Newcastle transmits the Queen’s Warrant to appoint Trutch to the position of Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works and Surveyor General for
British Columbia. He informs Seymour that his department has been paid by the Crown Agents for the stamp on the warrant and instructs Seymour to have Trutch repay the Colonial Treasury. This file includes the Queen's Warrant appointing Joseph Trutch to the posts of Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works and Surveyor General of British Columbia.
12th March 1864
With reference to my Despatch No. 68 of the 16th Ultimo I transmit
to you herewith the Queen's Warrant for the appointment of Mr. Joseph
William Trutch to be Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works and Surveyor
General for the Colony of British Columbia in the room of Colonel Moody, resigned.
I have the honor to be
Your most obedient
humble servant Newcastle
Other documents included in the file
12 March 1864, Queen's Warrant appointing Joseph Trutch to the posts of Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works and Surveyor General of British Columbia.