I have the honor to transmit, with the Attorney General's
Report, the usual copies of an Act passed by the Legislative
Council entitled—
An Act to abolish Road Tolls on all Articles coming
from the
interior of the Colony in the direction of the Seaboard.
2. This measure will not cause any loss of Revenue, for the
liability to tolls and costliness of carriage has hitherto
prevented any attempt to export from the interior Articles which
might perhaps have been turned to profitable account. But, as
the Attorney General points
out, the introduction of Thomson's
Patent Road Steamers has excited the hope that the expense of
freight will soon be much lessened; and as it is very desirable
not to obstruct the growth of any economical industry in saving
what is now wasted for lack of cheap transport, I have no
hesitation in recommending this Act for Her Majesty's