unit Annotation; { [Annotation] [1.5] Delphi 2005 September 2008 LICENSE The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at "http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/" Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. The Original Code is "[annotation.pas]". The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Martin Holmes (Victoria, BC, Canada, "http://www.mholmes.com/"). Copyright (C) 2006-8 Martin Holmes and the University of Victoria Computing and Media Centre. The code was co-developed for university and personal projects, and rights are shared by Martin Holmes and the University of Victoria. All Rights Reserved. } { Written by Martin Holmes, 2006-2008. This unit contains classes for handling annotations attached to an image. The basic idea is that a TIMTAnnotation object contains information about the annotation area on the image, the textual data associated with it, and the AnnotationCategory to which it is assigned. If an annotation is "switched on", then it creates a TPositionedLayer on the image, and interfaces with it where necessary through a RubberbandLayer. If it's "switched off", the TPositionedLayer is deleted from the image, but its position/display information is retained in the TIMTAnnotation object so it can be recreated if required. The TIMTAnnotation can write out its positional data as a facsimile node, with the Category field expressed as a class attribute. It can write out its textual data as a TEI div, linked either by @facs or @corresp to the . The TIMTAnnList object contains the list of TIMTAnnotationObjects associated with the document. It can sort them in various ways. Dependencies: XDOM_4_1 (Dieter Köhler) Graphics32 (graphics32.org) } interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, XDOM_4_1, GR32, GR32_Image, GR32_Layers, AnnotationCategories, jclUnicode, IMTDocGlobals, StringFunctions, XMLUtilities; //Method pointer for assigning a method from the TAnnCatList so that the TIMTAnnList //can get info from it. type TGetTranscriptionalFromCatIDProc = function(CatID: WideString): Boolean of Object; type TIMTAnnotation = class private fXmlID: WideString; fAnnTitle: WideString; fAnnText: WideString; fCategoryID: WideString; fLeft: single; fTop: single; fWidth: single; fHeight: single; fShowing: Boolean; fModified: Boolean; fPositionedLayer: TPositionedLayer; //pointer to an instantiated layer if there is one function GetCenterPoint: TPoint; function GetBottom: single; function GetRight: single; procedure SetXmlID(const Value: WideString); procedure SetBottom(const Value: single); procedure SetHeight(const Value: single); procedure SetLeft(const Value: single); procedure SetRight(const Value: single); procedure SetTop(const Value: single); procedure SetWidth(const Value: single); procedure SetShowing(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetCategoryID(const Value: WideString); procedure SetAnnText(const Value: WideString); procedure SetAnnTitle(const Value: WideString); function GetPositionedLayer: TPositionedLayer; procedure SetPositionedLayer(const Value: TPositionedLayer); public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; { function ReportRectTag(id: WideString; IncludeNS: Boolean): WideString;//Reports the area as an SVG tag function ReportDivTag(LinkedID, TypeString: WideString): WideString; } function WriteAttsToRectElement(RectEl: TDomElement; DomDoc: TDomDocument): Boolean; function ReadAttsFromRectElement(RectEl: TDomElement): Boolean; function WriteToDivElement(DivEl: TDomElement; DomDoc: TDomDocument): Boolean; function ReadFromDivElement(DivEl: TDomElement): Boolean; function CopySelf(TargetAnn: TIMTAnnotation): Boolean; const DefaultContent = WideString('

[Annotation detail]

