The English Provincial Book Trade Before 1850

A checklist of secondary sources by John Feather (Oxford Bibliographical Society, Bodleian Library, Oxford, 1981) with later additions by Paul Morgan.

The copyright in the original published list remains with the Oxford Bibliographical Society. Many thanks to Prof Feather and the Society for permission to add the list to the BBTI website. The additional material was provided by Paul Morgan - to whom many thanks also.

AuthorTitlePublishing Details
Adams, Victor J.Centenary number. Poole and Dorset Herald, 11 Apr 1946. Poole and Dorsetshire Weekly Herald, The Dorset 78
Adams, Victor J.Flying Post - Western Gazette. Newspaper World, 22 Jul 1939, p. 5. Western Flying Post, The Dorset 80
Adams, Victor J.John Love of Weymouth. Dorchester, 1965. Love, John Dorset 81
Adams, Victor J.Samuel Simmonds - bookseller and chemist. Dorset Yearbook, 58 (1965),93-95. Simmond, Samuel Dorset 77
Adams, Victor J.Western Gazette: two hundred years of local news. Yeovil: Western Gazette, 1937. Sherborne Mercury, The Dorset 79
Alinutt, W. H.175th birthday of the Shrewsbury Chronicle. Shrewsbury, 1947. Shrewsbury Chronicle, The Shropshire 423 Note: An exhibition catalogue. See also Madden and Dixon 1531-32.
Alinutt, W. H.The King's Printer at Shrewsbury, 1642-43. Libr., 2nd ser., 1 (1900), 355-64. Barker, Robert Shropshire 422
Allnutt, W. H.English provincial presses 1478-1556. Bibl., 2 (1896), 23-46, 150-80, 276-308; ibid, 3 (1897), 481-83. General 183
Allnutt, W. H.Notes on printers and printing in the provincial towns of England and Wales. Oxford: privately printed, 1878. General 184
Allnutt, W. H.Notes on the introduction of printing-presses into the smaller towns of England and Wales, after 1750 to the end of the eighteenth century. Libr., 2nd ser., 2 (1901), 242-59. General 185
Allnutt, W. H.Printers and printing in the provincial towns of England and Wales. Trans. And Proc. of the First Annual Meeting of the Libr. Ass., 1879, 101-03, 139, App. V. General 186
Allnutt, W. H.Table of places in England and Wales, with their earliest specimens of typography. Ibid., 157-64. General 187
Anderton, Basil.Thomas Bewick, the Tyneside engraver. Libr., 3rd ser., 6 (1915), 365-84; ibid., 7 (1916), 1-17. Bewick, Thomas Northumberland 140
Anderton, B.Notes on some of the printers and libraries of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. BAR, 7 (1909-10), i-xii. Northumberland 131
-, and Potter, W. A.Early Nottingham printers and printing. Nottingham, 1953. Nottinghamshire 152 Note: A revised edition of no. 286.
-, and Simmons, F and J. S. G.A chronological list of Oxford books 1681-1713. Oxford, 1954. Dorne, John Oxfordshire 170 Note: Edited by F and J. S. G. Simmons from Madan's notebooks
Angus, AlanThomas Bewick's apprentices History of the Book Trade in the North, 1993, iii Bewick, Thomas Northumberland 536
Appleyard, S.The Lincoln, Rutland and Stamford Mercury. Lincolnshire Life, 5:3 (June/July 1965), 56-57, 81. Lincoln, Rutland, and Stamford Mercury, The Lincolnshire 319
Archer, CarolineSome notes on the Kynoch Press 1878-1981 Printing Historical Society Bulletin, 35 (1993), 10-13 Warwickshire 560
Archer, CarolineThe Kynoch press :the anatomy of a printing house, 1876-1981 London;New Castle, Del.:British Library: Oak Knoll Press,2000 Warwickshire 561
Arkle, A. H.EarIy Liverpool printers. Trans. Historic Soc. of Lancashire and Cheshire, 68 (1917), 73-84. Lancashire 260
Arnold, George M.Robert Pocock, the Gravesend historian, naturalist, antiquarian, botanist, and printer. London: Samson, Low, 1883. Pocock, Robert Kent 247
Arnold, George M.150th anniversary number. Kent Messenger Gazette, 5 Jan 1965. Maidstone Gazette, The Kent 248 Note: See also Madden and Dixon 1227
Ashdown, C. H.The schoolmaster printer of St Albans. Trans. St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Arch. Soc., (1924), 76-79. Hertfordshire 235
At a ripe old age of 125. Bucks Advertiser, 1 Dec 1961, p.1. Aylesbury News and Advertiser for Bucks, The Buckinghamshire 2 Note: See also Madden and Dixon 648-49.
Attwood, J. S.Booksellers and printers in Devon and Cornwall in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Devon and Cornwall NQ, 9 (1916-17), 129-38. Cornwall 50
Austen-Leigh, R. A.Joseph Pote of Eton and Bartlet's Farriery. Libr. 4th ser., 17 (1936-37),131-54. Pote, Joseph Berkshire 222
Austen-Leigh, R. A.Reading printing 1736-1962. An exhibition. Reading: Reading University Library, 1962. Berkshire 223
Austin, Roland.Catalogue of the Gloucestershire collection. Gloucester, 1928. Gloucestershire 97 Note: A collection in Gloucester Public Library; the Catalogue includes important lists and indices of local printing, printers, and publisbers.
Austin, Roland.Centenary supplement. Wilts and Gloucestershire Standard, 30 Jan 1937. Wilts and Gloucester Standard, The Gloucestershire 111
Austin, Roland.Samuel Rudder. Libr., 3rd ser., 6 (1915), 235-51. Rudder, Samuel Gloucestershire 110
Austin, Roland.Some notes on printing in Gloucestershire. BAR, 16 (1919), i-vii. Gloucestershire 98
Austin, R.Robert Raikes, the elder, & the Gloucester Joumal. Libr., 3rd ser., 6 (1915),1-24. Gloucester Journal, The Gloucestershire 114 Note: See also Madden and Dixon 1049-50, 1052.
Austin, R.The Gloucester journal, 1722-1922. NQ, 12th ser., 10 (1922), 261-64, 283-85. Gloucester Journal, The Gloucestershire 113
Austin, R.The Gloucester journal: numbering of volumes. NQ, 12thser.,3(1915),317. Gloucester Journal, The Gloucestershire 112
Axon, W. E. A.The aetheist converted. The first book printed in Lincoln. Libr., 3rd ser., 2 (1911), 319-22. Wood, William Lincolnshire 316
Ayerst, David.The Guardian: biography of a newspaper. London: Collins, 1971. Manchester Guardian, The Lancashire 305
Baillie, W. M.The printing of privileged books at Cambridge 1631-1634. TCBS, 5 (1971),155-66. Cambridge University Press Cambridgshire 24
Baines, P.The first year of printing in Colchester Factotum, 33 (1991), 7-9 Durham 465
Bain, G. W.Early printing presses of Sunderland. Antiq. of Sunderland and its Vicinity, 7 (1908), 1-12. Durham 92
Bain, lain.Altere und neuere Unterschungen zu Thomas Bewick. Marginalien, 40 (1970),43-54. Bewick, Thomas Northumberland 141
Bain, lain.Bewick: a second gleaning. BC, 21 (1972), 95-105. Bewick, Thomas Northumberland 142
Barker, NicolasThe Oxford University Press and the spread of learning, 1478-1978 Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1978 Oxford University Press Oxfordshire 541
Barker, Nicolas.The St. Albans press: the first punch-cutter in England, and the first native typefounder? TCBS, 7 (1979), 257-79. Hertfordshire 236
Barnard, J. & M. BellThe early 17th century York book trade and John Foster's inventory of 1616 Proc. Leeds Phil. & Lit. Soc., XXIV, 2, 1994 Foster, John Yorkshire 597
Barnes, Avril J.The bookselling and printing business of John Binns and his successor John Heaton. Leeds University M.A. thesis, 1977. Binns, John Yorkshire 372
Barnes, F., and Hobbs, J L.Handlist of newspapers published in Cumberland, Westmorland, and north Lancashire. Cumberland and Westmorland Antiq. and Arch. Soc., tract ser., 14, 1951. Cumberland 52
Barnes, R.The Midland Counties Illuminator: a Leicester Chartist journal. Trans. Leicestershire Arch. and Historical Soc., 35 (1959), 68-77. Midland Counties Illuminator, The Leicestershire 310
Beaven, M.Warwick's provincial newspapers in early 1750s Warwick History, 9 (1993), 12-34 Warwickshire 557
Beckett, Arthur.The first Sussex newspaper. Sussex County Magazine, 15 (1941), 247-54. Sussex Weekly Advertiser, The Sussex 284
Beck, F. G. M.A new Ipswich book of 1548. Libr., 2nd ser., 10 (1949), 86-89. Oswen, John Suffolk 275
Bell, Bill'Pioneers of Literature': The commercial Traveller in the Early Nineteenth Century The Reach of Print, 121-134 General 431
Bell, MaureenReading in Seventeenth-Century Derbyshire: the Wheatcrofts and their Books The Moving Market, 161-168 Derbyshire 456
Bell, MaureenSturdy Rogues and Vagabonds: Restoration Control of Pedlars and Hawkers The Mighty Engine, 89-96 General 432
Bemrose, H. H.The house of Bemrose 1826-1926. Derby: The Bemrose Press, 1926. Bemrose and co., Derbyshire 59
Bennett, William.John Baskerville, the Birmingham printer. 2 vols., Birmingham, 1937-39. Baskerville, John Warwickshire 293
Bensusan-Butt, J.Ann Yearsley's Public Library Factotum, 3, 9-13 Yearsley, Ann Gloucestershire 468
Bensusan-Butt, J.History of the Essex Standard. Colchester Gazette, 8 Sep 1965, pp. 9-12. Essex Standard, The Durham 96 Note: See also Madden and Dixon 977, 979.
Bensusan-Butt, J.Ms notes on Colchester printers in Colchester PL NULL Durham 467 (E.Col.1.655)
Bensusan-Butt, J.William Gent of Bristol Factotum, 11, 8-11 Gent, William Gloucestershire 469
Bentley, C. F.New information about an Exeter bookseller: an addition and correction to Plomer. NQ, 212 (1967), 102. Crowse, James Devon 72
Bentley, C. F.The anniversary of the Devon and Exeter Weekly Gazette 5 March 1910, being the completion of the 138th year of the uninterrupted existence of the paper, and the 25th year of its present ownership. Exeter: Devon and Exeter Weekly Gazette, 1910. Essex Gazette, The Devon 73 Note: See also Madden and Dixon 997
Benton, Josiah HenryJohn Baskerville, typefounder and printer, 1706-1775. Boston, Mass., 1914. Baskerville, John Warwickshire 294
Berkeley, R.A sketch of early provincial journalism. Associated Arch. Socs. Reports and Papers, 25 (1898), 550-73. Newspapers 209
B., H.A 'forgotten' newspaper. Cheshire Sheaf, 3rd ser., 59 (1964), 15. Chester Guardian, The Cheshire 43
Blades, William.Some account of the typography of St Albans in the fifteenth century. 1860. Reprinted with an introduction by Eric Vickers. London, 1976. Hertfordshire 234
Blagg, Thomas M.Newark as a publishing town. Newark, 1898. Nottinghamshire 150
Bockwitz, Hans H.Baskerville in letters. Birmingham: Birmingham School of Printing, 1933. Baskerville, John Warwickshire 295
Bolton, ClaireA Winchester bookshop and its bindery 1991 Hampshire 476 A. & R. Holloway, T. Burd
Bowes, Robert and Gray, G. J.John Siberch. Cambridge: Bowes and Bowes, 1906. Siberch, John von Lair Cambridgshire 18
Bowes, Robert.Biographical notes on the University Printers from the commencement of printing in Cambridge to the present time. Proc. Cambridge Antiq. Soc., 5 (1883-86), 283-362. Cambridge University Press Cambridgshire 25
Boyd, Julia.Bewick gleanings. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Andrew Reid, 1886. Bewick, Thomas Northumberland 143 Note: Prints from Bewick blocks, but with a substantial introduction.
Bradshaw, Henry.A half-century of notes on the day-book of John Dorne. Cambridge, 1886. Dorne, John Oxfordshire 171
Briggs, Asa.Press and public in early nineteenth-century Birmingham. Stratford-upon- Avon: Dugdale Society, occasional papers, 8, 1949. Warwickshire 287
Brooke, L. E. J.Somerset newspapers 1725-1960. Yeovil: The Author, 1960. Somerset 426
Brown, Christine.A history of the book trade in Doncaster up to l850. Leeds University M.A. thesis, 1978. Yorkshire 361
Brown, Reginald W.Northamptonshire printing, printers and booksellers. BAR, 14 (1917), xxix-xxxvi. Northamptonshire 413
Brown, Reginald W.Northamptonshire printing, printers, and booksellers. J. Northamptonshire Natural History Soc. and Field Club, 19 (1918), 183-91; 20 (1919), 20-56. Northamptonshire 414
Brushfield, T. N.Andrew Brice, and the early Exeter newspaper press. Trans. Devon Ass., 20 (1888), 163-214. Brice, Andrew Devon 70
Brushfield, T. N.The life and bibliography of Andrew Brice. Exeter: Privately Printed, 1888. Brice, Andrew Devon 71
Buchanan-Brown, J.The Haberdashers' Co. of Hereford v James Wills Quadrat, ` (1995) Herefordshire 478
Burge, K., Ed.The story of a community and its newspaper: Somerset County Gazette, 150 years 1988 Somerset County Gazette Somerset 545 Includes general essay on Somerset newspapers 1725-1988. See 325 infra.
Burman, C. Clark.An account of the art of typography as practised in Ainwick from 1781 to 1815. Ainwick: Ainwick and County Gazette and Steam Printing Co. Ltd., 1895. Northumberland 124
Burton, G. H.Notes on newspapers. Lincoln, Rutland and Stamford Mercury, 20 Mar 1914. Lincoln, Rutland, and Stamford Mercury, The Lincolnshire 320
Burton, J. R.Early Worcestershire printers and books. Associated Arch. Soc. Reports and Papers, 24 (1897), 197-213. Worcestershire 348
Burton, K. G.The early newspaper press in Berkshire. Reading University M.A. thesis, 1954. Berkshire 219
Bushnell, G. H., and Dix, E. R. McN.A dictionary of the printers and booksellers who were at work in England Scotland and Ireland from 1726-1775. London: The Bibliographical Society, 1932. General 202 Note: Index Of Places In England And Wales Other Than London, pp. 411-2 1.
B., W. C.Provincial bookseller. NQ, 10th ser., 5 (1906), 141-42, 183-84, 242-43. General 188
Carter, Harry.A history of the Oxford University Press. Vol. 1. To 1780. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1975. Oxford University Press Oxfordshire 179
Centenary number 1832-1932. Bucks Herald, 1 Jan 1932. Bucks Herald, The Buckinghamshire 3
Chamberlain Brothers, R.J.Horse racing ephemera of Warwickshire Factotum, 10, 11 Warwickshire 558
Cheney, Christopher R.1767-1967: Cheney & Sons - Banbury printers for 200 years. BritishPrinter,80(1967), 549, 554, 579. Oxfordshire 158
Cheney, Christopher R.Cheney & Sons: two centuries of printing in Banbury. Cake and Cockborse, (1967), 167-75. Cheney, John Oxfordshire 156
Cheney, Christopher R.John Cheney and his descendants. Banbury: Cheney and Sons, 1936. Cheney, John Oxfordshire 157 Note: Anonymous
Cheshire bibliography. [by various hands]. In J. P. EarwakerLocal gleanings relating to Lancashire and Chesire. 1 ( 1875-76). § 194, 200, 209, 231, 241, 246-48, 2156, 260-61, 278, 286, 294. Cheshire 32
Chilton, C.W.Early Hull printers and booksellers. An account of the printing, bookselling and allied trades from their beginnings to 1840 Kingston-upon-Hull City Council, 1982 Yorkshire 586
Chilton, C. W.The inventory of a provincial bookseller's stock of 1644. Libr., 6th ser., 1 (1979),126-43. Awdeley, John Yorkshire 369
C., I.An early Chester newspaper. Cheshire Sheaf, 3rd ser., 57 (1962), 71. Industrious Bee, The Cheshire 46
Clarke, D.The local newspaper press and local politics in Manchester and Liverpool 1760-1800. Trans. Lancashire and Cheshire Antiq. Soc., 73/74 (1966), 101-23. Lancashire 261
Clarke, W. J.Early Nottingham printers and printing. Nottingham: Thos. Forman and Sons Ltd., 1942. Nottinghamshire 151
Clark, H.P.Clark's guide Rye, 1861 Kent 498 Preface on his early career
Clark, H.P.Clark's Guide Rye, 1861 Sussex 554 Preface
Clephan, James.Early booksellers on the Tyne. Monthly Chronicle of North Country Lore and Legend, 1 (1887), 362-65. Northumberland 133
Clephan, James.Early printing in Newcastle. Arch.Aeliana, new ser.,7 (1876), 271-72. Northumberland 132
Clephan, James.More about early booksellers on Tyne. Monthly Chronicle of North Country Lore and Legend, 1 ( 1887), 412-15. Northumberland 134
Clough, E. A.A short-title catalogue, arranged geographically, of books printed and distributed by printers, publishers and booksellers in English provincial towns and in Scotland and Ireland up to and including the year 1700. London: The Library Association, 1973. General 189 Note: Based on STC and Wing. Excludes Oxford books if in Madan.
Cock, William F.The Kentish Post or The Canterbury Newsletter. Libr., 3rd ser., 4 (1913), 285-90. Kentish Post, The Kent 244
Conisbee, L. R.A Bedfordshire bibliography. Luton, 1962. Bedfordshire 217
Cooke, John H.Bibliotheca Cestrensis: or, a biographical account of books, maps, plates, and other printed matter ... printed or published in ... the county of Chester. Warrington: Mackie & Co. Ltd., 1904. Cheshire 33
Cooper, MargaretA Snuff-Box from the King of Prussia: The Remarkable Career of Benjamin Maund, Bookseller, Druggist and Botanist 1790-1864 The Reach of Print, 51-64 Maund, Benjamin Worcestershire 578 Bromsgrove
Cooper, MargaretBooks Returned, Accounts Unsettled and Gifts of Country Food: Customer Expectations around 1700 The Mighty Engine, 131-142 Worcestershire 579 Worcester
Cooper, MargaretThe Worcester Book Trade in the eighteenth century Worcestershire Hist. Soc., occ. Pub. 8) 1997 Worcestershire 577 See Quadrat 5 (1981), 24-6
Cooper, T. P.The city of York: some of its literary associations, printers, booksellers, and authors. BAR, 10 (1912-13), xii-xiix. Yorkshire 383
Cooper, T. P.The sign of the Bible in Stonegate. York: Yorkshire Architectural Society, 1929. Yorkshire 384
Cooper, T. P.The sign of the crown. York: Edwin Story, 1925. Yorkshire 385
Copsey, TonyBook distribution and Printing in Suffolk 1534-1850: Booksellers, Stationers, Binders and Printers. With a Checklist of books printed in the County. Ipswich: Ipswich Book Company, 1994 Suffolk 548
Corns, A. R.Lincolnshire libraries and literature. BAR, 7 (1909-10), xii-xiv. Lincolnshire 311
Cotton, Henry.A typographical gazetteer attempted. 2nd ser. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1866. General 192
Cotton, Henry.A typographical gazetter attempted. 2nd ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1831. General 191
Cotton, Henry.The typographical gazetteer attempted. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1825. General 190
Cowtan, RobertAutobiography NULL Kent 484
Cranfield, G. A.A handlist of English provincial newspapers and periodicals, 1700-60. Cambridge: CBS, monograph, 2, 1952. Newspapers 211
Cranfield, G. A.A handlist of English provincial newspapers and periodicals, 1700-1760. Additions and corrections. TCBS, 2 (1956), 269-74. Newspapers 212
Cranfield, G. A.The development of the provincial newspaper 1700-60. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1962. Newspapers 210
Cranfield, G. A.The first Cambridge newspaper. Proc.Cambridge Antiq Soc., 45(1951), 5-16. Cambridge Journal, The Cambridgshire 16
Creswell, S. F.Collections towards the history of printing in Nottinghamshire. London: John Russell Smith, 1863. Nottinghamshire 153 Note. Despite its title, this book & about Nottingham only.
