Oicles
- Phegeus purifies Alcmaeon
- Alcmaeon marries Arsinoe and gives her his mother’s necklace and robe
- Alcmaeon visits Oeneus
- Alcmaeon goes to the Thesprotians
- Alcmaeon goes to the Springs of Achelous, is purified by him
- Alcmaeon marries Callirhoe
- Alcmaeon told by an oracle to go to Achelous for another trial
- Alcmaeon joins the Epigoni’s army and is made their leader
- Callirrhoe becomes jealous of Arsinoe, wants Alcmaeon’s necklace and robe
- Phegeus is tricked into giving Alcmaeon the necklace and robe
- Phegeus orders his sons to ambush Alcmaeon
- Sons of Phegeus kill Alcmaeon
- Sons of Phegeus kidnap their sister and put her in a chest
- Sons of Phegeus give Arsinoe as a slave to Agapenor, accusing her of the murder of Alcmaeon
- Callirhoe asks Zeus to make her sons into adults
- Zeus makes the sons of Alcmaeon into adults
- The sons of Alcmaeon kill Phegeus and his wife
- The sons of Alcmaeon are saved from the pursuing Psophians
- Sons of Alcmaeon inform Callirrhoe that they avenged their father’s death
- Sons of Alcmaeon dedicate the robe and necklace
- Sons of Alcmaeon collect settlers to colonize Acarnania
- Alcmaeon brings his children to Creon to raise
- Alcmaeon returns to collect his son from Creon
- Amphilocus colonizes Amphilocian Argos
- Tisiphone is sold into slavery by Creon’s jealous wife
- Zeus comes to the Sons of Lycaon in disguise
- Zeus kills Lycaon and his sons
- Gaia prevents Zeus from killing Nyctimus
- The Sons of Lycaon offer Zeus the flesh of a murdered child as food
- Zeus rapes Callisto
- Zeus turns Callisto into a bear to hide her from Hera
- Hera persuades Artemis to kill Callisto
- Artemis kills Callisto
- Zeus recovers baby Arcas from Callisto’s corpse
- Zeus gives Arcas to Maia to raise
- Zeus turns Callisto into a constellation
- Nyctimus comes to power in Arcadia
- Telephus is raised by herders
- Telephus consults the oracle at Delphi about his parentage
- Telephus becomes the adopted son of Teuthras
- Telephus succeeds to the throne of Mysia after Teuthras’ death
- Hermes steals Apollo’s cattle
- Hermes hides Apollo’s cattle in a cave
- Hermes sacrifices some of Apollo’s cattle
- Zeus has sex with Maia
- Maia gives birth to Hermes
- Hermes, as a newborn, wanders away from his mother
- Atalanta is exposed by her father
- Atalanta kills Rhoecus and Hylaeus when they try to rape her
- Atalanta finds her parents
- Atalanta races her suitors, killing those who are unable to defeat her
- Aphrodite gives Melanion golden apples
- Melanion defeats Atalanta
- Atalanta marries Melanion
- Atalanta and Melanion are changed into lions while having sex
- Hermes invents the lyre using a tortoise shell
- Apollo discovers his missing cattle
- Apollo accuses Hermes of taking his cows;Hermes denies it
- Apollo accuses Hermes of cattle theft before Zeus
- Hermes returns Apollo’s cattle to him
- Apollo trades his cows for Hermes’ lyre
- The Dioscuri carry off and marry the daughters of Leucippus
- Apollo spends time as Admetus’ servant
- Birth of the Seven Sisters, the Pleiades
- Theseus kidnaps Helen
- Paris carries off Helen
- The Greeks land at Troy
- Philoctetes kills Paris
- Castor and Pollux take Helen and Aethra
- Greek kings compete to marry Helen
- Odysseus suggests that Tyndareus require the suitors of Helen swear an oath to protect Helen’s marriage
- Tyndareus agrees to help Odysseus acquire Penelope as a bride
- Tyndareus makes the suitors of Helen swear an oath to protect Helen’s marriage
- Tyndareus chooses Menelaus as Helen’s bridegroom
- Tyndareus asks Icarius to give Penelope to Odysseus
- Iasion tries to rape Demeter
- Iasion is killed by a thunderbolt
- Dardanus leaves Samothrace
- Castor and Pollux steal cattle
- Idas divides stolen cattle unfairly
- Idas and Lynceus take their stolen cattle to Messene
- Castor and Pollux ambush Idas and Lynceus
- The Dioscori march against Messene
- Idas kills Castor
- Pollux chases Idas and Lynceus
- Pollux kills Lynceus
