
Legislative Assembly of Prince Edward Island, 23 February 1871, Prince Edward Island Confederation with Canada.

[Mr. McNEILL] Confederation had been discussed in the same manner, and before that question had been before the people, they pronounced against it ; the consequence was there was not now an avowed Confederate in the House. It was probable that the people would oppose the Railway Question just as strongly as they had opposed Confederation ; and if they did so, he believed the Government would not carry out the scheme without their consent.
Hon. B. DAVIES.β€”It will require an addition of eight per cent to our present tariff to provide for the interest on the cost of the raiIway, and that is only the commencement. How are Souris and St. Peter's to get branch lines, supposing the trunk line is constructed. We find it difficult to keep up our present roads and bridges, and we shall get so much in debt that I fear our liberties may be lost. This scheme is intended to pave the way to Confederation; for, once let Our tariff be as high as that of Canada, no voice will be raised against our union with that country.
[Mr. Lefurgy] I am glad to think that this matter has been brought under our notice, but cannot see what possible connection can be traced between it and Confederation. I have been called a Confederate,for what reason I know not,nnless it be that I am in the habit of buying flour from some of the Canadians. I do not think that the Government has any idea of bringing us into Confederation by building a railway .


The Parliamentary Reporter of Debates and Proceedings of the House of Assembly. Charlottetown: The Examiner, 1871-1872. Microfilm copies provided by the Prince Edward Island Libraries and Archives.



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