Christie, William Joseph
This individual participated in:
- 1874 as a representative for
Indian Commissioner, Esquire
Commissaire des Indiens
Treaty # 4. Location: Qu'Appelle.
- 1874
Indian Commissioner
Commissaire des Indiens
Treaty # 4. Location: Fort Ellice.
- 1875
Indian Commissioner
Commissaire des Indiens
Treaty # 4. Location: Qu'Appelle Lakes.
- 1875
Ind. Comr.
Treaty # 4. Location: Qu'Appelle Lakes.
- 1875
Indian Comr.
Treaty # 4. Location: Swan Lake.
- 1876
Indian Commissioner
Commissaire des Indiens
Treaty # 6. Location: or near Fort Carlton.
- 1876
Indian Commr
Treaty # 6. Location: signed near Fort Pitt.
Number of times this person appears in the documents:
Debates and documents
Alexander Morris's narrative of numbered Treaty negotiations
Treaty texts