Public Offices document.
Minutes (2), Other documents (2).
Romaine states that that some Officers will be leaving Portsmouth on the 14th Novr for the purpose of joining the Admiral at Vancouver, which can be conveyed to Seymour confidentially if needed, and that these officers will not reach Panama before the middle of January.Robinson’s minute suggests entrusting a naval officer leaving Portsmouth to send Seymour the confidential despatch.
Mr Elliot
Forward the confl despatch to the Admiralty stating that his
Grace would be much obliged if their Lordships would entrust it to
the care of one of the Naval Officers proceeding from Portsmouth for
delivery to the Govt of B.C. Sd inform Govr. Dft annexed.
Draft reply, Buckingham to Seymour, Confidential, 4 November 1867 informing Seymour of the arrival of a confidential despatch and requesting Seymour to acknowledge receiving the despatch, without describing the despatch’s contents.
Rogers to Secretary to the Admiralty, 6 November 1867,
forwarding copy of despatch for transmission to Seymour.