'); published property XmlID: WideString read fXmlID write SetXmlID; property AnnTitle: WideString read fAnnTitle write SetAnnTitle; property AnnText: WideString read fAnnText write SetAnnText; property CenterPoint: TPoint read GetCenterPoint; property Left: single read fLeft write SetLeft; property Top: single read fTop write SetTop; property Width: single read fWidth write SetWidth; property Height: single read fHeight write SetHeight; property Right: single read GetRight write SetRight; property Bottom: single read GetBottom write SetBottom; property Showing: Boolean read fShowing write SetShowing default True; property CategoryID: WideString read fCategoryID write SetCategoryID; property PositionedLayer: TPositionedLayer read GetPositionedLayer write SetPositionedLayer; property Modified: Boolean read fModified write fModified default False; end; type TIMTAnnList = class(TList) private fModified: Boolean; fGetTranscriptionalFromCatIDProc: TGetTranscriptionalFromCatIDProc; function GetXmlID(Index: integer): WideString; procedure SetXmlID(Index: integer; const Value: WideString); function GetCategoryID(Index: integer): WideString; procedure SetCategoryID(Index: integer; const Value: WideString); function GetAnnTitle(Index: integer): WideString; procedure SetAnnTitle(Index: integer; const Value: WideString); function GetAnnText(Index: integer): WideString; procedure SetAnnText(Index: integer; const Value: WideString); function GetShowing(Index: integer): Boolean; procedure SetShowing(Index: integer; const Value: Boolean); function GetBottom(Index: integer): single; function GetHeight(Index: integer): single; function GetLeft(Index: integer): single; function GetRight(Index: integer): single; function GetTop(Index: integer): single; function GetWidth(Index: integer): single; function GetCenterPoint(Index: integer): TPoint; procedure SetBottom(Index: integer; const Value: single); procedure SetHeight(Index: integer; const Value: single); procedure SetLeft(Index: integer; const Value: single); procedure SetRight(Index: integer; const Value: single); procedure SetTop(Index: integer; const Value: single); procedure SetWidth(Index: integer; const Value: single); function GetBoundsRect(Index: integer): TFloatRect; procedure SetBoundsRect(Index: integer; const Value: TFloatRect); procedure SetModified(const Value: Boolean); function GetPositionedLayer(Index: integer): TPositionedLayer; procedure SetPositionedLayer(Index: integer; const Value: TPositionedLayer); public constructor Create(GetTranscriptionalProc: TGetTranscriptionalFromCatIDProc); function IndexInRange(Index: integer): Boolean; function IDIsUnique(TheID: WideString; Index: integer): Boolean; function AddAnnotation: integer; function DeleteAnnotation(Index: integer): Boolean; function SwapPositions(Ann1, Ann2: integer): Boolean; procedure Empty; procedure CategoryChanged(OldCatID, NewCatID: WideString); function ReadFromDomElements(AnnWrapperEl, FacsEl: TDomElement; ClearFirst: Boolean): Boolean; function WriteDivsToDomElement(El: TDomElement; DomDoc: TDomDocument): Boolean; function WriteRectsToDomElement(El: TDomElement; DomDoc: TDomDocument): Boolean; function CloneAnnotation(SourceAnn, TargetAnn: integer): Boolean; property XmlID[Index: integer]: WideString read GetXmlID write SetXmlID; property CategoryID[Index: integer]: WideString read GetCategoryID write SetCategoryID; property AnnTitle[Index: integer]: WideString read GetAnnTitle write SetAnnTitle; property AnnText[Index: integer]: WideString read GetAnnText write SetAnnText; property Showing[Index: integer]: Boolean read GetShowing write SetShowing; property Left[Index: integer]: single read GetLeft write SetLeft; property Top[Index: integer]: single read GetTop write SetTop; property Width[Index: integer]: single read GetWidth write SetWidth; property Height[Index: integer]: single read GetHeight write SetHeight; property Right[Index: integer]: single read GetRight write SetRight; property Bottom[Index: integer]: single read GetBottom write SetBottom; property BoundsRect[Index: integer]: TFloatRect read GetBoundsRect write SetBoundsRect; property CenterPoint[Index: integer]: TPoint read GetCenterPoint; property PositionedLayer[Index: integer]: TPositionedLayer read GetPositionedLayer write SetPositionedLayer; published property Modified: Boolean read fModified write SetModified default False; end; implementation { TIMTAnnotation } function TIMTAnnotation.GetCenterPoint: TPoint; begin Result.X := Round(fLeft + (fWidth/2)); Result.Y := Round(fTop + (fHeight/2)); end; constructor TIMTAnnotation.Create; begin AnnTitle := '[Annotation title]'; //AnnText := '

