7.9: Crossword


Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
 1     2              3     
4          5             
6            7           
          12      13      14   
     16           17       
    18        19         20    


4. Part *of the letter* to Gaius is missing.
6. An unmarried young woman
8. What do poets sing?
9. Hopelessly in ____.
10. These are troubled ____.
11. For courage.
12. The tiara *of the queen*.
16. Truth or ____ (infinitive).
17. Customs
18. I see *the men*.
21. Columbus explored many ____.
22. A *new* plan.


1. The safety *of the state*.
2. I kill.
3. The sailor viewed *the bodies*.
5. The men went to town *with their wives*.
7. The shape *of the letter* 'B'.
13. In *the name* of the father.
14. ____ mortem, ____humous, e.g.
15. Toil
19. ___marine, ___terranean, e.g.
20. The king tried to achieve *peace*.