Cropper, Percy J.The Nottinghamshire printed chapbooks. Nottingham, 1892. Nottinghamshire 148
Cross, A.From Hull to Petersburg: Levesque's History of Russia printed by George Prince Factotum, 33 (1991), 14-17 Yorkshire 588
Crouch, Jane L.A champion of reform. Newspaper World, 27 May 1939, 5, 12. Leeds Mercury, The Yorkshire 375 Note: See also Madden and Dixon 1169- 70.
Crouch, Jane L.Some chapbooks printed by J. & C. H. Johnson of Leeds: a study. Leeds University M.A. thesis, 1976. Johnson, J. and C.H. Yorkshire 373
Crouch, Jane L.The Leeds intelligencer 1754-1866. Publ. Thoresby Soc., 40 (1955), i-ix. Leeds intelligencer, The Yorkshire 374 Note: See also Madden and Dixon 1167.
Crouch, Marcus, ed.A book of Kent made by the printers of Kent. Tenterden: Paul Norbury Publications, 1976. Kent 240
Crump, M.J. & R. I. Goulden[Rev. Samuel] Fancourt's circulating library at Salisbury Factotum 3, pp. 9-13 Fancourt, Samuel Wiltshire 575
Crutchley, Brooke.The first Cambridge printer. In Crutchley, Brooke. Siberch celebrations 1521-1971. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1971. Siberch, John von Lair Cambridgshire 19
Curtis, Lewis Perry.The first printer of Tristram Shandy. Publ. Modern Language Assoc., 47 (1932), 777-89. Ward, Ann Yorkshire 394
Daish, A. N.Printers' pride. The house of Yelf at Newport Isle of Wight 1816-1966. Newport: Yelf Bros., 1967. Yelf brothers Hampshire 117
Daphne Franks,Printing and publishing in Stokesley Stokesley and District Local History Study Group (1984) Yorkshire 591 Stokesley
Davies, Robert.A memoir of the York press. Westminster: Nichols and Sons, 1868. Yorkshire 386
Dawson, Thomas.The pamphlet literature of Liverpool. Lancashire and Cheshire Historic Soc., new ser., 5 (1865), 73-138. Dawson, Thomas Lancashire 262
Day, J.C.Circulating library in the northeast History of the Book Trade in the North, 67 (1994) Northumberland 528
Day, J.R.Circulating library in the northeast History of the Book Trade in the North, 67 (1994) Durham 463
De la Mare, A. C., and Hellinga, Lotte.The first book printed in Oxford: the Expositio Symboli of Rufinus. TCBS, 7 (1978), 184-244. Rood, Theodoric Oxfordshire 177
Dickinson, M. G.Early Exeter printers and booksellers, 1669-1741. Devon and Cornwal NQ, 29 (1962-64), 164-71. Devon 67
Dickons, J. Norton.A catalogue of books, pamphlets, &c., published at Bradford. Bradford, 1895. Yorkshire 358
Dixon, DianaNewspapers in Huntingdonshire in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries The Mighty Engine, 143-151 Huntingdonshire 481
Dodds, K. RuthHexham imprints 1780-1900 Book trade in the North, 50 (1998) Northumberland 530 Hexham
Dredge, John Ingle.Devon booksellers & printers in the 17th & 18th centuries. Plymouth: W. H. Luke, 1885. Devon 63 Note: Supplement published in 1887.
Dreyfus, John.The survival of Baskerville's punches. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1949. Baskerville, John Warwickshire 327
Duff, E. Gordon.A bookseller's accounts, c.1510. Libr., 2nd ser., 8 (1907), 256-66. Dorne, John Oxfordshire 172 Note: Concerns a binding fragment which may be accounts of Dorne, or of William Howberch.
Duff, E. Gordon.A century of the English book trade. London: The Bibliographical Society, 1905. General 193 Note: Covers the period 1457-1557, including provinial printers etc.
Duff, E. Gordon.Notes on a book printed at York in 1579. Publ. Edinburgh Bibliographical Soc., 3 (1897), 133-36. Marchant, John Yorkshire 391
Duff, E. Gordon.The English provincial printers, stationers, and bookbinders to 1557. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1912. General 194 Note: The Sandars Lectures for 1911, of which a typescript is available in the British Library and Cambrige Universtiy Library.
Duff, E. Gordon.The printers, stationers and bookbinders of York up to 1600. TBS, 5 (1899), 87-107. Yorkshire 387
Duval, GillesThe Diceys revisited Factotum, 35 (1992), 9-11 Dicey Northamptonshire 527
Earwaker, J. P.Notes on the early booksellers and stationers of Manchester prior to the year 1700. Trans. Lancashire and Cheshire Antiq. Soc., 6 (1888), 1-26. Lancashire 301
Earwaker, J. P.The Manchester press before 1801. Manchester: Manchester Public Libraries, occasional lists, new ser., 6, 1931. Lancashire 302
(ed.). John Pendred.The earliest directory of the book trade. London: The Bibliographical Society, 1955. General 204
(ed.). John Pendred.The provincial book trade. RBGN, 10 (Nov. 1977), 9-12. General 205 Note: Brief reports of papers by Paul Morgan, Peter Freshwater, and John Feather
Edwards, F. A.Early Hampshire printers. Papers and Proc Hampshire Field Club, 2 (1890-93), 110-34. Hampshire 116
Edwards, F. A.The early newspaper press of Hampshire. Southampton: Hampshire Independent, 1889. Hampshire 115
English, J.Edward Pawlet of Grantham Lincolnshire's History and Archaeology, 29 (1994), 11-16 Pawlett, Edward Lincolnshire 517 Grantham
English, JimChapbooks & Primers, Piety, Poetry & Classics: the Mozleys of Gainsborough The Mighty Engine, 153-162 Mozley Lincolnshire 515
English, J.John Oswald of London Quadrat, 9 (1959), 13-15 General 433
English, J. S.Books and libraries in Gainsborough. LAR, 70 (1968), 62-65. Lincolnshire 314
English, J. S.One hundred years. Lincolnshire Chronicle, (Apr 1933), 3-9. Lincolnshire Chronicle, The Lincolnshire 315
English, J. S.Some Gainsborough printers. Gainsborough, 1964. Lincolnshire 313
English, J.The Pawletts of London and Grantham Quadrat, 7 (1998), 9-10 Pawlett, Edward Lincolnshire 516 Grantham
English, J.William Harrod's circulating library at Stamford Factotum, 3, 9-13 Harrod, William Norfolk 518
Euren, A. D.Books and bookmen of Norwich. BAR, 10 (1912-13), xxi-xxix. Norfolk 399
Euren, A. D.The first provincial newspaper. Norwich, 1924. Norwich Post, The Norfolk 411
Euren, A. D.The Norwich Post: its contemporaries and successors. Norwich: Norfolk News Co. Ltd., 1951. Norwich Post, The Norfolk 412
Evans, F. H.Brief sketch of the career of the Lincoln, Rutland and Stamford Mercury. Stamford: Lincoln, Rutland and Stamford Mercury, 1938. Lincoln, Rutland, and Stamford Mercury, The Lincolnshire 321
Evans, Ian A.Yorkshire newspapers and periodicals in the eighteenth century: a descriptive bibliography. Leeds University M.A. thesis, 1975. Yorkshire 352
Fanton, s.J.James Sketchley of Birmingham Ars quatuor coronatorum, 50 (1940), 90 Sketchley, James Warwickshire 562
Farrell, Frank J.Centenary number. Lynn Advertiser, 28 Feb 1941. Lynn Advertiser, The Norfolk 398
Farrell, Frank J.Yarmouth printers and printing. Yarmouth: Privately Printed, 1912. Norfolk 397
Fawcett, Trevor.Early Norwich newspapers. NQ, 217 (1972), 363-64. Norfolk 400
Fawcett, Trevor.Eighteenth-century Norfolk booksellers. A survey and register. TCBS, 6 (1972), 1-18. Norfolk 323
Fawcett, Trevor.Some aspects of the Norfolk book trade, 1800-24. TCBS, 4 (1968), 383-95. Norfolk 324
Feather, J.John Clay of Daventry Studies in Bibliography, 17 (1984), 198-209 Clay, John Northamptonshire 525
Feather, JohnCountry book trade apprentices 1710-1760 Publishing history, 6 (1980), 85-99 General 435
Feather, JohnThe Provincial Book Trade in 18th century England Cambridge: CUP, 1985 General 434
Feather, J.The Diceys and the Chapbook Trade Library, 24, no. 3 (1968), 219-311 Dicey Northamptonshire 526
Ferdinand, C.Y.Benjamin Collins and the provincial newspaper trade in the eighteenth century Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1997 Collins, Benjamin Wiltshire 573
Ferdinand, C.Y.Benjamin Collins, the Salisbury Journal and the provincial book trade The Library, 6th series, 11 (1989), 116-138 Collins, Benjamin Wiltshire 574
Fergus, JanEighteenth century readers in provincial England: the customers of Samuel Clay's circulating library and bookshop in Warwick 1770-72 PBSA, 78 (1984), 155-213 Clay, Samuel Warwickshire 569
Ferguson, Chancellor.On the collection of chap-books in the Bibliotheca Jacksoniana, in Tuilie House, Carlisle, with some remarks on the history of printing in Carlisle, Whitehaven, Penrith, and other north country towns. Trans.Cumberland and Westmorland Antiq. and Arch. Soc., 14 (1896), 1-120. Cumberland 53
Ferguson, Chancellor.150th birthday number. Carslise Journal, 29 Oct 1948. Carlisle Journal, The Cumberland 54
Ferguson, Chancellor.150 years on! 1815-1965, supplement. Cumberland News, 11 Jun 1965. Carlisle Patriot, The Cumberland 55
Flower, R.The fate of the Baskerville types. Libr., 2nd ser., 10 (1909), 251-52. Baskerville, John Warwickshire 328
Foot, M.M.A binding by … 1780 Book Collector, 43 (1994), 92-4 Shropshire 544 Eddowes, Joshua
Forster, Harold.Rhymes of a provincial bookseller. ABMR 5 (1978), 2-7. Crane, John Worcestershire 349
Fowler, E.Norwich newspapers and their editors. East Anglian Magazine, (1963), 180-85. Norfolk 401
Foxon, D. F.Centenary supplement. Cheltenham Chronicle and Glo'stersbire Graphic, 8 May 1909. Cheltenham Chronicle, The Gloucestershire 107
Foxon, D. F.The printing of Lyrical Ballads. Libr., 5th ser., 9 (1954), 221-41. Cottle, Joseph Gloucestershire 105
Foxon, D. F.125 years of printing and publishing 1825-1950. Bristol: John Wright & Sons Ltd., 1950. Wright, John Gloucestershire 106
Fraser, D.The Nottingham press, 1800-1850. Trans. Thoroton Soc, 67 (1963),46-66. Nottinghamshire 154
Freshwater, P. B. and others, ed.Working papers for an historical directory of the West Midlands book trade to 1850. Birmingham: Birmingham Bibliographical Society, 1975-. Herefordshire 227 Note: Four parts have been published to date; these cover To 1779 (Pt. 1: 1975), 1780-89 (Pt 2:1976), 1790-99, with addenda toworking Papers 1 and 2 (Pt. 3, 1977), and l800-l809 (Pt. 4: 1978). This project is in active progress. For details, contact Nesta Jenkins, Birmingham Bibliograpbical Society, Main Library, University of Birmingham, Birmingham B15 2TT.
Fussell, G. E.Country life 150 years ago: Thomas Bewick, the Northumberland Cobbett. English Review, 63 (1937), 568-76. Bewick, Thomas Northumberland 144
Gaskell, PhilipBaskerville's punches. Cambridge, 1953. Baskerville, John Warwickshire 329
Gaskell, PhilipJohn Baskerville, a bibliography. 2nd ed., Newport Pagnell: Paul Minet, 1973. Baskerville, John Warwickshire 330
Gee, StaceyThe coming of print to York, c1490-1550 The Mighty Engine, 79-88 Yorkshire 592
Gee, S.The printers, stationers and bookbinders of York before 1537 Trans. Cambridge Bib. Soc., 12 (2000) Yorkshire 593
Gent, Thomas.The life of Mr. Thomas Gent. London, 1832. Gent, Thomas Yorkshire 389
George, W.The oldest Bristol newspaper. Bristol Times and Mirror, 4 Aug 1884. Bristol Times and Mirror, The Gloucestershire 103
Gibb, M.A., and Beckwith, Frank.The Yorkshire Post: two centuries. Leeds:Yorkshire Conservative Newspaper Co. Ltd., 1954. Yorkshire Post, The Yorkshire 376
Gibson, Strickland.Abstracts from the wills and testamentary documents of binders, printers and stationers of Oxford from 1493 to 1638. London: The Bibliographical Society, 1907. Oxfordshire 159
Gibson, Strickland.Early Oxford bindings. London: The Bibliographical Society, 1903. Oxfordshire 160
Gilberthorpe, Enid C.Book printing at Sheffield in the eighteenth century. Sheffield, 1967. Yorkshire 378
Gilberthorpe, Enid C.Books and pamphlets printed at Sheffield before 1801: a checklist. Library Association Fellowship thesis, 1967. Yorkshire 379
Godrnan, StanleyA collection of Lewes handbills, 1768-1777. Sussex Arch. Collections, 97 (1959), 58-68. Sussex 282
Godrnan, StanleyCentenary Supplement. Sussex Express; 11 Jun 1937. Sussex Agricultural Express, The Sussex 283
Goulden, R.J.Print Culture in the Kentish Weald The Reach of Print, 1-20 Kent 482
Goulden, R.J.Print Culture in the Kentish Weald The Reach of Print, 1-20 Sussex 553 Includes some material on the High Weald of Sussex
Goulden, R.J.Warwick County Record Office: A Second Look Factotum 8, 28-30 Warwickshire 559
Goulders, A.T.Goulders of Canterbury NULL Kent 486
Goulding, Richard W.Centenary number. Lincolnshire, Boston and Spalding Free Press, 6 Oct 1947. Spalding Free Press, The Lincolnshire 318
Goulding, Richard W.Notes on the Louth printers and booksellers of the eighteenth century. Louth, 1917. Lincolnshire 317
Gray,George J. and Palmer, William Mortlock.Abstracts from the wills and testamentary documents of printers, binders and stationers of Cambridge, from 1504 to 1699. London: The Bibliographical Society, 1915. Cambridgshire 5
Gray, George J.Cambridge bookselling, Cambridge: Bowes and Bowes, 1925. Cambridgshire 6
Gray, George J.John Siberch. The first Cambridge printer. Cambridge: Bowes and Bowes, 1921. Siberch, John von Lair Cambridgshire 21
Gray, George J.The Cambridge University Press and John Siberch. Libr., 4th ser., 8 (1928), 260-63. Siberch, John von Lair Cambridgshire 20
Gray, George J.The earlier Cambridge stationers & bookbinders and the first Cambridge printer. London: The Bibliographical Society, illustrated monograph, 13, 1904. Cambridgshire 7
Gray, George J.The early stationers and bookbinders, and the first printer, of Cambridge. TBS, 6 (1901),14-48. Cambridgshire 8
Gray, M. & L. WilliamsThe Merchants House, Marlborough Quadrat 9 (1991), 8-12 Wiltshire 572
Gray, SarahWilliam Flackton, 1709-1798, Canterbury Bookseller and Musician The Mighty Engine, 121-130 Flackton, William Kent 491 William Flackton
Green, Emanuel.Bibliotheca Somersetensis. 3 vols. Taunton, 1902. Somerset 425
Green, T.A sketch of the origin and growth of the printing craft in Yorkshire. Birmingham, 1936. Yorkshire 353
Greenwood, Jeremy.Newspapers and the Post Office. Reigate: Postal History Society, 1971. Newspapers 213 Note: This is the best specific account of provincial distdbution of London newspapers by the Post Office, but for general history, see Howard Robinson, The British Post Office. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1948.
Gregory, AlfredRobert Raikes, journalist and philanthropist 1877 Raikes, Robert Hampshire 471
Griffiths, lvor.Berrow's Worcester Joumal. An examination of the antiquity of Britain's oldest newspaper. Worcester: George and William Berrows Ltd., 1941. Berrow's Worcester Journal Worcestershire 351 Note: This is part of a controversy on the age of this newspaper, and usefully summarises the arguments. See also Madden and Dixon 674-75, 677; and New Cambridge bibliography of English Literature, vol. 2, 1368.
Haden, H. Jack.The story of Mark and Moody Limited 1840-1957. Stourbridge: Mark and Moody, 1957. Mark and Moody Worcestershire 350
Hadley, W. W.A view of the Oxford University Press. BC, 20 (1971), 447-64. Oxford University Press Oxfordshire 419
Hadley, W. W.History of the Northampton Mercury. Northampton: Northampton Mercury, extra number 10, 1901. Northampton Mercury, The Northamptonshire 417 Note: See also Madden and Dixon 1340-42, 1344-45.