[Annotation detail]

'; AnnText := '

' + DefaultContent + '

'; fCategoryID := 'Category_undefined'; fPositionedLayer := nil; fLeft := 0; fTop := 0; fWidth := 0; fHeight := 0; Modified := False; end; procedure TIMTAnnotation.SetXmlID(const Value: WideString); var NewValue: WideString; begin NewValue := WideTrim(Value); if fXmlID <> NewValue then begin fXmlID := NewValue; Modified := True; end; end; function TIMTAnnotation.GetRight: single; begin Result := fLeft + fWidth; end; procedure TIMTAnnotation.SetRight(const Value: single); var NewWidth: single; begin NewWidth := Value - fLeft; SetWidth(NewWidth); end; procedure TIMTAnnotation.SetWidth(const Value: single); begin fWidth := Value; end; function TIMTAnnotation.GetBottom: single; begin Result := fTop + fHeight; end; procedure TIMTAnnotation.SetBottom(const Value: single); var NewHeight: single; begin NewHeight := Value - fTop; Height := NewHeight; end; procedure TIMTAnnotation.SetTop(const Value: single); begin if fTop <> Value then begin fTop := Value; Modified := True; end; end; procedure TIMTAnnotation.SetHeight(const Value: single); begin if fHeight <> Value then begin fHeight := Value; Modified := True; end; end; procedure TIMTAnnotation.SetLeft(const Value: single); begin if fLeft <> Value then begin fLeft := Value; Modified := True; end; end; procedure TIMTAnnotation.SetAnnText(const Value: WideString); var NewValue: WideString; begin NewValue := WideTrim(Value); if fAnnText <> NewValue then begin fAnnText := NewValue; Modified := True; end; end; procedure TIMTAnnotation.SetAnnTitle(const Value: WideString); var NewValue: WideString; begin NewValue := WideTrim(Value); if fAnnTitle <> NewValue then begin fAnnTitle := NewValue; Modified := True; end; end; procedure TIMTAnnotation.SetShowing(const Value: Boolean); begin if fShowing <> Value then begin if fPositionedLayer <> nil then begin if Value = True then begin TPositionedLayer(fPositionedLayer).LayerOptions := LOB_VISIBLE or LOB_MOUSE_EVENTS or LOB_NO_UPDATE; end else begin TPositionedLayer(fPositionedLayer).LayerOptions := LOB_NO_UPDATE or LOB_NO_CAPTURE; //The following should be redundant, but seems to make behaviour more consistent! TPositionedLayer(fPositionedLayer).Visible := False; end; TPositionedLayer(fPositionedLayer).Update; {The above turns out not to be enough when the ImgView32 Repaint is set to optimizer, because it defers repainting until some screen change triggers it. We need to make sure that a repaint occurs in order to make the layers appear or disappear.} TImgView32(TPositionedLayer(fPositionedLayer).LayerCollection.Owner).Invalidate; end; fShowing := Value; Modified := True; end; end; procedure TIMTAnnotation.SetCategoryID(const Value: WideString); begin if fCategoryID <> Value then begin fCategoryID := Value; //If there's an associated TPositionedLayer, it should be invalidated so //that any changes in its paint features are updated if Showing and (PositionedLayer <> nil) then TPositionedLayer(PositionedLayer).Update; Modified := True; end; end; function TIMTAnnotation.GetPositionedLayer: TPositionedLayer; begin Result := fPositionedLayer; end; procedure TIMTAnnotation.SetPositionedLayer(const Value: TPositionedLayer); begin if Value <> fPositionedLayer then begin fPositionedLayer := Value; Modified := True; end; end; function TIMTAnnotation.WriteAttsToRectElement(RectEl: TDomElement; DomDoc: TDomDocument): Boolean; begin //Updated for 1.7 Result := False; try if (RectEl <> nil) and (DomDoc <> nil) then begin //This line new for 1.8 RectEl.SetAttribute('xml:id', XmlID); RectEl.SetAttribute('rendition', CategoryID); RectEl.SetAttribute('ulx', IntToStr(Round(Left))); RectEl.SetAttribute('uly', IntToStr(Round(Top))); RectEl.SetAttribute('lrx', IntToStr(Round(Width) + Round(Left))); RectEl.SetAttribute('lry', IntToStr(Round(Height) + Round(Top))); Case Showing of True: RectEl.SetAttribute('rend', 'visible'); False: RectEl.SetAttribute('rend', 'hidden'); end; Result := True; end; except Exit; end; end; function TIMTAnnotation.ReadAttsFromRectElement(RectEl: TDomElement): Boolean; begin //Updated for 1.7 Result := False; try if RectEl <> nil then begin //This line new for 1.8 XmlID := RectEl.GetAttributeLiteralValue('xml:id'); CategoryID := RectEl.GetAttributeLiteralValue('rendition'); Left := StrToInt(RectEl.GetAttributeLiteralValue('ulx')); Top := StrToInt(RectEl.GetAttributeLiteralValue('uly')); Width := StrToInt(RectEl.GetAttributeLiteralValue('lrx')) - Left; Height := StrToInt(RectEl.GetAttributeLiteralValue('lry')) - Top; if RectEl.GetAttributeLiteralValue('rend') = 'hidden' then Showing := False else Showing := True; Result := True; end; except Exit; end; end; function TIMTAnnotation.ReadFromDivElement(DivEl: TDomElement): Boolean; var DomImpl: TDomImplementation; DomToXMLParser: TDomToXMLParser; TitleEl, TextEl: TDomNode; i: integer; wsTemp: WideString; wsTempAnnText: WideString; begin Result := False; if DivEl = nil then Exit; try DomImpl := TDomImplementation.Create(nil); try DomToXMLParser := TDomToXMLParser.Create(nil); try DomToXMLParser.IncludeXmlDecl := False; DomToXMLParser.UseByteOrderMark := []; DomToXMLParser.DOMImpl := DomImpl; AnnTitle := ''; if DivEl.GetElementsByTagName('head').Length > 0 then begin TitleEl := DivEl.GetElementsByTagName('head').Item(0); {Fixed version, for This is rather a crude hack, but it seems to be the only way to get mixed content to read back in correctly, without losing spaces at the end of text nodes.} DomToXMLParser.WriteToWideString(TitleEl, wsTemp); if wsTemp[1] = WideChar($feff) then Delete(wsTemp, 1, 1); //Now we have to remove the bracketing tags. Delete(wsTemp, 1, Pos('>', wsTemp)); Delete(wsTemp, Length(wsTemp)-8, 7); AnnTitle := wsTemp; {Original version, changed after This has a bug which causes spaces to be lost at the end of every text node in mixed content.} {if TitleEl.ChildNodes.Length > 0 then for i := 0 to TitleEl.ChildNodes.Length-1 do begin DomToXMLParser.WriteToWideString(TitleEl.ChildNodes.Item(i), wsTemp); if wsTemp[1] = WideChar($feff) then Delete(wsTemp, 1, 1); AnnTitle := AnnTitle + wsTemp; end;} end; AnnText := ''; wsTempAnnText := ''; if DivEl.GetElementsByTagName('div').Length > 0 then begin TextEl := DivEl.GetElementsByTagName('div').Item(0); if TextEl.ChildNodes.Length > 0 then for i := 0 to TextEl.ChildNodes.Length-1 do {Perhaps we should restrict content to element nodes here -- if so, uncomment the following line. On the other hand, we may want to allow e.g. comment elements but disallow text elements (which are disallowed by the schema).} if TextEl.ChildNodes.Item(i).nodeType = ntText_Node then begin wsTempAnnText := wsTempAnnText + WNormalizeReturns(TDomText(TextEl.ChildNodes.Item(i)).nodeValue); //ShowMessage(WAllCharsToJSUnicode(WNormalizeReturns(TDomText(TextEl.ChildNodes.Item(i)).nodeValue))); end else begin DomToXMLParser.WriteToWideString(TextEl.ChildNodes.Item(i), wsTemp); {Annoying bug in XDOM prepends a bloody byte-order mark all the time. } if wsTemp[1] = WideChar($feff) then Delete(wsTemp, 1, 1); wsTempAnnText := wsTempAnnText + wsTemp; end; AnnText := wsTempAnnText; end; finally FreeAndNil(DomToXMLParser); end; finally FreeAndNil(DomImpl); end; Result := True; except Exit; end; end; function TIMTAnnotation.WriteToDivElement(DivEl: TDomElement; DomDoc: TDomDocument): Boolean; var XMLToDomParser: TXMLToDomParser; NewHeadNode, NewDivNode: TDomNode; begin //Both elements being created here may well have lots of embedded //markup, so they need to be treated carefully. Result := False; if DivEl = nil then Exit; try XMLToDomParser := TXMLToDomParser.Create(nil); try XMLToDomParser.DOMImpl := DomDoc.DomImplementation; NewHeadNode := TDomDocumentFragment.Create(DomDoc); //Update to XDOM 3.2 broke this code. {NewHeadNode := XMLToDomParser.ParseWideString('' + WideTrim(AnnTitle) + '', '', '', NewHeadNode);} NewHeadNode := ufrmXMLUtilities.ParseWideStringToDomNode( '' + #13#10 + '' + WideTrim(AnnTitle) + '', DomDoc.DomImplementation, DomDoc); if NewHeadNode <> nil then DivEl.AppendChild(NewHeadNode); NewDivNode := TDomDocumentFragment.Create(DomDoc); {NewDivNode := XMLToDomParser.ParseWideString('
' + WideTrim(AnnText) + '
', '', '', NewDivNode);} NewDivNode := ufrmXMLUtilities.ParseWideStringToDomNode( '' + #13#10 + '
' + WideTrim(AnnText) + '
', DomDoc.DomImplementation, DomDoc); if NewDivNode <> nil then DivEl.AppendChild(NewDivNode); finally FreeAndNil(XMLToDomParser); end; Result := True; except Exit; end; end; destructor TIMTAnnotation.Destroy; var Index: integer; begin //Try to destroy the layer if it exists if fPositionedLayer <> nil then begin Index := TPositionedLayer(fPositionedLayer).Index; if TPositionedLayer(fPositionedLayer).LayerCollection <> nil then if Index > -1 then if Index < TPositionedLayer(fPositionedLayer).LayerCollection.Count then TPositionedLayer(fPositionedLayer).LayerCollection.Delete(Index); end; end; function TIMTAnnotation.CopySelf(TargetAnn: TIMTAnnotation): Boolean; begin Result := False; try if TargetAnn <> nil then begin TargetAnn.AnnTitle := AnnTitle; TargetAnn.AnnText := AnnText; //Offset the position, to distinguish the clone from the original TargetAnn.Left := Left + (Round(Width / 3)); TargetAnn.Top := Top + (Round(Height / 3)); TargetAnn.Width := Width; TargetAnn.Height := Height; TargetAnn.CategoryID := CategoryID; TargetAnn.Showing := Showing; Result := True; end; except //Returning false is OK end; end; { TIMTAnnList } function TIMTAnnList.GetAnnTitle(Index: integer): WideString; begin Result := ''; if IndexInRange(Index) then Result := TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).AnnTitle; end; function TIMTAnnList.GetAnnText(Index: integer): WideString; begin Result := ''; if IndexInRange(Index) then Result := TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).AnnText; end; function TIMTAnnList.GetXmlID(Index: integer): WideString; begin Result := ''; if IndexInRange(Index) then Result := TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).XmlID; end; procedure TIMTAnnList.SetXMLID(Index: integer; const Value: WideString); var NewID: WideString; i: integer; begin if not IndexInRange(Index) then Exit; NewID := WideTrim(Value); //Enforce compliance with xml:id ufrmXMLUtilities.MakeXMLNCName(NewID); i := 1; //Make sure it's unique. This will not invalidate it as xml:id. while not (IDIsUnique(NewID, Index)) do begin inc(i); NewID := WideTrim(Value) + '_' + IntToStr(i); end; TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).XmlId := NewID; end; function TIMTAnnList.IDIsUnique(TheID: WideString; Index: integer): Boolean; var i: integer; begin Result := True; //default if IndexInRange(Index) then for i := 0 to Count-1 do if (Index <> i) and (TheID = XmlID[i]) then Result := False; end; function TIMTAnnList.GetCategoryID(Index: integer): WideString; begin Result := ''; if IndexInRange(Index) then Result := TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).CategoryID; end; function TIMTAnnList.IndexInRange(Index: integer): Boolean; begin Result := ((Index > -1) and (Index < Count)); end; procedure TIMTAnnList.SetAnnTitle(Index: integer; const Value: WideString); begin if IndexInRange(Index) then begin TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).AnnTitle := Value; Modified := Modified or TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).Modified; end; end; procedure