Despatch to London.
Minutes (1), Other documents (1).
Seymour informs Buckingham that Brevet Colonel C. Bird has arrived on [San Juan Island] and has assumed the command of the American Troops.Cox’s minute discusses the change in leadership on San Juan Island and compares the ranks of the commanding British and American commanding officers
before suggesting that the Admiralty should be contacted. The included document is a letter to the Admiralty forwarding Seymour’s despatch.
No. 123
30th November 1868
My Lord Duke,
My despatch No. 121 of 21st November informed Your Grace that
the United States Garrison on the Island of San Juanwas was then
under the Command of (Brevet Major) Captain
Nickerson. I have now the honor to state that Brevet Colonel
C. Bird has arrived on the Island and has assumed the command of
the American Troops.
I have the honor to be,
My Lord Duke,
Your Grace's most obedient
humble Servant Frederick Seymour
Minutes by CO staff
Sir F. Rogers
The Officer in Command of the United States Force at S. Juan &
the Officer in Command of our Marines there were both Captains.
The former was made Brevet Major, & then our Officer was notched
up to Brevet Lt. Colonel.
The U.S. Govt have now sent a Brevet Lt. Colonel to assume
the Command. I conclude the two ranks are equal—but if not
there seems to me no necessity for our notching higher again.