Hadley, W. W.John Taylor, book lover and printer. Northampton: Taylor and Sons, 1901. Taylor, John Northamptonshire 418
Hadley, W. W.The bi-centenary record of the Northampton Mercury 1720-1920. Northampton: The Mercury Press, 1920. Northampton Mercury, The Northamptonshire 416
Hall, James.Chester newspapers about 100 years ago. J.Chester and North Wales Arch. And Historic Soc., new ser., 21 (1915), 47-55. Cheshire 39
Hand, Thomas W.Leeds booksellers, printers, and libraries. BAR, 8 (1910-1 1), xxxiii-xxxix. Yorkshire 370
Hanks, PeterJoshua Drewry of Stafford Quadrat, 7 (June 1998), 14-17 Drewry, Joshua Staffordshire 547 Stafford
Hansard, LukeAutobiography 1817 Hansard, Luke Norfolk 523 Selection in Trewin and King's Printer to the House, 1952
Hanson, T.W. Edwards of Halifax: a family of book-sellers, collectors, and bookbinders. Papers of the Halifax Antiq. Soc., (1912), 141-200. Edwards, William Yorkshire 363
Harcourt, L V.An Eton bibliography. London: Arthur L. Humphreys, 1907. Berkshire 220 Note: A much revised edition of a work first published in 1898. Includes books printed at Eton as well as Etoniana, but the author 'intentionally omitted all School Text-books'.
Hartley, M. E.The literary institutions of Bradford, with notes on the early printers, booksellers and newspaper press. BAR, 14 (1917), xv-xxiii. Yorkshire 359
Hartley, M. E.120 years of progress: the Yorkshire Observer's long service to the Community. Yorkshire Observer, 6 Feb 1954. Bradford Observer, The Yorkshire 360
Harvey, P., and Roberts, P.The Sheffield Independent and Commercial Register. Morning Telegraph, 11 Dec 1969. Sheffield Independent, The Yorkshire 380 Note: See also Madden and Dixon 1526.
Hawkes, A. J.Lancashire Bibliography. In Earwaker, J.P. Local gleanings related to Lancashire and Cheshire, vol. I (Manchester, 1875), § 49,65,75,77,81,88,98-99,107,113,115,131-32,137, 153-54, 214-15, 254-55, 407. Lancashire 252
Hawkes, A. J.Lancashire printed books. A bibliography of all the books printed in Lancashire down to the year 1800. Wigan: Wigan Public Libraries Committee, 1925. Lancashire 251
Hawkes, Arthur J.The Birchley Hall secret press. Libr., 4th ser., 7 (1927), 137-83. Lancashire 253
Hay, Daniel.Some early Whitehaven printers. Lib. R., 23 (1971), 27-30. Cumberland 56
Hester, Giles.Nevill Simmons. Bookseller and publisher. London: Elliot Stock, 1893. Simmins, Nevill Yorkshire 381
Hill, Joseph.The book makers of old Birmingham. Birmingham, 1907. Warwickshire 288
Hilson, J. Lindsay,Berwick-upon-Tweed typography, 1753-1900. History of the Berwickshire Naturalists' Club, 23 (1916-18), 433-55. Supplementary list. Ibid, 24 (1919- 22),239-43. Northumberland 130
Hinde, J. Hodgson.On early printing in Newcastle. Arcb. Aeliana, new ser., 6 (1865), 225-30. Northumberland 135
Hindley, Charles.A history of the Catnach Press. London: Charles Hindley, 1886. Catnach, James Northumberland 126
Hinks, JohnSome Radical Printers and Booksellers of Leicester C1790-1850 The Mighty Engine, 175-184 Leicestershire 512
Hinks, JohnThe Beginnings of the Book Trade in Leicester The Moving Market, 27-38 Leicestershire 511
Hinks, JohnThe industrial history of Gainsborough 1982 Lincolnshire 513
Hinks, JohnThe Mozleys of Gainsborough Factotum, Occasional paper 3 (1983) Mozley Lincolnshire 514
Hobbs, J. E.An early press in Canterbury. Libr., 5th ser., 33 (1978), 172. Mychell, John Kent 246
Hounslow, DavidA Moving Market: The Influence of London Books of Street Cries on Provincial Editions to c1830 The Moving Market, 39-50 General 436
Howe, E.Bushills: the story of a Coventry firm of printers and boxmakers 1856-1956 Coventry, 1956 Bushills Warwickshire 565
Hudson, Derek.Oxford publishing since 1478. London, 1966. Oxfordshire 162
Hughes, Thomas.Bicentenary souvenir edition 1730-1930. Chester Courant, 26 Nov 1930. Chester Courant, The Cheshire 42 Note: See also Madden and Dixon 808.
Hughes, Thomas.On Chester literature, its authors and publishers, during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. J.Architectural, Arch. And Historic Soc. For the County, City and Neighbourhood of Chester, 2 (1855-62), 21-30. Cheshire 40
Hughes, Thomas.150th birthday number. Chester Chronicle, 2 May 1925 Chester Chronicle, The Cheshire 41
Hunt, C. J.A list of printed books and papers dealing with the history of the book trade in Northumberland and Durham. History of the Book Trade in the North, 1966. Durham 83
Hunt, C. J., and Isaac, P. C. G.The regulation of the book trade in Newcastle-upon- Tyne at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: History of the Book Trade in the North, 1976. Northumberland 136
Hunt, C. J.The book trade in Northumberland and Durham to 1860. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Thorne's Students' Bookshop Ltd., for the History of the Book Trade in the North, 1975. Durham 82
Hunter, LynetteCookery books and provincial printing in the north of England 19th century S.T.C. newsletter, 6 (1989), 3-11 General 437
Hunt, W.Keele newspapers 1880 Yorkshire 584
Hunt, W.NULL NULL Yorkshire 585 See P.M.'s criticism in Book Collector 29 (1980), 251-6
Hutton, William.The life of William Hutton. London, 1816. Hutton, William Warwickshire 334
Hyett, Francis Adams, and Bazeley, William.The bibliographer's manual of Gloucestershire literature. Gloucestershire: J. Bellows, 3 vols., 1895-97; Supplements by Hyett and Roland Austin, Gloucester: J. Bellows, 2 vols., 1915-16. Gloucestershire 99
Hyett, Francis Adams.Early Bristol newspapers. A detailed catalogue of Bristol newspapers published up to and including the year 1800 in Bristol Reference Library. Bristol: Corporation of Bristol, 1956. Gloucestershire 101
Hyett, Francis Adams.Notes on the first Bristol and Gloucestershire printers. Trans. Bristol and Gloucestershire Arch. Soc., 20 (1896), 38-51. Gloucestershire 100
Isaac, P.C.G.An inventory of books sold by a 17th century Penrith Grocer (Robert Benson, 1698) History of the Book Trade in the North, 53 (1989) Benson, Robert Cumberland 454
Isaac, P. C. G.The Burman Ainwick collection. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Newcastle University Library, 1973. Northumberland 125
Isaac, P., ed.Newspapers in the Northeast History of the Book Trade in the North, 78 (1999) Newspapers 446
Isaac, Peter C. G.A tentative checklist of books printed by William Davison. Wylam, 1963. Davidson, William Northumberland 128
Isaac, Peter C. G.Bewick, Catnach, and William Davison. BC, 12 (1963), 72. Catnach, James Northumberland 127
Isaac, Peter C. G., ed.List of tradesmen, artists, etc., connected with the book trade 1778-1840. History of the Book Trade in the North, 1966. Durham 85
Isaac, Peter C. G., ed.Manuscript and other miscellaneous sources of information. History of the Book Trade in the North, 1966. Durham 84
Isaac, Peter C. G.William Davison of Alnwick. Pharmacist and printer. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1968. Davidson, William Northumberland 129
Isaac, PeterCharles Elliott and the Provincial Book Trade The Human Face of the Book Trade, 97-116 General 438
Isaac, PeterThomas Slack, 1723?-1784 Quadrat, 7 (June 1998), 18-20 Thomas Slack Northumberland 535
Isaac, PeterWilliam Bulmer, 1757-1830 Sandars lectures 1984 Bulmer, William Northumberland 537
Isaacs, PeterNULL NULL Yorkshire 581 Originally in Monotype Recorder, 32, 2 (new series) (1933), pp. 2-8
Isaacs, PeterUnlawful Societies Act 1788; printers' registries in West Yorkshire 1798-1867 History of the Book Trade in the North, 66 (1994) Yorkshire 580 [unindexed]
James, D. P.Booksellers, printers, stationers, etc. Westmorland to 1865. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: History of the Book Trade in the North, 1966. Westmorland 343
James, D. P.150th anniversary number. NULL Westmorland Gazette and Kendal Advertiser, The Westmorland 344 Westmorland Gazette, 24 May 1968.
