Public Offices document.
Minutes (3), Enclosures (untranscribed) (1).
Pelly’s letter to Pakington reiterates the necessity for a meeting to discuss the HBC’s gold prospects at Haida Gwaii, since word of the gold discovery has reached Oregon.
The minutes suggest that the American awareness of the gold discovered at Haida Gwaii warrants an immediate response to Pelly’s request for a meeting.
This file encloses Ballenden’s letter to Barclay on the American reaction to the discovery of gold at Haida Gwaii.
Hudson's Bay House
April 3rd 1852
On the 26th Ultimo I had the honour of addressing a letter to you, enclosing a Copy of a Report on the
subject of the gold mine discovered in Queen Charlotte's Island, and requesting an interview, to which I have not yet had an answer.
Since then I have received a letter from Mr Ballenden, the
officer in charge at Fort Vancouver on the Columbia River, of which I
enclose an Extract, from which you will percieve that the discovery had
occasioned great excitement among the American population in that
quarter who were making preparations for a descent on the Island.
I have the honour to be, Sir,
Your most obedt humble Servant
J.H. Pelly