No. 37
Downing Street,
23 December 1859
I enclose for your information the accompanying copy of a letter from Colonel O'Connor who contemplates settling in British Columbia. He has been recommended to my notice by Lord James Butler and Mr Pierce Somerset Butler. I am told that heManuscript image has been an active practical Colonist and that he brought away from California a large sum of money realized by him in that Country. As a gentleman of such experience is likely to be a useful acquisition, I shall be glad if you will afford to Colonel O'Connor any protection and services in your power, but you will distinctly understand that I do not mean by this to recommend Colonel O'Connor to you for any exceptionalManuscript image conditions in the purchase of land. It is a duty from which you must never swerve, and is essential to the success of the Colony and the credit of its Government, that the public lands should be disposed of on impartial and equal terms to all persons who are willing to pay the price required by the public regulations.
I have the honor to be
Your most obedient
humble servant
Documents enclosed with the main document (not transcribed)
Manuscript image
Lt. Col. O'Connor to Newcastle, outlining his experience, advising of his plan to purchase 5,000 acres in British Columbia, and asking for a letter of reference to present to Douglas.