5.11: Translation
Multiple-choice exercise
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Magister dē perīculīs adulēscentiae puerōs monēbat.
- The master used to warn the boys about the dangers of youth.
- The master will warn the boys about the dangers of youth.
- The master warns the boys about the dangers of youth.
Crās magnō amicō Petrus et fīliī cēnābunt.
- Tomorrow Peter and his sons will dine with his great friend.
- Tomorrow Peter will dine with the sons of his great friend.
- Tomorrow Peter dines with a great friend of his sons'.
Propter īram magnam agricolam nauta culpābat.
- The sailor blamed the farmer because of his great anger.
- The sailor kept blaming the great farmer on account of his anger.
- The sailor used to blame his great anger on the farmer.
Quandō populī avārī tuam patriam in bellō superābant?
- When did the greedy people conquer your fatherland in war?
- When did your fatherland overwhelm the greedy people in war?
- When will your native land of greedy people be victorious in war?
Caelum bonum vitās nautārum servābit.
- A good sky will preserve the lives of the sailors
- A good sky preserved the lives of the sailors.
- The good lives of the sailors were offered to the sky.
Culpa igitur magistrōrum propter bellum in animīs populī remanēbat.
- Blame of the masters, therefore, remained in the minds of the people, on account of the war.
- The masters blamed the minds of the people, therefore, because of the war.
- The minds of the people will always retain the master's blame during the war.
Verba poētae bonī bellum donum hūmānīs sunt.
- The words of a good poet are a beautiful gift for humans.
- Good poets give beautiful gifts of words to humans.
- Good poets are a beautiful gift to humans with their words.
Glōriam parvus vir Rōmānīs līberīs dābit.
- A small man will give glory to free Romans.
- A man gives small glory to free Romans.
- A little man used to give glory freely to the Romans.
Puella pulchra bāsia agricolae sanī laudābat.
- The beautiful girl was praising the kisses of the healthy farmer.
- The healthy farmer will praise the beautiful girl with kisses.
- The healthy farmers used to praise the kisses of the beautiful girl.