TIMTAnnList.SetAnnText(Index: integer; const Value: WideString); begin if IndexInRange(Index) then begin TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).AnnText := Value; Modified := Modified or TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).Modified; end; end; procedure TIMTAnnList.SetCategoryID(Index: integer; const Value: WideString); begin if IndexInRange(Index) then begin TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).CategoryID := Value; Modified := Modified or TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).Modified; end; end; function TIMTAnnList.GetShowing(Index: integer): Boolean; begin Result := True; if IndexInRange(Index) then Result := TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).Showing; end; procedure TIMTAnnList.SetShowing(Index: integer; const Value: Boolean); begin if IndexInRange(Index) then begin TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).Showing := Value; Modified := Modified or TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).Modified; end; end; function TIMTAnnList.GetRight(Index: integer): single; begin Result := 100; if IndexInRange(Index) then Result := TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).Right; end; procedure TIMTAnnList.SetRight(Index: integer; const Value: single); begin if IndexInRange(Index) then begin TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).Right := Value; Modified := Modified or TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).Modified; end; end; function TIMTAnnList.GetWidth(Index: integer): single; begin Result := 100; if IndexInRange(Index) then Result := TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).Width; end; function TIMTAnnList.GetCenterPoint(Index: integer): TPoint; begin Result := Point(0,0); //fallback default if IndexInRange(Index) then Result := TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).CenterPoint; end; procedure TIMTAnnList.SetWidth(Index: integer; const Value: single); begin if IndexInRange(Index) then begin TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).Width := Value; Modified := Modified or TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).Modified; end; end; function TIMTAnnList.GetBottom(Index: integer): single; begin Result := 100; if IndexInRange(Index) then Result := TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).Bottom; end; procedure TIMTAnnList.SetBottom(Index: integer; const Value: single); begin if IndexInRange(Index) then begin TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).Bottom := Value; Modified := Modified or TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).Modified; end; end; function TIMTAnnList.GetTop(Index: integer): single; begin Result := 0; if IndexInRange(Index) then Result := TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).Top; end; procedure TIMTAnnList.SetTop(Index: integer; const Value: single); begin if IndexInRange(Index) then begin TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).Top := Value; Modified := Modified or TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).Modified; end; end; function TIMTAnnList.GetHeight(Index: integer): single; begin Result := 100; if IndexInRange(Index) then Result := TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).Height; end; procedure TIMTAnnList.SetHeight(Index: integer; const Value: single); begin if IndexInRange(Index) then begin TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).Height := Value; Modified := Modified or TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).Modified; end; end; function TIMTAnnList.GetLeft(Index: integer): single; begin Result := 0; if IndexInRange(Index) then Result := TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).Left; end; procedure TIMTAnnList.SetLeft(Index: integer; const Value: single); begin if IndexInRange(Index) then begin TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).Left := Value; Modified := Modified or TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).Modified; end; end; function TIMTAnnList.GetBoundsRect(Index: integer): TFloatRect; begin Result := FloatRect(0,0,100,100); if IndexInRange(Index) then Result := FloatRect(TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).Left, TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).Top, TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).Right, TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).Bottom); end; procedure TIMTAnnList.SetBoundsRect(Index: integer; const Value: TFloatRect); begin if IndexInRange(Index) then begin TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).Left := Value.Left; TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).Top := Value.Top; TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).Width := Value.Right - Value.Left; TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).Height := Value.Bottom - Value.Top; Modified := Modified or TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).Modified; end; end; function TIMTAnnList.GetPositionedLayer(Index: integer): TPositionedLayer; begin Result := nil;//default if IndexInRange(Index) then Result := TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).PositionedLayer; end; procedure TIMTAnnList.SetPositionedLayer(Index: integer; const Value: TPositionedLayer); begin if IndexInRange(Index) then begin TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).PositionedLayer := Value; Modified := Modified or TIMTAnnotation(List[Index]).Modified; end; end; procedure TIMTAnnList.SetModified(const Value: Boolean); var i: integer; begin //If setting Modified to false for the whole list, we must set it //to false for all the list items. if Value = False then if Count > 0 then for i := 0 to Count-1 do TIMTAnnotation(List[i]).Modified := False; fModified := Value; end; function TIMTAnnList.AddAnnotation: integer; var Ann: TIMTAnnotation; NewID: WideString; i: integer; begin Ann := TIMTAnnotation.Create; Add(Ann); //Give this annotation a unique id NewID := 'imtArea_' + IntToStr(Count-1); i := Count; //Make sure it's unique. This will not invalidate it as xml:id. while not (IDIsUnique(NewID, Count-1)) do begin inc(i); NewID := 'imtArea_' + '_' + IntToStr(i); end; XmlID[Count-1] := NewID; Result := Count-1; Modified := True; end; function TIMTAnnList.DeleteAnnotation(Index: integer): Boolean; var i: integer; begin Result := False; if IndexInRange(Index) then begin FreeAndNil(TIMTAnnotation(List[Index])); Delete(Index); //Renumber any tags in positioned layers if Index <= Count-1 then for i := Index to Count-1 do if TIMTAnnotation(List[i]).PositionedLayer <> nil then TPositionedLayer(TIMTAnnotation(List[i]).PositionedLayer).Tag := i; Modified := True; end; end; procedure TIMTAnnList.Empty; var i: integer; begin if Count > 0 then for i := Count-1 downto 0 do DeleteAnnotation(i); Clear; end; //This function creates each of the individual annotation div elements and adds //them to the wrapper div, adding an n attribute which will link //each to the zone elements defining the areas. function TIMTAnnList.WriteDivsToDomElement(El: TDomElement; DomDoc: TDomDocument): Boolean; var i: integer; DivEl: TDomElement; LinkingAtt: WideString; begin Result := False; if El = nil then Exit; if Count > 0 then try for i := 0 to Count-1 do begin DivEl := TDomElement.Create(DomDoc, 'div'); //This line changed for 1.8; now using explicit xml:ids //DivEl.SetAttribute('facs', imtAreaPrefix + IntToStr(i)); LinkingAtt := 'facs'; //Default if Assigned(fGetTranscriptionalFromCatIDProc) then if fGetTranscriptionalFromCatIDProc(TIMTAnnotation(List[i]).CategoryID) = False then LinkingAtt := 'corresp'; DivEl.SetAttribute(LinkingAtt, '#' + TIMTAnnotation(List[i]).XmlID); DivEl.SetAttribute('type', imtAnnType); TIMTAnnotation(List[i]).WriteToDivElement(DivEl, DomDoc); El.AppendChild(DivEl); end; Result := True; except //Returning