A participant in the Calydonian Boar Hunt, also an Argonaut. Teaches Hercules to fence. One of the Dioscuri.
Leda (mother)
Aeacus, Aethlius, Aglaia, Amphion, Aphrodite, Apollo, Arcas, Ares, Argus, Artemis, Asopus, Ate, Athena, Atropus, Atymnius, Calliope, Clio, Clotho, Clytaemnestra, Corinthus, Dardanus, Dike, Dionysus, Eirene, Endymion, Epaphus, Erato, Eunomia, Euphrosyne, Euterpe, Hebe, Helen, Hellen, Hephaestus, Hercules, Hermes, Iasion, Ilithyia, Lacedaemon, Lachesis, Megarus, Melpomene, Minos, Pan, Pelasgus, Persephone, Perseus, Phylonoe, Pollux, Polymnia, Rhadamanthys, Sarpedon, Targitaüs, Terpsichore, Thalia, Thalia, Timandra, Tityus, Urania, Zethus
- Castor and Pollux set out for the Calydonian Boar Hunt
- Heroes gather in Calydon to fight the boar
- Crew of the Argo assembles
- Hercules taught to fence
- The Dioscuri carry off and marry the daughters of Leucippus
- Castor and Pollux take Helen and Aethra
- Castor and Pollux steal cattle
- Castor and Pollux ambush Idas and Lynceus
- The Dioscori march against Messene
- Idas kills Castor
- Pollux chooses to share his immortality with Castor
- Zeus permits the Dioscuri to live alternately among the gods and mortals
- Peleus sacks Iolcus with Jason and the Dioscuri
- Leda bears Pollux and Helen to Zeus and Castor and Clytaemnestra to Tyndareus
- Apollodorus - Library and Epitome: Library, Section 8.2
- Apollodorus - Library and Epitome: Library, Section 9.16
- Apollodorus - Library and Epitome: Library, Section 4.9
- Apollodorus - Library and Epitome: Library, Section 10.7
- Apollodorus - Library and Epitome: Library, Section 11.2
- Homer - The Iliad: Scroll 3, Section 228
- Pausanias - Description of Greece: Book 3, Section 12.8
- Pausanias - Description of Greece: Book 3, Section 13.1
- Pausanias - Description of Greece: Book 3, Section 21.9
- Pausanias - Description of Greece: Book 3, Section 24.7
- Pausanias - Description of Greece: Book 8, Section 2.4
- Pausanias - Description of Greece: Book 8, Section 45.7
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