Public Offices document.
Minutes (1), Enclosures (untranscribed) (1), Other documents (1).
Gendarme discusses the postal changes following Seymour’s acceptance of the proposed changes in postal communication between British Columbia and the United Kingdom and informs the Colonial Office that British Columbia’s postmaster general is aware of the postal changes and their commencement on 1 October 1868. Robinson’s minute summarizes the despatch and suggests informing Seymour.
Gendarme to Rogers (Permanent Under-Secretary)
General Post Office
25 September 1868
I have laid before the Postmaster General your letter of the
23rd Inst, enclosing copies of two despatches from the Governor
of British Columbia, in which he expresses the acquiescence of
the Colony in the arrangements proposed by this Department in
August 1867 for the improvement of the postal communication
between the United Kingdom and British Columbia by way of the
United States.
I am to request that you will state to the Duke of Buckinghamand Chandosand Chandos
and Chandos that immediately on receipt of your letter of the
12th August last, enclosing a telegraphic message from Governor
Seymour on this subject, steps were taken by this Department for
carrying the proposed arrangements into effect, and that a
Treasury Warrant (12 copies enclosed) has been issued fixing the
postage on letters between the United Kingdom and British
Columbia at one shilling the half ounce, such rate to include
the entire postage from the place of posting to the place of
The Postmaster General of British Columbia was informed by a
letter from this office dated the 2nd Inst. that thenew new
arrangments would commence on the 1st October next.
I am,
Your obedient
humble Servant F.J. Gendarme
Minutes by CO staff
Mr Elliot
Treasury Warrant fixing rate of postage on letters between
B. Columbia & the United Kingdom—via the U.S.
The new arrangements come into operation on 1 Oct, & the P.O.
has communicated on the subject direct with the Colony.
Send copy of this to Govr Seymour with reference, & in reply,
to his despatches 9914 & 9931.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Printed copy of Treasury warrant respecting postal rates,
signed by Henry Whitmore and Gerard Noel, 14 September 1868.
Other documents included in the file
Draft reply, Buckingham to Seymour, No. 84, 3 October 1868 transmitting a letter from the General Post Office enclosing a Treasury Warrant fixing the rates of postage to be charged on mail sent between British Columbia and the United Kingdom through the US.