Janes, A. W.The Bedfordshire Times. Bedford, 1969. Bedford Times, The Bedfordshire 218
Jenkins, Nesta.Printing in Birmingham in the eighteenth century: a bibliography with biographical notes on printers. Library Association Fellowship thesis, 1973. Warwickshire 289
Jenkinson, Francis, Roberts, S. C., and Barnes, G. R.A list of books printed in Cambridge at the University Press 1521-1800. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1935. Cambridge University Press Cambridgshire 26
Johnson, C.R.Provincial poetry 1789-1839: British verse printed in the provinces. London: Jed Press, 1992. General 439
Johnson, John, and Gibson, Strickland.Print and privilege at Oxford to the year 1700. Oxford: University Press, 1946. Oxford University Press Oxfordshire 180
Johnstone, H. F. V.Some Dorset journalists. Dorset Yearbook, 58 (1965), 75-78. Dorset 76
Jones, Philip HenryThe Welsh Wesleyan Bookroom, 1824-1828: A New Set of Printing Accounts The Reach of Print, 37-49 Montgomeryshire 599 WALES - Montgomeryshire
Jones, Trevor.Street literature in Birmingham: a history of broadside and chapbook. Oxford: Oxford Polytechnic, 1970. Warwickshire 290
Keefe, H. T.A century in print. The story of Hazells. Aylesbury: Hazell, Watson and Viney, 1939. Hazell, Watson, and Viney ltd. Buckinghamshire 4
Kendrew, JamesNULL NULL Yorkshire 598
Kendrick, JamesEyres' Warrington Press Warrington Guardian, 1881 Eyres' Press Lancashire 507
Kendrick, JamesNULL NULL Eyres' Press Lancashire 508 For Eyres family, see J.F. Fulton, 'The Warrington academy 1757-1786' (Bulletin of the Institute of the History of Medicine, I, no. 2 (1933), pp. 64-66
Kennedy, Joseph C.An introduction to the history of printing & associated trades in Northamptonshire. Northampton: Northamptonshire Caxton Quincentenary Committee, 1976. Northamptonshire 415
Knight, JohnKnight's Address to the Ladies and Gentlemen of Saxmundham and its environs Saxmundham?, c. 1780 Suffolk 552 A poetical address in rhyming couplets of over 200 lines describing the contents of Knight's Saxmundham bookshop
Knott, David.Aspects of research into English provincial printing. JPHS, 9 (1973),6-21. General 195
Knott, DavidBook trade in Kent Working paper 1: Canterbury directory co. 1775-1832 (1982) Kent 487
Knott, DavidBook trade in Kent Working paper 2: Isle of Thanet directory co. 1776-1832. Privately printed (1989) Kent 493 Isle of Thanet
Knott, DavidWilliam Garner of Margate Factotum, 15 -18 Garner, William Kent 494 Margate
Knott, D.Competition and co-operation in the Kent almanac trade: the Fisher-Simmons partnership Factotum, occasional paper 3 (1982) Kent 485
Latcham, PaulJohn Allen, Jun. and his Bibliotheca Herefordiannes D. Whitehead & J. Eisel, A Hereford Miscellany (2000), 219-223 Allen, John Herefordshire 479
Latham, H.Oxford Bibles and printing in Oxford. Oxford, 1888. Oxfordshire 163
Laughton, G. E., and Stephen, L. R.Yorkshire newspapers. London, 1960. Yorkshire 354
Lawley, George T.The bibliography of Wolverhampton. Bilston, 1890. Johnson, Michael Staffordshire 270
Little, M.Samuel Fancourt, pioneer library Wiltshire monographs 3, 1984 Fancourt, Samuel Wiltshire 576 See also Kelly, Early public libraries and P. Kaufman, Community Library, &c
Lloyd, Llewellyn C.The book trade in Shropshire. Some account of the stationers, booksellers and printers at work in the county to about 1800. Trans. Shropshire Arcb. Soc., 48 (1934-35), 65-142, 145-200. Shropshire 420
Mackarill, Diana R.George and George Robert Gitton, printers, Bridgnorth JPHS, new series, 4 (2002), 31-62 Gitton, George Shropshire 542 Bridgnorth
Madan, FalconerA chart of Oxford printing, '1468'- 1900. London, 1904. Oxfordshire 164
Madan, FalconerOxford books. 3 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1895-1931. Oxfordshire 165
Madan, FalconerOxford oddments. Libr., 4th ser., 9 (1929), 341-56. Oxfordshire 166
Madan, FalconerSome curiosities of the Oxford press. Libr., 1st ser., 1 (1889), 154-60. Oxfordshire 168
Madan, FalconerSome notes on the Oxford press, with special reference to the fluctuations in its issues. TBS, 7 (1904), 1-3. Dorne, John Oxfordshire 169
Madan, Falconer.The day book of John Dorme. Oxford: Oxford Historical Society, Collectanea, 1, 1885. Dorne, John Oxfordshire 173
Madan, FalconerThe Oxford press during the Civil War. TBS, 9 (1908), 107-10. Oxfordshire 167
Madan, Falconer.The Oxford press, 1650-75. The struggle for a place in the sun. Libr., 4th ser., 6 (1926), 113-47. Oxford University Press Oxfordshire 181
Mander, Gerald Poynter.Early Wolverhampton books and printers. Wolverhampton:Whitehead Brothers, 1922. Johnson, Michael Staffordshire 271
'M. A. Oxon.'.The Parkers of Oxford. Oxford, 1914. Parker, Joseph Oxfordshire 176
Marshelton, DianaChecklist of works printed by Thomas Baker, 1774-1805 University of London dissertation 1935 Baker, Thomas Hampshire 475
Maxted, IanNewspaper readership in south west England: an analysis of the Flindell's Western Luminary subscribers list of 1815. Exeter working papers in British Book Trade History, 9 (1997) Devon 460
Maxted, JanDevon book trades: a biographical dictionary Maxted, 1991 Devon 457
May, S. William.Literature and libraries in Liverpool. BAR, 6 (1908-.09), xlix-lii. Lancashire 263
McCann, T.Chichester printers in the 18th century Factotum, 13 (Dec. 1981), 13-16 Sussex 555 Chichester
McCann, T.The tribulations of a Chichester printer Factotum, 27 (Nov. 1998), 22-23 Seagrave, Joseph Sussex 556 Joseph Seagrave
McKay, BarryCumbrian Chapbook Cuts: some Sources and Other Versions The Reach of Prin, 65-84t Cumberland 452
McKay, BarryJohn Atkinson's 'Lottery' book of 1809: John Locke's Theory of Education Comes to Workington The Moving Market, 127-144 General 440
McKay, BarryJohn Ware, Printer and bookseller of Whitehaven: a Year from his Day-Books, 1799-1800 The Mighty Engine, 163-174 Ware, John Cumberland 455
McKay, BarryNiche Marketing in the Nineteenth Century: The Shepherds' Guides of the Northern Counties The Human Face of the Book Trade, 191-206 Cumberland 453
McKay, BarryNiche Marketing in the Nineteenth Century: The Shepherds' Guides of the Northern Counties The Human Face of the Book Trade, 191-206 Durham 464
McKay, BarryNiche Marketing in the Nineteenth Century: The Shepherds' Guides of the Northern Counties The Human Face of the Book Trade, 191-206 Northumberland 529
McKay, BarryNiche Marketing in the Nineteenth Century: The Shepherds' Guides of the Northern Counties The Human Face of the Book Trade, 191-206 Yorkshire 582
McKay, BarryWilliam Milner of Halifax: printer and publisher, checklist … Ken Spelman, 1991 Milner, William Yorkshire 583
McKelvey, James L.John Baskerville's appeal to Lord Bute. TCBS, 5 (1970), 138-41. Baskerville, John Warwickshire 331
McKenzie, D.F.Cambridge University Press 1696-1712 2 vols., Cambridge: CUP, 1966 Cambridge University Press Cambridgshire 449
McKerrow, R. B.A dictionary of printers and booksellers in England, Scotland andIreland, and of foreign printers of English books 1557-1640. London: The Bibliographical Society 1910. General 196 Note: Index Of Places Other Than London, pp. 337-46
Merton, Wilfred.A new Bristol pamphlet. Libr., 3rd ser., 8 (1917), 162-64. Bonny, William Gloucestershire 102
[M.H. Bloxam]Obituary of William Billington [? Hennessey's Rugby Almanac 1872] Copy at Warwick County Record Office, Bloxam Box file, Galley proofs, envelope 7, P Billington, William Warwickshire 567
Michelmore, D. J. H., Robinson, F. J. G., and Wallis, P. J.A preliminary guide to Yorkshire book subscription lists. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: PHIBB, 40, 1973. Yorkshire 355
Middlemiss, J. T.A Sunderland newspaper about 70 years ago. Antiq. of Sunderland and its vicinity, 4 (1905), 8-15. Sunderland Herald, The Durham 93
Mitchell, C.J.Provincial printing in 18th century England Publishing history, 21 (1987), 15-24 General 441 statistics, chronologue based on ESTC
Moon, Z.Essex literature. Leyton, 1960. Durham 94
Moon, Z.150th anniversary supplement. Colchester Gazette, 8 Sep 1964. Colchester Gazette, The Durham 95 Note: See also Madden and Dixon 829.
Moran, James.Centenary issue. Kentish Observer, 7 Jul 1932. Kentish Observet, The Kent 250
Moran, JamesClays of Bungay. Bungay: Richard Clay & Sons Ltd., 1978. Ipswich Clay, Richard, and co., Suffolk 272
Moran, James.Henry George. Printer, bookseller, stationer and bookbinder, Westerham, 1830-c.1846. Westerham, 1972. George, Henry Kent 249
Moran, James.Stephen Austin's of Hertford. Hertford: Stephen Austin and Sons Ltd., 1968. Austin, Stephen Hertfordshire 232
Moran, James.150th anniversary supplement. Hertfordshire Mercury, 28 Oct 1922. Hartford Mercury, The Hertfordshire 233
Moran, James.The book of St Albans. Coat of Arms, 8 (1964-65), 48-53. Hertfordshire 237
Morgan, D.Early printing and binding in York [c. 1514] Book Collector, Summer 1981, pp. 216-24 Yorkshire 594
Morgan, F. C.A Hereford booksellers' catalogue of 1695. Trans. Woothope Naturalists' Field Club, 31 (1942), 22-36. Williams, Roger Herefordshire 230
Morgan, F. C.Herefordshire printers and booksellers. Trans. Woolhope Naturalists' Field Club, (1939-41), 106-27. Supplementary Notes, Ibid., 40 (1971), 274-75; and 41 (1974),230-38. Herefordshire 228
Morgan, F. C.William Henry Parker's type specimens. Trans. Woolhope Naturalists' Field Club, 40 (1972), 390. Parker, William Henry Herefordshire 229
Morgan, PaulA bookseller's subscription in 1669 The Library, 5th series, 7 (1952), 281-2 Rider, John Warwickshire 570 John Rider of Warwick
Morgan, Paul.Early booksellers, printers, and publishers in Stratford-upon-Avon. Birmingham Arch. Soc. Trans., 67 (1948-49), 55-70. Warwickshire 339
Morgan, PaulEnglish provincial imprints. Libr., 5th ser., 21 (1996), 60-62 General 197
Morgan, PaulEnglish provincial printing. Birmingham, 1959. General 198
Morgan, Paul.George Tonge: a seventeenth century Warwick bookseller. NQ, 198 (1953),340. Tonge, George Warwickshire 341
Morgan, PaulHenry Cotton and W.H. Allnutt: two pioneer book-trade historians The Human Face of the Book Trade, 1-12 General 442
Morgan, Paul.150th anniversary supplement. Warwick and Warwickshire Advertiser, 6 Jan 1956. Warwick and Warwickshire Advertiser, The Warwickshire 342 Note: See also Madden and Dixon 1678.
