In the Department of Pacific and Asian Studies at the University of Victoria, BC, Canada.

Because the Indonesian / Malay language is one of the most widely spoken languages in Southeast Asia. It is the official national language for over 220 million people in Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei, and it is invaluable for understanding the culture, politics and economy of the region.

During weekly classes and language labs, you will learn to speak, read, and write the Indonesian language. Resources available for you are a comprehensive textbook, audio tapes and this Website, which features more than 160 interactive exercises to help you master the language. Contact Marije Plomp for more information on the course content.

[Graphics courtesy of Art of Indonesia]
Beginner and Intermediate level courses run every year from September to April. For more information about eh courses and how to register, you can contact the Department of Pacific and Asian Studies at the University of Victoria, telephone (Canada) 250-721-7477, 250-721-7480, e-mail wonton@uvic.ca or jmerritt@uvic.ca.