- Zeus kills Idas with a thunderbolt
- Zeus carries Pollux up to Heaven
- Pollux chooses to share his immortality with Castor
- Zeus permits the Dioscuri to live alternately among the gods and mortals
- Tyndareus gives Menelaus the kingdom of Sparta
- Teucer gives Dardanus his daughter Batia and a share of his land
- Dardanus founds his city, Dardanus, in Teucer’s land and names the country Dardania
- Dardanus arrives in Teucer’s country on the mainland
- Eos abducts Tithonus
- Eos brings Tithonus to Ethiopia
- Erichthonius succeeds Ilus as ruler of Dardania
- Tros calls Dardania Troy
- Zeus abducts Ganymede
- Zeus makes Ganymede his cupbearer
- Aphrodite and Anchises have sex
- Aphrodite gives birth to Aeneas
- Ilus goes to Phrygia
- Ilus wins 50 young men, 50 young women and a cow in a wrestling contest
- Ilus is instructed to found a city wherever his cow lies down
- Ilus builds Ilium where the cow lies down at the Phrygian Ate
- Ilus prays to Zeus for a sign
- Ilus finds the Palladium outside his tent
- Athena raised with Pallas by Triton
- Athena and Pallas train together for war
- Athena accidentally kills Pallas
- Athena makes a simulacrum of Pallas
- Athena sets up the Palladium beside Zeus
- Ilus builds a temple for the Palladium
- Electra takes refuge at the Palladium
- Zeus throws the Palladium into the Ilian Country
- Priam becomes king of Troy
- Aesacus transforms into a bird
- Priam gives Arisbe to Hyrtacus
- Priam marries Hecuba
- Hecuba gives birth to Hector
- Hecuba has a prophetic dream about the fall of Troy while pregnant with Paris
- Priam consults with Aesacus, a seer, who advises that the infant Paris be exposed
- Merops teaches Aesacus to interpret dreams
- Priam orders Agelaus to expose Paris on Ida
- Agelaus exposes Paris on Mount Ida
- Paris is nursed by a bear
- Agelaus rescues baby Paris
- Agelaus raises Paris as his son
- Paris fights off robbers and defends his flocks
- Paris discovers his parents
- Apollo offers to teach Cassandra the art of prophecy in return for sex
- Cassandra learns the art of prophecy
- Apollo makes it so nobody believes Cassandra’s prophesies
- Rhea teaches Oenone the art of prophecy
- Oenone warns Paris against sailing to fetch Helen
- Oenone tells Paris to return to her if wounded
- Philoctetes shoots Paris
- Oenone refuses to heal Paris
- Paris dies in Troy
- Oenone brings medicine for Paris
- Oenone hangs herself
- Pelops makes war against Stymphalus
- Greece is beset with famine
- Aeacus kills Stymphalus and mutilates his body
- Oracles declare that Aeacus can save Greece from its misfortune if he prays
- Aeacus saves Greece from the famine
- Aeacus is the keeper of Hades’ keys
- Phocus’ brothers plot against him
- Telamon kills Phocus
- Telamon and Peleus and hide Phocus’ body
- Aeacus expels Peleus and Telamon from Aegina
- Peleus arrives at the court of Eurytion
- Eurytion purifies Peleus of murder
- Eurytion gives Peleus Antigone and part of his kingdom
- Telamon goes to Salamis to the court of Cychreus
- Cychreus becomes king of Salamis
- Cychreus kills the snake attacking Salamis
- Cychreus bequeaths his kingdom to Telamon
- Telamon marries Periboea and has a son
- As Hercules prays that Telamon has a male child, an eagle appears
- Telamon gets Hesione as a prize
- Peleus unintentionally kills Eurytion
- Peleus leaves Phthia
- Acastus purifies Peleus
- Peleus competes with Atalanta in wrestling
- Astydamia falls in love with Peleus
- Astydamia requests a meeting with Peleus
- Peleus refuses to meet Astydamia
- Astydamia sends a message to Antigone telling her that Peleus is about to marry Acastus’ daughter Sterope
- Antigone kills herself
- Astydamia tells Acastus that Peleus attempted to seduce her
- Acastus takes Peleus to hunt on Mount Pelion
- Acastus abandons a sleeping Peleus and hides his sword
- Peleus is attacked by Centaurs
- Chiron saves Peleus from the Centaurs
- Zeus and Poseidon compete for Thetis’s hand in marriage
- There is a prediction made that the son of Thetis will be mightier than his father
- Thetis refuses to have sex with Zeus
- Hera raises Thetis
- Peleus abducts Thetis
- Chiron advises Peleus on how to capture Thetis
- Peleus marries Thetis
- Chiron gives Peleus an ash spear
- Poseidon gives Peleus immortal horses, Balius and Xanthus
- Achilles is born
- Thetis hides the baby Achilles from Peleus
- Peleus discovers Thetis putting baby Achilles in a fire
- Thetis leaves Peleus and goes to live with the Nereids
- Peleus gives Achilles over to Chiron’s care
- Peleus sacks Iolcus with Jason and the Dioscuri
- Peleus kills Astydamia
- Calchas declares that Troy cannot be taken without Achilles
- Thetis disguises Achilles in female clothing and sends him to Lycomedes’ household
- Achilles grows up at Lycomedes’s court
- Neoptolemus is born to Achilles and Deidamia
- Odysseus tricks Achilles, disguised as a young women, into breaking character
- Cecrops names the country of Acte Cecropia
- The gods take possession of cities in which each of them receives his own particular worship
- Poseidon creates the sea of Erechtheis on the Acropolis
- Athena plants an olive tree on the Acropolis
- Athena and Poseidon compete to be the Patron deity of Attica
- Athena and Poseidon’s dispute over possession of Attica is adjudicated
- Athens is awarded to Athena, rather than Poseidon
- Poseidon floods Attica
- Ares kills Halirrhothius as Hallirrhothius attempts to rape Alcippe
- Accused by Poseidon, Ares is tried in the Areopagus before the twelve gods, and is acquitted
- Themis prophesies that Thetis’s son will be mightier than his father
- Eos abducts Cephalus
- Eos bears a son to Cephalus
- Sandocus leaves Syria
- Sandocus founds Celenderis
- Cinyras founds Paphos
- Orsedice, Laogore, and Braesia, induced by Aphrodite’s wrath to become prostitutes, have sex with foreigners
- Orsedice, Laogore, and Braesia die in Egypt
- Smyrna tricks Thias into having sex with her
- Thias tries to kill Smyrna
- Smyrna is transformed into a myrrh tree
- Smyrna, in the form of a tree, gives birth to Adonis
- Aphrodite gives Adonis to Persephone to care for
- Persephone refuses to give Adonis back to Aphrodite
- Zeus divides Adonis’s year by thirds
- Adonis chooses to live two-thirds of the year with Aphrodite
- Cranaus rules Attica
- Cranaus names Attica after his daughter Atthis
- Amphictyon expels Cranaus from Attica
- Athena goes to Hephaestus to ask for a new set of arms
- Hephaestus tries to rape Athena after she denies him
- Hephaestus’s ejaculate lands on Athena’s leg
- Erichthonius is born from Hephaestus’ ejaculate wiped from Athena’s leg
- Athena raises Erichtonius in secret
- Athena shuts Erichthonius in a chest
- Athena gives Pandrosus a chest in which Erichthonius is enclosed
- Pandrosus’ sisters open Athena’s chest
- Erichthonius expels Amphictyon from Attica
- Erichthonius rules Attica
- Erichthonius sets up the wooden image of Athena in the acropolis and starts the festival of Panathenaea
- Hephaestus falls in love with Athena after being refused by Aphrodite
- When Erichthonius dies and is buried in the same precinct of Athena, Pandion becomes king
- Demeter and Dionysus come to Attica
- Demeter is welcomed to Attica by Celeus at Eleusis
- Dionysus gives Icarius the gift of a vine branch
- Icarius is killed by the shepherds after giving them wine
- Erigone discovers her father’s burial by the help of his dog
- Pandion gets involved in a war against Labdacus
- Pandion wins the war against Labdacus with Tereus’ help
- Pandion gives Tereus his daughter Procne
- Tereus falls in love with Philomela
- Tereus seduces Philomela by saying that Procne is dead
- Tereus marries Philomela
- Tereus rapes Philomela and cuts out her tongue
- Philomela communicates with Procne by weaving the story into a cloth
- Procne kills Itys and serves his flesh to Tereus
- Tereus, realizing what happened, chases Procne and Philomela
