Contacted the print shop, gave them last time's invoice number and they generated a new quote for me including the spine width for the number of pages this time. Did one iteration of the cover, then found an error in one of the articles which affected the title, so had to regenerate the TOC and build the new one into the cover. Should be good to go now, unless there are pagination changes. Also fixed a bug in programming which was neglecting to include the bio for the editor, who also has an article in there so needs to be included.
Did all the remaining volume 25 corrections; only two questions remain outstanding as far as I can tell, on the Teitelbaum article. Also ran through all the title glosses in volumes 25, 26 and 27 to set them to sentence case, per Chicago.
Entered JC's corrections. Three questions outstanding with author/editors.
Went through the latest. A couple of questions still outstanding.
Did the first four batches of corrections from HT for vol 25. There are outstanding questions for the guest editor throughout, though.
Finished the last article, encoded the editor's intro, and published for proofing. Rebuilt the PDF with new doc order and last doc included, and sent to HT.
Did the bibliography and a few pages of the content. Going steadily.
Went through my TODO folder checking and removing obsolete stuff; started on some corrections to Kress, but hit some issues so contacted DG; then the final vol 25 article came in, so I did the word-processor work on it, and set up the initial framework file.
Finished this article mainly to ensure that we keep moving forward, but partly to check that it's possible to install/configure/use the FO converter outside my desktop, and that I can build a new XAR remotely if I need to. (I wouldn't risk uploading a XAR from outside UVic, though.)
This one is really messy so far; very short bibliography, but it's all over the place so it's taken me hours, and I still have lots of missing info and questions outstanding. :-(