No. 19
Downing Street,
9 February 1859
I transmit to you, herewith, the copies of a correspondence which took place with Colonel Moody while in this Country, and with the Treasury, respecting the pay of the officers and men of the British Columbia expedition. From thiscorrespondenceManuscript image correspondence, you will perceive that the Lords Commissoners of the Treasury have consented that the men shall be placed on the same footing as the men of Lieutenant Colonel Hawkin's party as regards their receiving pay before embarkation, and that the Colonial pay of the officers shall commence from the dates at which they ceased to receive their extra Military allowances in this Country. As, however, the War Department are at present unable to state preciselytheseManuscript image these dates, the advance of 120 days Colonial pay made to the officers, of which I apprized you in my despatch No 45 of the 19th November, must be computed from the dates of their embarkation, and any claim which they may have to their allowances previously to embarking must be left to be adjusted in the Colony. No further issue therefore of Colonial pay will be made in this Country. I annex amemorandumManuscript image memorandum of the dates at which the officers embarked.
I request that you will communicate this despatch to Colonel Moody for his information and guidance.
I have the honor to be
Your most obedient
humble servant
E B Lytton
People in this document

Douglas, James

Hawkins, John Summerfield

Lytton, Edward George Earle Bulwer

Moody, Richard Clement

Organizations in this document


Places in this document

British Columbia