"Nostrō in populō, cīvitāte (1) in meō, eundem (2) morbum numquam inveniam. Vōs autem, haec (3) amica ex amicō vestrō (4) audīte et bene ea (5) intellegīte: dum aliōs senectūtis timōres superābunt, dum aliōs cupiditātes cum voluptātibus (6) in vitia semper nova trahent (7), nēmō ex vōbis (8) vītam beātam agere poterit (9)." Multa alia dē virtute in eīsdem (10) litterīs nōn mihi (11) sōlō sed patriae tōtae et cōnsulibus eius (12) scrībit.
Parse (i.e. explain grammatically) the words indicated:
Abl sing of cīvitās
Dat sing of cīvitātis
Adverb cīvitāte
Parse (i.e. explain grammatically) the words indicated:
Acc masc sing of eusdem
Dat neut sing of idem
Acc masc sing of īdem
Parse (i.e. explain grammatically) the words indicated:
Nom fem sing of hic
Acc neut pl of hic
Acc neut sing of hic
Parse (i.e. explain grammatically) the words indicated:
Dat masc sing of vester
Gen masc sing of vester
Abl masc sing of vester
Parse (i.e. explain grammatically) the words indicated:
Acc neut pl of is
Abl fem sing of is
Nom fem sing of is
Parse (i.e. explain grammatically) the words indicated:
Dat pl of voluptās
Abl pl of voluptās
Abl pl of voluptātis
Parse (i.e. explain grammatically) the words indicated:
3rd pl fut indic of trāxō
3rd pl fut indic of trahiō
3rd pl fut indic of trahō
Parse (i.e. explain grammatically) the words indicated:
Abl pl of vōs
Abl pl of vōbīs
Dat pl of vōs
Parse (i.e. explain grammatically) the words indicated:
3rd pres indic of possum
Abl sing of poter
3rd sing fut indic of possum
Parse (i.e. explain grammatically) the words indicated:
Abl fem pl of idem
Nom masc sing of eīsdem
Dat fem sing of idem
Parse (i.e. explain grammatically) the words indicated:
dat sing of mihi
dat sing of ego
nom pl of ego
Parse (i.e. explain grammatically) the words indicated: