38.5: Crossword


Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
  1         2   3         
 4        5            
         6        7    
       9       10      11   
13     14                
       19    20          


2. firm, strong, reliable
4. I hang up, suspend, interrupt
6. I sold
8. pain, grief
9. weak, feeble, not strong
14. works, tasks, deeds
15. foot, lower leg
16. even if, although
17. elevated, lofty, heroic, noble
20. with pleasure, gladly
21. founder, sower, begetter, father, planter
22. I fear, dread
23. I recognise, recollect


1. I complain, lament, grumble
3. I impede, hinder, prevent
5. merit, prestige, dignity
7. I went
10. a wondrous, amazing, remarkable thing (adj.)
11. work, task, deed
12. I sell
13. I (masc.) complained (hint: write as one word)
14. hatred
15. ancient, former, previous
18. speech
19. tree