Public Offices document.
Minutes (3), Other documents (2), Marginalia (1).
Rogers inquires into rumours that Scottish solicitors are not allowed to practice in the
Supreme Courts of British Columbia and Vancouver Island. Despite peculiar phraseology in an Order in Council for Vancouver Island.
The minutes recommend that the Charter of Justice for Vancouver Island be amended.
Included in this document is a draft from Lytton to Douglas, 9 April 1859; Carnarvon to J. Morgan, 9 April 1859, advising that Douglas had been instructed to invite the Legislature to authorize the admission Scottish
solicitors to practice in the courts of Vancouver Island.
I have to acknowledge your Letter of the 17th instant
enclosing a correspondence which has taken place between the
Secretary of State and the President of the Society of
Solicitors before the Supreme Court in Scotland.
2. This Gentleman complains that Solicitors before
the Supreme Courts of Scotland are not allowed to practice
in the Courts of British Columbia. It appears on enquiry
that this is a mistakemistake, but that it is true that Solicitors
are excluded from practice before the Supreme Court of
Vancouvers Island under the Order in Council of the
4th of April 1856 which only admits to practice
Attorneys—Solicitors and Proctors of the English and
Irish Courts and Writers to the Signet of the Scottish Courts.
3. I have no doubt that the phraseology of the
Vancouvers Island Order in Council was merely borrowed
from some existing precedent
and I perceive that it is
identical in substance with a provision of the Charter of
Justice of Gibraltar dated 1 September 1830 (Clark page 683)
and of the Cape of Good Hope in May 18321832 (Clark page 478).
4. But I see that the qualification usually required
is that of having been admitted "Writers Attorneys or
Solicitors in one of our Courts at Westminster Dublin or
Edinburgh" which would I presume admit the "Solicitors
before the Supreme Court of Scotland." By referring to
Clarks Colonial Law it will be seen that the above phrase
is used in the following documents.
Charter of Justice Newfoundland19 Septr 1825. (Clark page 427)
Ditto New South Wales22 April 1834. (Clark page 630)
Ditto Van Diemens Land 4 March 1831. (Clark page 656)
and it is used in the New Zealand Rules of Court article 7.
5. I feel no doubt that the SolicitorsSolicitors of the Supreme
Court are fairly entitled to the privilege of practising in
Van Couvers Island if it be thought worth while to make the
requisite amendment in the Order in Council of the 4th of April 1836.
6. A careful scrutiny of Charters, Colonial Laws and
(so far as accessable) the Rules of Court passed by Colonial
Judges would possibly bring to light similar exclusions in
other Colonies. But as these could not always be amended
in the same ready way, and as the search would involve
much labor and could not after all be relied upon for
completeness it would probably be advisable to confine thethe
amendment, if made at all, to Van Couver's Island.
Mr Merivale
I presume therefore, that the Charter of Justice of VanCouvers Island
should be amended in the manner suggested by Sir F. Rogers, and the
President of the Society of Solicitors informed, with reference to the
two previous letters from this Dept, that this will be done?
Better I think recommend the making this alteration to the
local legislature, sending the correspondence to Govr Douglas. There
is no doubt they possess the power, under 12 & 13 Vict. C. 48 sec. 2.
Draft, Carnarvon to J. Morgan, 9 April 1859, advising that
Douglas had been instructed to invite the Legislature to authorize the
admission Scottish solicitors to practice in the courts of Vancouver