Hammond to Merivale (Permanent Under-Secretary)
September 29th 1854
With reference to my letter of the 31st of August I am directed by the Earl of Clarendon to transmit to you, to be laid before Secretary Sir George Grey, a copy of a despatch from Her Majesty's Charg e d'affaires at Washington containing the reply of the United States Secretary of State to a note which Mr Griffith addressed to him urging the importance of settling the Boundary between Vancouver's Island and the United States.
I am, Sir,
Your most obedient humble Servant
E. Hammond

Herman Merivale Esqre
&c &c &c
Minutes by CO staff
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Mr Elliot
I am not aware that any thing remains to be done by us in the present state of this question.
ABd 3 Octr
Mr Peel
Put by?
TFE 5 Octr
FP 6
GG 9
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
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1. Philip Griffith, British Charg e D'Affaires in Washington, to Earl of Clarendon, 7 September 1854, communicating the information received from U.S. Secretary of State William L. Marcy, as enclosed.
Manuscript image
1.1 Marcy to Griffith, 7 September 1854, reporting that the appropriation amendment requested for a boundary commission had been defeated in the House of Representatives through want of time, and that it would be placed before Congress again early next session.