Morgan, Paul.The earliest Stratford-upon-Avon newspaper. NQ, 195 (1950), 52. Sratford, Shipston, and Aulcester Advertiser, The Warwickshire 340
Morgan, PaulThe Warwick bookseller: Richard Mountford, 1677 In N. Alcock, ed., The Past in Warwick, Coventry: University of Warwick, 1985, 31-35 Mountford, Richard Warwickshire 571
Morgan, Paul.Warwickshire apprentices in the Stationers' Company of London, 1563-1700. Stratford-upon-Avon: Dugdale Society, occasional papers, 25, 1978. Warwickshire 286
Morgan, Paul.Warwickshire printers' notices 1799-1866. Stratford-upon-Avon: Dugdale Society, vol. 28, 1970. Warwickshire 285
Morgan, P.George Skyppe's catalogue of books: the library of a 17th century Herefordshire squire Transactions of the Woolhope Naturalists Field Club, 35 (1955), 24-46 Herefordshire 477
Mott, J. Albert.On books published in I.iverpool. Trans. Historic Soc. of Lancashire and Cheshire, new ser., 1 (1861), 103-66. Lancashire 264
Murphy, Michael J.Cambridge newspapers and opinion 1780-1850. Cambridge: The Oleander Press, 1977. Cambridgshire 9
Myers, R.An edition of Luke Hansard's Autobiography, 1817 Book Trade History Group Newsletter, 10 (March 1990), 12-16 Hansard, Luke Norfolk 524
Neuberg, Victor E.Chapbooks. 2nd ed. London: The Woburn Press, 1972. General 199 Note: Includes pp. 55-64, an incomplete but useful list of provincial chapbook publishers
Newdigate, C. A.Birchley - or St Omers? Libr., 4th ser., 7 (1927), 303-20. Lancashire 254
Newton, D.Mercury story: a brief record of the Lincoln, Rutland and Stamford Mercury. Stamford: Lincoln, Rutland and Stamford Mercury, 1962. Lincoln, Rutland, and Stamford Mercury, The Lincolnshire 322 Note: See also Madden and Dixon 1185.
Nixon, H. M.A Cambridge binding by Ed. Moore, c. 1748. BC, 16 (1967), 481. Moore, Edward Cambridgshire 17
Nixon, H. M.A Cambridge binding by William Bonnor, 1736. BC, 22 (1973), 494. Bonner, William Cambridgshire 14
Nixon, H. M.An Eton binding by Roger Payne, 1764. BC, 12 (1962), 194. Payne, Roger Berkshire 221
Nixon, H. M.A signed Edwards of Halifax binding, c.1782. BC, 21 (1972), 256-57. Edwards, William Yorkshire 364
Nixon, H. M.Bicentenary number. Cambridge Independent Press and Chronicle, 25 Feb 1944. Cambridge Chronicle, The Cambridgshire 15
Nixon, H. M.Centenary number. Harrogate Advertiser, 19 Sep 1936. Harrogate Advertiser, The Yorkshire 365
Nixon, H. M.Centenary number. Harrogate Herald, 7 May 1947. Harrogate Herald, The Yorkshire 366
Norris, Herbert E.Cirencester booksellers and printers. NQ, 1lth ser., 11 (1915), 141-43. Gloucestershire 109
Norris, Herbert E.Notes on St Neot's printers. St Neots: St Neots Advertiser, 1901. Huntingdonshire 239
Norris, Herbert E.The book sellers and printers of Circencester. Cirencester: Cirencester Naturalists' and Archaeologists' Club, 1912. Gloucestershire 108
Nowell, Charles.Early printing in Norwich. Norwich, 1919. Norfolk 402
Nowell-Smith, S.Charles Manby Smith JPHS, 7 (1971), 10 Smith, Charles Manby Oxfordshire 540 Chipping Norton
Nowell-Smith, S.Charles Manby Smith JPHS, 7 (1971), 16-18 Warwickshire 568 Shipston-upon-Stour
Nuttall, D.Book Trade in Cheshire to 1850 Liverpool Bib. Soc., occasional publication 3, 1992 Cheshire 450
Nuttall, Derek.A history of printing in Chester from 1668 to 1965. Chester: The Author, 1969. Cheshire 36
Oates, J. C. T.Books at Cambridge in the sixteenth century and before. In Crutchley, Brooke. Siberch celebrations 1521-1971. Cambridge: Cambridge University press, 1971. Cambridgshire 10
O'Brien, P.Eyres Press, Warrington, 1756-1802 Wigan: Owl Books, 1953 Eyres' Press Lancashire 509
O'Brien, P.The Eyres Press Quadrat, 9 (1995), 3-7 Eyres' Press Lancashire 510
Oldfield, JohnPrinters, booksellers and libraries in Hampshire, 1750-1800 Hampshire papers, 3, 1993 Hampshire 472
Oldham, J. B.An Ipswich master-stationer's tiff with his journeyman. TCBS, 2 (1958), 381-84. Craighton, William Suffolk 274
Orme, N.Martin Coeffin, the first Exeter publisher Library, 4th series, vol. 10 (1988), 220-230 Coeffin, Martin Devon 458
O'Rourke, D. T.Early provincial newspapers in Reading University Library. TCBS, 4 (1966), 256. Newspapers 214
Owen-Jones, A- E.Centenary number. Derby and Chesterfield Reporter, 5 Jan 1923. Derby and Chesterfield Reporter, The Derbyshire 61
Owen-Jones, A- E.Centenary number 1846-1946. Derbyshire Advertiser, 4 Jan 1946. Derbyshire Advertiser, The Derbyshire 62
Owen-Jones, A- E.The romance of a century 1826-1926. Derby: Bemrose & Sons Ltd., 1926. Bemrose and co., Derbyshire 60
Page, J. R.Darlington and Stockton Times centenary 1847-1947. Darlington: 1947. Darlington and Stockton Times, The Durham 88 Note: See also Madden and Dixon 896
Page, J. R.Darlington newspapers. Darlington: Darlington Corporation, 1972. Durham 87
Page, J. R.150th birthday number 1814-1964. Durham County Advertiser, 11 Sep 1964. Durham County Advertiser, The Durham 89 Note: See also Madden and Dixon 931, 933.
Page, W. G. B.Notes on early Hull authors, booksellers, printers and stationers. Hull, 1930. Yorkshire 367
Page, W. G. B.Notes on Hull authors, booksellers, printers, and stationers. BAR, 6 (1908-09), i-vii. Yorkshire 368
Palliser, D. M., and Selwyn, D. G.The stock of a York stationer, 1538. Libr., 5th ser., 27 (1972), 207-19. Mores, Neville Yorkshire 392
Palmer, J.E.C.The Davy divinity Press at Lustleigh Factotum, 4, 21-23 Devon 461
Pardoe, F.C.A letter from John Baskerville to R. Dodsley, 12 May 1757 Printing Historical Society Bulletin, 36 (1994), 2-4 Baskerville, John Warwickshire 563
Pardoe, F. E.John Baskerville of Birmingham. London: Frederick Muller, 1975. Baskerville, John Warwickshire 332
Parker, J. H.Memorandum respecting the connection between the Oxford University Press and the family of Parker of Oxford. Oxford, 1863. Parker, Joseph Oxfordshire 175
Parr, E.Early Leeds printers, publishers and booksellers. Leeds University M. Phil thesis, 1973. Yorkshire 371
Parr,MChester Welsh printing. J.Chester and North Wales Arch. And Historic Soc.,21 (1915),56-76. Cheshire 37
Pearson, Edwin.Banbury chapbooks. Welwyn, 1970. Oxfordshire 155
Peddie, R.A.Notes on provincial printers and booksellers: Essex Library World, September 1904, 57-60 Durham 466
Perkin, M.R., ed.The book trade in Liverpool to 1805: a directory Liverpool Bibliographical society, Book Trade in the North West project. Occasional publication 1 (1981) Lancashire 499
Perkins, M.Hampshire notices of printing presses, 1799-1867 Jones, R., Six centuries, 1990 Hampshire 473
Perkins, M.R.A note on the beginning of letterpress printing… Factotum, 5, 6-7 Cheshire 451
Perkins, M.R.A note on the survival of books with Liverpool imprints Factotum, Occasional paper 3 (1983) Lancashire 500
Peterson, J.B.Western Evening Herald Quadrat, 12 (2001), 13-15 Western Evening Herald Dorset 462 Plymouth
Philipson, JohnThe King's Printer in Newcastle upon Tyne in 1639 The Library, 6th series, 11 (1989), 1-9 Northumberland 531
Phipps, JanetBook Availability in Ipswich over the Years The Moving Market, 169-177 Suffolk 550
Pickford, C.Bedford printers in the eighteenth century Factotum, 15 (October1982), 21-7 Bedfordshire 447
Piper, A. Cecil.Centenary number 1823-1923. Hampshire Advertiser, 28 Jul 1923. Hampshire Advertiser, The Hampshire 122
Piper, A. Cecil.Contributions to the history of printing in Sussex. BAR, 13 (1916), i-iv. Sussex 277
Piper, A. Cecil.Notes on the introduction of printing into Sussex up to the year 1850; with a chronology of Sussex printers to that date. Libr., 3rd ser., 5 (1914), 257-65. Sussex 278
Piper, A. Cecil.Private printing presses in Sussex. Libr., 3rd ser., 5 (1914), 70-79. Sussex 279
Piper, A. Cecil.150th birthday issue. Brighton and Hove Herald, 8 Sep 1956. Brighton Herald, The Sussex 281
Piper, A. Cecil.The booksellers and printers of Richmond, Surrey. Libr., 4th ser., 13 (1933),201-07. Surrey 276
Piper, A. Cecil.The book trade in Winchester, 1549-1789. Extracts from the local records of the city. Libr., 3rd ser., 7 (1916), 191-97. Hampshire 120
Piper, A. Cecil.The early printers and booksellers of Winchester. Libr., 4th ser., 1 (1920), 103-10. Hampshire 121
Piper, A. Cecil.150 years ago - the first Gazette. Brighton and Hove Gazette, 26 Feb 1971, p.7 Birghton Gazette, The Sussex 280
Plomer, Henry RA dictionary of the booksellers and printers who were at work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1641 to 1667. London: The Bibliographical Society, 1907. General 200 Note: No index of provincial names.
