unit zipmasterfunc; { [ZipMasterFunc] [1.1] Delphi 2005 January 2007 LICENSE The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at "http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/" Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. The Original Code is "[IMTDocument.pas]". The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Martin Holmes (Victoria, BC, Canada, "http://www.mholmes.com/"). Copyright (C) 2007 Martin Holmes and the University of Victoria Computing and Media Centre. The code was co-developed for university and personal projects, and rights are shared by Martin Holmes and the University of Victoria. All Rights Reserved. } { Written by Martin Holmes, January 2007. This unit is just a convenient location to keep other components related to zip package creation (TZipMaster, a save dialog box, and some labels with UI messages). The form itself is never shown. When a zip operation takes place, a progress form is shown (udlgZipProgress, in zipprogress). This unit is based on code I originally wrote for the TZipForge commercial component, which can't be used in OS projects. TZipMaster is OS (Lesser GNU). Code in handlers is based on simple demo code from the TZipMaster docs. Dependencies: JEDI Code Library (JCL): Project JEDI Team zipprogress TZipMaster (http://www.delphizip.org) TntUnicodeComponents (Troy Wolbrink) } interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, TntForms, zipprogress, ZipMstr, TntDialogs, StdCtrls, TntStdCtrls, TntSysUtils, jclUnicode, TntClasses; type TufrmZipMasterFunc = class(TTntForm) umsgOpenZipFile: TTntLabel; umsgFailedToCreateZipFile: TTntLabel; udlgSaveZip: TTntSaveDialog; Archiver: TZipMaster; procedure ArchiverTotalProgress(Sender: TObject; TotalSize: Int64; PerCent: Integer); procedure ArchiverItemProgress(Sender: TObject; Item: string; TotalSize: Cardinal; PerCent: Integer); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } OperationCompleted: Boolean; function ZipFiles(TheFiles: TTntStringList; ZipFileName: WideString): Boolean; end; var ufrmZipMasterFunc: TufrmZipMasterFunc; implementation {$R *.DFM} procedure TufrmZipMasterFunc.ArchiverItemProgress(Sender: TObject; Item: string; TotalSize: Cardinal; PerCent: Integer); begin if PerCent = 0 then // reduces flashing udlgZipProgress.ulbFile.Caption := Item; udlgZipProgress.uprogFile.Position := PerCent; Application.ProcessMessages; end; procedure TufrmZipMasterFunc.ArchiverTotalProgress(Sender: TObject; TotalSize: Int64; PerCent: Integer); begin if PerCent >= 0 then // when complete shows -1 udlgZipProgress.uprogOverall.Position := PerCent; if udlgZipProgress.bCancel then begin OperationCompleted := False; Archiver.Cancel; udlgZipProgress.Hide; end; Application.ProcessMessages; end; function TufrmZipMasterFunc.ZipFiles(TheFiles: TTntStringList; ZipFileName: WideString): Boolean; begin Result := False; OperationCompleted := True; udlgZipProgress.bCancel := False; udlgZipProgress.Show; try Application.ProcessMessages; try if TheFiles.Count > 0 then begin Archiver.ZipFileName := ZipFileName; //Next line is a bugfix for if WidefileExists(ZipFileName) then Archiver.EraseFile(ZipFileName, htdAllowUndo); Archiver.AddOptions := []; Archiver.RootDir := ''; Archiver.FSpecArgs.Assign(TheFiles); Archiver.Add; end; Result := OperationCompleted; finally udlgZipProgress.Hide; end; except end; end; end.