Laurie to Buckingham
22 Queen St.
23 Oct. 1867
My Lord Duke
I have the honour by direction of the Colonial Committee of the Church of Scotland respectfully to request your Grace's attention to the accompanying Memorial—a printed copy of which is attached that it may be the more easily referred to.
I have the honor to be
My Lord Duke
Your Grace's most obed Sert
humble Servant

Simon S. Laurie
Minutes by CO staff
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Mr Dundas M.P. called at the Office with a copy of the same Memorial which had reached him as Lord Lieutenant of his County for transmission to the Duke of Buckingham. Mr Dundas is about to send it in officially.
The subject seems one for inquiry. Shall we in the first instancereferManuscript image refer it for any observations from the Emigration Comrs. Eventually I suppose that a reference to the Governor will prove to be necessary but the Emigration Comrs are sure to throw light on the subject.
I append a draft acknowledging the letter as directed by the Duke, in ordering it to be registered.
TFE 29 Oct
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At once.
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
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Printed copy of Memorial, Church of Scotland to Secretary of State, petitioning to receive a land grant for the church in British Columbia, signed by Robert H. Muir, Convenor of Colonial Committee, 25 October 1867.
Other documents included in the file
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Elliot to Laurie, 2 November 1867, advising that the question of a land grant would be investigated.