- Procne and Philomela get caught in Daulia and pray to the gods to be turned into birds
- Procne becomes a nightingale, Philomela a swallow and Tereus a hoopoe
- When Pandion dies, Erechtheus inherits the kingdom
- When Pandion dies, Butes inherits the priesthood of Athena and Poseidon
- Boreas carries off Orithyia and has sex with her
- Procris has sex with Pteleon in return for a golden crown
- Cephalus catches Procris and Pteleon in bed
- Procris flees to Minos
- Minos falls in love with Procris and urges her to have sex with him
- Minos gets punished by Pasiphae with a spell for having sex with so many women
- Pasiphae’s spell causes Minos to ejaculate wild beasts whenever he attempts intercourse, killing his partners
- Procris gives Minos the Circaean root drink to protect herself from the effects of Pasiphae’s spell
- Procris has sex with Minos to get his fast dog and javelin
- Procris, fearing Minos’s wife, returns to Athens
- Procris accompanies Cephalus on a hunt
- Procris gets hit by Cephalus’s javelin while chasing a beast and dies
- Cephalus is tried for killing Procris and is condemned to perpetual exile
- Zetes and Calais die while chasing the Harpies
- Hercules kills Zetes and Calais
- Idaea lies and tells Phineus that her stepsons seduced her
- Phineus blinds his sons
- Chione has sex with Poseidon and gives birth to Eumolpus in secret from her father
- Chione throws Eumolpus into the sea to escape discovery
- Poseidon, recovering Eumolpus, takes him to Ethiopia
- Poseidon entrusts Eumolpus to Benthesicyme to bring up
- When Eumolpus grows up, Benthesicyme’s husband gives him one of their two daughters as a wife
- Eumolpus tries to rape his wife’s sister and is exiled
- Eumolpus goes to Tegyrius with his son
- Tegyrius offers his daughter to Eumolpus’s son
- Eumolpus plots against Tegyrius and is discovered
- Eumolpus flees to the Eleusinians and becomes friends with them
- Upon Ismarus’s death, Eumolpus goes back to Tegyrios
- Eumolpus resolves his conflicts with Tegyrius
- Eumolpus succeeds Tegyrius on the throne
- The Eleusinians ask Eumolpus’s help in war with the Athenians
- Eumolpus and his large force of Thracians ally with the Eleusinians and fight the Athenians
- Erechtheus consults the oracle about how the Athenians should achieve victory
- The god tells Erechtheus to slaughter one of his daughters for victory of the Athenians
- When Erechtheus slaughters his youngest daughter, his other daughters kill themselves in accordance with their oath
- Erechtheus kills Eumolpus in battle
- Poseidon destroys Erechtheus and his house
- Cecrops, the eldest son of Erechtheus, succeeds to the throne
- Pandion, reigning after Cecrops, is expelled by Metion’s sons
- Pandion goes to Pylas
- Pylas kills his uncle and gives the kingdom to Pandion
- Pylas goes to Pelopponnese and founds the city of Pylus
- After Pandion’s death, his sons march against Athens
- Pandion’s sons expel the Metionids from Athens
- Pandion’s sons divide the kingdom of Athens into four
- Aegeus takes over all the Athenian territory
- Aegeus, fearing his brothers, goes to Pythia to consult the oracle about having a male child
- Aegeus, puzzled by an oracle, sets out for Athens
- Aegeus visits Pittheus on his way to Athens
- Pittheus, understanding the oracle which puzzled Aegeus, makes Aegeus drunk and gets him to have sex with his daughter
- Poseidon and Aegeus have sex with Aethra on the same night
- Aegeus tells Aethra that if she gives birth to a male child, she should rear it
- Aegeus leaves a sword and sandals under a heavy rock
- Aegeus tells Aethra to send away the boy when he grows old enough to roll away the rock and take the sword and sandals
- Aegeus returns to Athens
- Androgeus wins the games at the Panathenian festival
- Aegeus sends Androgeus against the bull of Marathon, which kills him
- Androgeus is murdered by his competitors in the games in honor of Laius
- Minos learns about the death of Androgeus while sacrificing to the Charites
