5.10: Grammar: Multiple Choice
Multiple-choice exercise
For each question, click on the button beside the correct answer.
5:7 Reading Passage
Multī(1) magistrōrum adulēscentiam puerōrum(2) culpābant(3). Saepe puerī satis(4) nōn cōgitant sed glōriam bellī laudant. Magistrī puerōs verbīs(5) superabant. Magistrī puerōs(6) philosophiam et sapientiam amāre monēbant. Magistrī puerōs servāre vitās virōrum monēbant(7). Quandō(8) ōtium puerōs satiābit?
1 / 8
What is the gender, number and case of this adjective and what is its function in the sentence?
- Gen. pl. masc.; modifies noun 'magistrorum'
- Nom. pl. masc.; substantive - subject
- Nom. pl. neut.; modifies noun 'magistrōrum'
What is the gender, number and case of this noun?
- Masc. gen. plur.
- Abl. sing. masc.
- Acc. sing. neut.
What is the best possible translation of this verb?
- (You pl.) will blame.
- (They) were blaming.
- (They) will blame.
What part of speech is this?
- Preposition
- Adjective
- Adverb
What function does this word's ending signify?
- possession
- means
- direct object
What is the gender, number and case of this noun and what is its grammatical function?
- Nom. pl. masc.; subject
- Acc. pl. neut.; indirect object
- Acc. pl. masc.; direct object
What tense is this verb?
- Future
- Present
- Imperfect
What is the best translation of this word?
- Why
- When
- Who