I have laid before
Lord Stanley Your letter of the
Instant, enclosing for His Lordship's consideration, a copy of
a despatch from the Governor of
British Columbia, in which he
requests instructions in regard to matters which are affected
by the cession of the Russian possessions in North America to
the United States; & I am directed by
Lord Stanley to state to
you for the information of His Grace the
Duke of Buckinghamthat![Manuscript image Manuscript image](https://hcmc.uvic.ca/~coldesp/jpg_scans/jpg_thumbnail/co_60_30/co_60_30_00169v.jpg)
that His Lordship does not feel able to make any observations
on this question generally, without being in possession
of the despatch from the Governor of
British Columbia, to
which allusion is made in the enclosure of your letter.