object ufrmZipMasterFunc: TufrmZipMasterFunc Left = 286 Top = 290 Width = 366 Height = 272 Caption = 'ZipMaster functions' Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -11 Font.Name = 'Tahoma' Font.Style = [] OldCreateOrder = False PixelsPerInch = 96 TextHeight = 13 object umsgOpenZipFile: TTntLabel Left = 134 Top = 20 Width = 100 Height = 16 AutoSize = False Caption = 'Would you like to open the zip file now?' Visible = False end object umsgFailedToCreateZipFile: TTntLabel Left = 134 Top = 44 Width = 100 Height = 16 AutoSize = False Caption = 'Failed to create the zip file.' Visible = False end object udlgSaveZip: TTntSaveDialog DefaultExt = 'zip' Filter = 'Zip files (*.zip)|*.zip' Options = [ofOverwritePrompt, ofHideReadOnly, ofEnableSizing] Title = 'Save a zip file' Left = 36 Top = 20 end object Archiver: TZipMaster AddOptions = [] AddStoreSuffixes = [assGIF, assPNG, assZ, assZIP, assZOO, assARC, assLZH, assARJ, assTAZ, assTGZ, assLHA, assRAR, assACE, assCAB, assGZ, assGZIP, assJAR, assEXE, assJPEG, ass7Zp, assMP3, assWMV, assWMA, assDVR] Dll_Load = False ExtrOptions = [] KeepFreeOnAllDisks = 0 KeepFreeOnDisk1 = 0 MaxVolumeSize = 0 PasswordReqCount = 1 SFXOptions = [] SFXOverWriteMode = OvrConfirm SFXPath = 'DZSFXUS.bin' SpanOptions = [] Trace = False Unattended = False Verbose = False Version = '' VersionInfo = '' OnItemProgress = ArchiverItemProgress OnTotalProgress = ArchiverTotalProgress Left = 36 Top = 56 end end