No. 75
17 April 1861
I have to acknowledge the receipt of your despatch No. 102 of the 6th of December enclosing copies of a correspondence with Mr Dallas, the Hudson's Bay Company's Agent at Victoria, relative to the affairs and position of the Company in connection with the Colony of British Columbia.
The explanation contained in your letter to Mr Dallas of the 5th of December of themattersManuscript image matters in dispute is satisfactory and his rejoinder (dated the 13th of December) of which a copy has been received from the Hudsons Bay Company does not appear to require any further notice from you.
I have the honor to be,
Your Obedient Servant
People in this document

Dallas, Alexander Grant

Douglas, James

Pelham-Clinton, Henry Pelham Fiennes

Organizations in this document

Hudson's Bay Company

Places in this document

British Columbia
