Laird forwards Newcastle a letter from Janion complaining about the poor postal
service between England and the colonies of British Columbia and
Vancouver Island, and asks if it will be possible for the Government to take some steps to remedy the evils
complained of.Elliot minutes that Douglas has already addressed the issue and that it is not likely
that the Treasury will contribute any funds to the project.
I beg to enclose a letter that I have received from Mr C.R. Janion of Liverpool, a Merchant engaged in Trade with Van Couvers Island and British Columbia, pointing out the great
irregularity in the Postal Service between those Colonies and this
The great disadvantages these Colonies labour under from the
present irregular conveyance of the mails, is so clearly shown in
Mr Janion's letter that I hope it will be possible for the
Government to take some steps to remedy the evils complained of.
Mr Janion is a Merchant of the highest respectability,
carrying on business in Liverpool and having branch houses at
Vancouvers Island and other Ports in the Pacific.
I beg also to enclose copies of two documents forwarded to me
by Mr Janion—one being Plan of the proposed Postal route from
Panama to Vancouvers Island—the other copy of the Memorial
referred to in his letter.
I remain Your Grace's Most obedient Servant
John Laird
Mr Elliot VanCouver Isd & B. Columbia are paying £5000 for a fortnightly
postal communication for 6 months—with which fact Mr Janion is
of course acquainted. If the B. Treasury will not grant a
subsidy, which is not likely to happen, the only alternative is for
these Colonies to keep up the payment they have begun to make.
Nor indeed do I think otherwise than that it is fair to leave it
to them [to] do so.
I should acknowledge the letter and say that theDuke of
Newcastle is very sensible of the importance of good and regular
postal communications between this Country and Vancouver's Island
& B. Columbia. I should acquaint him that HM's Govt have not
felt at liberty to apply to Parliament for a grant of British
money towards this service, but that His Grace has sanctioned some
appropriations towards it which have been made out of the Colonial
Revenues, and that the Governor is fully alive to the expediency
of affording every legitimate encouragement to this desirable object.
Memorial to the Treasury, no date, promoting the cause of
improved postal communications and requesting a subsidy from the
imperial treasury for conveyance of the mails between California
and Victoria, 121 signatures.