16.8: Translation
Multiple-choice exercise
Choose the correct answer for each question.
In illā aetāte neque corpus potēns nec mentem ācrem habēbis.
- You will have neither a powerful aged body nor a sharp mind.
- You will have neither an able body nor a sharp mind in that period of life.
- Your powerful body will not have a sharp mind in that period of life.
Puerī fortī factō suō mortem fūgērunt.
- The brave boys escaped death by means of their deed.
- The brave boys will escape death by their deed.
- The boys escaped death by the means of their brave deed.
Fēmina dulcia verba poētae audit.
- The sweet woman will listen to the words of the poet.
- The sweet woman listens to the words of the poet.
- The woman listens to the sweet words of the poet.