2.8: Grammar: Multiple Choice
Multiple-choice exercise
For each question, click on the button beside the correct answer.
Reading Passage
Puella multās rosās(1) videt. Nauta puellae(2) rosās dat. Puella rosās amat sed nautam(3) nōn amat. Puella(4) poetam amat. Poeta philosophiam antīquam(5) cōgitat. Sententiās poetārum(6) antīquōrum cōnservat. Poeta puellam laudāre(7) dēbet.
What is the case and number of this noun?
- Nominative plural
- Accusative plural
- Dative singular
What is the case and number of this noun?
- Genitive singular
- Ablative plural
- Dative singular
What is the case and number of this noun?
- Genitive plural
- Accusative singular
- Accusative plural
What is the case and number of this noun?
- Ablative singular
- Nominative singular
- Dative plural
What part of speech is this?
- Adjective
- Noun
- Verb
What is the case and number of this noun?
- Ablative plural
- Genitive plural
- Nominative plural
What form of the verb is this?
- infinitive
- imperative
- present indicative