- Minos throws away the garland from his head and stops the music of the flute as he continues the sacrifice
- Aegeus attacks Athens with his fleet
- Aegeus captures Megara by defeating Nisus
- Aegeus kills Megareus
- Nisus has a purple lock of hair that protects him
- Scylla falls in love with Minos
- Scylla kills Nisus by pulling out his purple hair
- Besieging Megara, Minos drowns Scylla by tying her feet to the stern of the ship
- As the war continues, Minos prays to Zeus to capture Athens
- As plague and famine hit Athens, the Athenians, following an ancient oracle, slaughter the daughters of Hyacinth on the grave of Geraestus
- Hyacinth of Lacedaemon lives in Athens
- The Athenians ask the oracle for a solution to the plague and famine
- Zeus tells the Athenians to give Minos whatever he wants
- Minos demands a tribute of seven boys and girls from Athens to be sent annually to the Minotaur
- Minotaur lives in a labyrinth constructed by Daedalus
- Daedalus sees Talos sawing a thin stick with a snake’s jawbone
- Daedalus throws Talos down the acropolis fearing that he might surpass him
- Daedalus flees from Athens
- Daedalus is tried and condemned after Talos’s corpse is discovered
- Daedalus goes to Minos
- Aethra gives birth to Theseus
- Theseus pushes away the rock and takes up the sandals and the sword left by his father
- Theseus clears bandits off the road to Athens
- Theseus kills Periphetes the Clubman and takes his club
- Sinis the pinebender forces travelers to help him bend pine trees to the ground and then unexpectedly let go, catapulting the victim through the air
- Periphetes, lame in one leg, carries an iron club to hit the passers-by
- Theseus kills Sinis the Pine-bender in the way he killed the passers-by
- Apollo accidentally kills Hyacinth
- Proteus rules Egypt
- Dionysus hastens through Thrace against the Indians
- Lycus and Nycteus fled Euboea for killing Phlegyas
- Lycus and Nycteus move to Hyria
- Damasistratus rules Plataea
- Hermes trades his pipe to Apollo
- Zeus appoints Hermes herald of the gods
- Apollo rapes Coronis
- Coronis takes Ischys as her lover
- Apollo curses the raven
- Apollo kills Coronis
- Apollo takes the baby Aesculapius from Coronis’ pyre
- Apollo brings Aesculapius to Chiron to raise
- Chiron teaches Aesculapius medicine
- Athena gives Aesculapius Gorgon blood
- Aesculapius raises Capaneus from the dead
- Aesculapius raises Lycurgus from the dead
- Aesculapius raises Hippolytus from the dead
- Aesculapius raises Tyndareus from the dead
- Aesculapius raises Hymenaeus from the dead
- Aesculapius raises Glaucus from the dead
- Zeus kills Aesculapius with a thunderbolt
- Apollo kills the Cyclopes
- Leto intercedes with Zeus on Apollo’s behalf
- Hippocoon and sons expel Icarius and Tyndareus from Sparta
- Leda has sex with Zeus and Tyndareus on the same night
- Leda bears Pollux and Helen to Zeus and Castor and Clytaemnestra to Tyndareus
- Zeus rapes Nemesis
- Nemesis lays an egg
- A shepherd brings Nemesis’ egg to Leda
- Helen hatches from an egg
- Theseus brings Helen to Aphidnae
- Zeus hits Asopus with thunderbolts
- Asopus returns to his river-bed
- Zeus has sex with Aegina
- Aegina gives birth to Aeacus
- Zeus transforms ants into men
- Psamanthe turns into a seal to avoid having sex with Aeacus
- Psamanthe gives birth to Phocus
- Phoenix accompanies Achilles at Troy
- Amyntor blinds Phoenix
- Phthia accuses Phoenix of rape
- Chiron restores Phoenix’ vision
- Peleus makes Phoenix the king of the Dolopians
- Patroclus accompanies Achilles at Troy
- Patroclus kills Clitonymus
- Patroclus and his father take refuge in Peleus’ household
- Patroclus becomes Achilles’ friend
- Adonis is gored by a boar while hunting and dies
- The sisters of Pandrosus are destroyed by the serpent in Erichthonius’ chest
- The sisters of Pandrosus are driven mad by Athena and throw themselves from the Acropolis
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