I have the honor to transmit copy of an Account in connection
with advances made to the late Chief Commissioner of Lands and
Works during the year 1863. It exhibits a balance against that
Officer at the close of the year of forty four pounds four shillings
and ten pence (£44.4.10).
2. Upon enquiry into this matter I am informed that
Moody declined to repay this sum, claiming as a set off against it,
a like amount, in two sums, which had been disallowed in Military
Requisitions by my Predecessor in
1858 and
1860. The first, three
pounds seventeen shillings (£3.17.0) for
Captain Grant's R.E. Mess
expenses on board ship from Southampton to
Colon in
1858, the other,
forty pounds seven shillings and ten pence (£40.7.10),
claimed, as Colonial pay, by
Captain Lempriere R.E. from
19 of April to 31 of May 1860.
As these are military disallowances and have no bearing or claim
on Civil Advances I would beg to suggest
Colonel Moody be
called upon to pay the balance named into the hands of the Crown
Agents on account of this Colony.