Did it all in one go to get it out of the way. Rebuilt everything and pushed to the server. Now I just have to go through my remaining TODOs to see if anything is left outstanding. 180 minutes.
After DG revealed that he had sent me the wrong version of an article for encoding, I have to start again with it. I've prepped the word-processor doc, done the bibliography, and started into the first section. 60 minutes.
In the process, wrote and tweaked more Schematron, and fixed things it found in other articles. There are about seven outstanding questions, but we can go to press without answers to them if necessary. 120 minutes.
In the process I've written a few more Schematron rules and fixed all the fallout resulting from them in other articles for this issue. Things are tightening up. 140 minutes.
It still needs a French version of the author's short affiliation, which wasn't supplied. 40 minutes.
One question on alphabetization outstanding. 60 minutes.
Implemented the new category "preface" for documents that should be processed as though they were articles, but shouldn't be preceded by an Articles page. Seems to be working OK. Then did SH corrections, all except for the references (which will be a lot of work too). 180 minutes.
It's a bit slow because of lots of footnotes with links to page refs in other articles. 90 minutes.
This is the last one to be encoded. I've done some automated stuff in the ODT document and encoded the references; just the article and footnotes to do. 90 minutes.
This volume is unusual in having many translators, most of whom need to be credited in the contributor list. I've devised a setup whereby their bio information goes into the notesStmt of the volume document, and is harvested from there into the contributor list. 60 minutes.