40.5: Crossword


Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
  1     2        3        
5            6         
8   9            10        
        11        12   13    
   14          15        
18     19    20       21         


2. besides, except, beyond, past (prep + acc)
5. I (masc) spoke (prophetically), foretold (hint: write as one word)
6. I suppose
8. monument
10. just, right
12. bronze
14. master
17. tear
18. face, countenance, looks
21. I weary, tire out
22. to speak (prophetically), talk, foretell


1. turning post, goal, limit
2. after all, finally, for the last time
3. I find, discover, learn, get
4. I speak (prophetically), talk, foretell
7. nose
9. I (fem.) suppose
11. indeed, in fact
13. I unfold, explain, spread out, deploy
15. mistress, lady
16. wholly, entirely, altogether
19. so many
20. rocks, stones