Ignacio Montero Ruiz

Dr. Montero is currently responsible for the information generated since 1982 by the Iberian Peninsula Archeometallurgy Project, which has more than 25,000 elemental analyzes by XRF and over a thousand lead isotope analyzes, the data generated by the project is a mandatory reference in the field of Archaeometallurgical research.

He has also participated in research management activities including serving as Deputy Director of the CSIC Institute of History between April 2011 to October 2016 and again from September 2018 to December 2018. He is currently deputy coordinator of the CSIC global area of Society and the Head of the Materials Archeometry Laboratory (LAM) at the Institute of History (CSIC), a position he has held since 2008. He has organized National and International Congresses (VII Iberian Congress of Archeometry, Madrid 2007; TESME, Madrid 2009, Archaeometallurgy in Europe IV, Madrid 2015) and participates in the editorial teams of Scientific Journals, including Trabajos de Prehistoria (served as Director for 8 years) which is the main Spanish journal of Prehistory and Archeology.

He is a corresponding member of the German Archaeological Institute and Honorary Senior Lecturer at the UCL Institute of Archeology (09-01-2017 / 08/31/2019)