false is fine end; end; //This function creates each of the rect elements, giving it an id attribute //which links it to the associated annotation div, and then calls the //individual write function for each item to fill the other attributes. function TIMTAnnList.WriteRectsToDomElement(El: TDomElement; DomDoc: TDomDocument): Boolean; var i: integer; RectEl: TDomElement; begin Result := False; if El = nil then Exit; if Count > 0 then try for i := 0 to Count-1 do begin RectEl := TDomElement.Create(DomDoc, 'zone'); //New for 1.8: id is now one of the attributes it already has, so it's written there. // RectEl.SetAttribute('xml:id', IMTAreaPrefix + IntToStr(i)); TIMTAnnotation(List[i]).WriteAttsToRectElement(RectEl, DomDoc); El.AppendChild(RectEl); end; Result := True; except //Returning false is fine end; end; function TIMTAnnList.ReadFromDomElements(AnnWrapperEl, FacsEl: TDomElement; ClearFirst: Boolean): Boolean; var TotalRects, TotalDivs, i, j: integer; CurrId: WideString; CurrRect, CurrDiv: TDomElement; CurrAnn: integer; AttrPointer: WideString; begin Result := False; try if ClearFirst then Empty; TotalRects := FacsEl.GetElementsByTagName('zone').Length; TotalDivs := AnnWrapperEl.GetElementsByTagName('div').Length; if TotalRects > 0 then for i := 0 to TotalRects-1 do begin CurrRect := TDomElement(FacsEl.GetElementsByTagName('zone').Item(i)); CurrId := CurrRect.GetAttributeNormalizedValue('xml:id'); CurrAnn := AddAnnotation; if Length(CurrId) > 0 then begin //New Ann reads from rect element TIMTAnnotation(List[CurrAnn]).ReadAttsFromRectElement(CurrRect); //Iterate through annotation divs to find matching div if TotalDivs > 0 then for j := 0 to TotalDivs-1 do //If found, Ann element reads data from that div begin CurrDiv := TDomElement(AnnWrapperEl.GetElementsByTagName('div').Item(j)); // if CurrDiv.GetAttributeNormalizedValue('facs') = CurrId then //New for 1.8: strip off the hash in the @facs, and check for the @corresp attribute AttrPointer := CurrDiv.GetAttributeNormalizedValue('facs'); if Length(AttrPointer) < 2 then AttrPointer := CurrDiv.GetAttributeNormalizedValue('corresp'); if Length(AttrPointer) > 1 then begin if AttrPointer[1] = WideChar('#') then AttrPointer := Copy(AttrPointer, 2, Length(AttrPointer) - 1); if AttrPointer = CurrId then begin TIMTAnnotation(List[CurrAnn]).ReadFromDivElement(CurrDiv); Break; end; end; end; end; end; Result := True; except //Returning false is enough end; end; function TIMTAnnList.SwapPositions(Ann1, Ann2: integer): Boolean; begin Result := False; //default if not (IndexInRange(Ann1) and IndexInRange(Ann2)) then Exit; try //Swap the items Exchange(Ann1, Ann2); //If there are layers showing, reset their tags if TIMTAnnotation(List[Ann1]).fPositionedLayer <> nil then TPositionedLayer(TIMTAnnotation(List[Ann1]).fPositionedLayer).Tag := Ann1; if TIMTAnnotation(List[Ann2]).fPositionedLayer <> nil then TPositionedLayer(TIMTAnnotation(List[Ann2]).fPositionedLayer).Tag := Ann2; Result := True; except //Just return false end; end; procedure TIMTAnnList.CategoryChanged(OldCatID, NewCatID: WideString); var i: integer; begin //Iterate through the list making changes and triggering repaints where needed if Count > 0 then for i := 0 to Count-1 do if CategoryID[i] = OldCatID then begin CategoryID[i] := NewCatID; if PositionedLayer[i] <> nil then TPositionedLayer(PositionedLayer[i]).Update; end; end; function TIMTAnnList.CloneAnnotation(SourceAnn, TargetAnn: integer): Boolean; begin Result := False; try if IndexInRange(SourceAnn) then if IndexInRange(TargetAnn) then Result := TIMTAnnotation(List[SourceAnn]).CopySelf(TIMTAnnotation(List[TargetAnn])); except //returning false is OK end; end; constructor TIMTAnnList.Create( GetTranscriptionalProc: TGetTranscriptionalFromCatIDProc); begin inherited Create; if Assigned(GetTranscriptionalProc) then fGetTranscriptionalFromCatIDProc := GetTranscriptionalProc else fGetTranscriptionalFromCatIDProc := nil; end; end.