Despatch to London.
Minutes (2), Enclosures (untranscribed) (1), Other documents (1).
No. 42, Miscellaneous
24th June 1865
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Despatch No 5,
7th February 1865 calling for certain maps and plans of the country
round Esquimalt Harbour, the most important sheets of which I now
They have been prepared withall all the expedition possible with the
limited means at my command and I can from personal examination vouch
for their great accuracy.
It has been found necessary to have the land re-surveyed for the
purpose of furnishing the information required as I do not believe
there is an existing map of any part of the Island the accuracy of
which can be relied upon.
I do not understand that any opinion is required of me on this
subject, and I thinkColonelColonel Moody's local knowledge in connection
with the maps now forwarded will supply all the information I could
The remaining sheets completing the survey to Cadboro Bay (being the
point of landing for the telegraph cable) will be finished and
transmitted in about twelve days.
I have the honor to be,
Your most obedient Servant A.E. Kennedy
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Schedule of enclosures describing the maps forwarded
with the despatch (not on microfilm), including an explanation of the
blasting and labour required to carry out an unspecified project,
signed by B.W. Pearse, 24 and 26 June 1865.