Public Offices document.
Minutes (2), Enclosures (untranscribed) (2).
Peel writes Rogers on behalf of the Treasury to inform
Newcastle that various departments of the British government have agreed to pay the outstanding
expenses related to
the Marine Force serving in British Columbia and San Juan
for the period from the 9 August 1859 to 31st December 1861.
With reference to the lettter of the Board of 5 June, and to your
letter of 14 June last, I am directed by the Lords Commissioners of
Her Majesty's Treasury to transmit herewith copy of a letter from the
Admiralty, dated 31 Ult, and of its Enclosures marked A, relating to
the admission of the charge upon Naval Funds of the sum of £7085.8.4on
on account of the Marine Force serving in British Columbia and San
Juan for the period from the 9 August 1859 to 31st December 1861.
I am to request that you will state to the Duke of Newcastle that the
War Department has repaid to the Treasury Chest Account the sum of
£2,509.5.5 on account of the cost of constructing and repairing
Barracks at San Juan.
With regard to the remaining portion of the expenditure incurred at
San Juan up to the 31 December 1861, viz that for the Salary of a
Magistrate and other Civil Services amounting to £595.5.3 I am to
transmit copy of a Report from The Commr of Audit relating to
certain omissions of regular authorities in connection with the
Vouchers for this service, and I am to request that you will state to
His Grace that their Lordships are of opinion that as the omissions
are not of great importance the Accountsmay may be passed
notwithstanding them.
Provision should therefore be made for the sum of £595.5.3 in the
Estimate for British Columbia for the Year 1863/4 as proposed in your
letter of 14 June last.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
W.G. Romaine, Admiralty, to Secretary of the Treasury, 31 October
1862, expressing approval "of the aggregate charges on account of the
Marine Force serving in British Columbia and San Juan, amounting to
£7,085.8.4," with explanation and statement enclosed.
Romilly and Arbuthnot, Audit Office, to Treasury, 31 October
1862, reporting on the result of their examination into the accounts
covering imperial expenditure on San Juan Island.