Plomer, Henry RA dictionary of the printers and booksellers who were at work in England,Scotland and Ireland from 1668 to 1725. London: The Bibliographical Society, 1922. General 201 Note: Index Of Places Other Than London, pp.329-42
Plomer, Henry R.An Exeter bookseller, his friends and contemporaries. Libr., 3rd ser., 8 (1917), 128-35. Gropall, John Devon 74
Plomer, Henry R.Centenary supplement 1849-1949. Teignmouth Gazette, 16 Sep 1949. Teignmouth Gazette, The Devon 75
Plomer, H. R.A Chester bookseller,1667-1700: some of his customers and the books he sold them. Libr, 2nd ser., 4 (1904), 373-83. Minshull, John Cheshire 47
Plomer, H. R.Centenary number. Macclesfield Courier and Herlad, 4 Feb 1911 Macclesfield Courier, The Cheshire 48
Plomer, H. R.Centenary supplement 1822-1922. Stockport Advertsider, 31 Mar 1922. Stockport Advertiser, The Cheshire 49
Plomer, H. R.James Abree, printer and bookseller, of Canterbury. Libr., 3rd ser., 4 (1913),46-56. Abree, James Kent 242
Plomer, H. R.More petitions to Archbishop Laud. Libr., 3rd ser., 10 (1919), 129-38. Devon 68 Note: Includes a petition against Peter Southwood, Peter Parkman, William Twopenny, Thomas Wyath, and George Langworthy, all ironmongers, for alleged illegal bookselling in Exeter, pp 135-36
Plomer, H. R.250th anniversary pictorial souvenir 1717-1967. Kentish Gazette, 20 Oct 1967. Kentish Gazette, The Kent 243 Note: See also Madden and Dixon, 1147-49.
Plomer, H. R.The libraries and bookshops of Canterbury. BAR 14 (1917), i-vii. Kent 241
Pollard, A. W.A new Oxford book of 1517. Libr., 2nd ser., 10 (1909), 212-13. Scolar, John Oxfordshire 178
Pollard, H.Graham.The English miarket for prrinted books. Publishing History, 4(1978), 7-48. General 203 Note: The Sandars Lectures for 1959, published posthumously. Includes important material on the provincial trade.
Potts, R. A. J.Early Cornish printers, 1740-1850. J. Royal Inst. of Cornwall, new ser., 4 (1964),264-325. Cornwall 51
Powell, Michael and Terry Wyke'Aristotle to a Wery Tall Man': Selling Secondhand Books in Manchester in the 1830s The Moving Marke, 93-106t Lancashire 501
Powell, Michael and Terry WykeAt the Fall of the Hammer: Auctioning Books in Manchester 1700-1850 The Human Face of the Book Trade, 171-190 Lancashire 502
Powell, Michael and Terry WykePenny Capitalism in the Manchester Book Trade: The Case of James Weatherley The Reach of Print, 135-156 Lancashire 503
Quarrie, P.F.Printing at Eton and Windsor, an exhibition at Eton College Library, July 1987 NULL Berkshire 448 99 items
Radford, Lady.Early printing in Devon. Trans. Devon Ass. For the Advancement of Science, Literature and Art, 60 (1928), 51-74. Devon 64
R., B. C.Private printing presses, 1799-1850. Cheshire Sheaf, 4th ser., 1 (1967), 30. Cheshire 34 Note: A list of registrations under the Seditious SocietiesAct 1799. See no.15, based on the same Act.
Read, Donald.Press and people, 1790-1850: opinion in three English cities. London: Edward Arnold, 1961. Lancashire 303 Note: The cities are Manchester, Leeds, and Sheffield.
Reade, Aleyn Lyell.Johnsonian gleanings. 11pt. London: The Author, 1909-52. Bailye, William Staffordshire 267 Notes: Pt. 8, 161-62; Pt. 9, 93-94.
Reade, Aleyn Lyell.Johnsonian gleanings. 11 pt. London: The Author, 1909-52. Staffordshire 268 Notes: The more important references to Johnson's trade activities are: Pt. 1, 2, 18, 25-27; Pt. 3, 1-50, 164-81; Pt. 4,2-38,201-03; Pt. 8,26-57; Pt. 10, 1-32,161-69,182-83,191-92,195-96. For a full list of references in Pt. 1-10, see Pt. 11, 273.
Redlich, Fritz.Some English stationers of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries: in the light of their autobiographies. Business History, 8 (1966), 1-12, 86-101. Hutton, William Warwickshire 335
Rhode, JohnA hundred years of printing l795-1895 Frome: Butler and Tanner, 1927. Butler and Tanner Somerset 429
Rhode, JohnCentenary supplement 1836-1936. Somerset County Gazette, 2 Jan 1937. Somerset County Gazette, The Somerset 430 Note: See also Madden and Dixon 1539.
Richardson, Mrs. Herbert.Wiltshire newspapers - past and present. The Wiltshire Arch. And Natural History Soc. Magazine, 40(1917-19), 318-51; ibid, 41(1920-22),53-69. Wiltshire 345
Roberts, S. C.A history of the Cambridge University Press 1521-1921. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1921. Cambridge University Press Cambridgshire 28
Roberts, S. C.Centenary number. Isle of Ely and Wisbecb Advertiser, 1 Aug 1945. Wisbech Advertiser, The Cambridgshire 31
Roberts, S. C.Printing in Wisbech. Wisbech, 1974. Cambridgshire 30
Roberts, S. C.The evolution of Cambridge publishing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1956. Cambridge University Press Cambridgshire 27
Roberts, S. C.The University Printing Houses at Cambridge from the sixteenth to the twentieth centuries. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1963. Cambridge University Press Cambridgshire 29
Roberts, V.H.The Leominster Orphans Press {1869+] Nineteenth Century STC Newsletter, 4 (Feb. 1987) Herefordshire 480
Robinson, Elaine18th century Hull imprints: a supplement to C.W. Chilton Factotum, 23 (Feb. 1987), 17-19 Yorkshire 587
Robinson, F. J. G., and Wallis, P. J.Newcastle book subscription lists. Newcastle- upon-Tyne: PHIBB, 110, 1976. Northumberland 137
Robinson, F.J.G. & J.M., and C. WadhamEighteenth-century British books: an index to foreign and provincial imprints Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1982 General 443
Robinson, Lionel.Boston's newspapers. Boston: Richard Key Publications, 1974. Lincolnshire 312
Rodger, Alexander.Ward's Shrewsbury stock: an inventory of 1585. Libr., 5th ser., 13 (1958),247-68. Ward, Roger Shropshire 424
-, Rogers, D. M.The earl of Leicester and printing at Oxford. Bodleian Library Records, 2 (1949), 240-245. Oxfordshire 161
Roscoe, S.Bicentenary historical supplement. Reading Mercury, 7 Jul 1923. Reading Mercury, The Berkshire 225 Note: See also Madden and Dixon 1467-68.
Roscoe, S.John Newbery and his successors. Wormley: Five Owls Press, 1973. Newbury, John Berkshire 224 Note: Newbery started in Reading but subsequently moved to London.
Roscoe, Sydney.Thomas Bewick. A bibliography raisonné. Folkestone, 1973. Bewick, Thomas Northumberland 145
Roscoe, S.190 years of history. Hampshire Chronicle, 12 May 1962, p.7. Hampshire Chronicle, The Hampshire 226 Note: See also Madden and Dixon, 1074- 76
Rotherham, Albert, and Steele, Maurice.A history of printing in North Staffordshire. Stoke-on-Trent: North Staffordshire Polytechnic, 1975. Staffordshire 265
Rushforth, Marjorie.Two John Taylor manuscripts at Leonard Lichfield's press. Libr., 4th ser., 11 (1931), 179-92. Lichfield, Leonard Oxfordshire 174
Russ, Elsie.Bath printers of the xviii century. Somerset Arch. And Natural History Soc.; Proc. Batb and District Branch, (1929-33), 468-71. Somerset 427
Russ, Elsie.History of the Bath Herald, established 1792. Bath, 1875. Bath Herald, The Somerset 428
Rylands, W. Harry.Booksellers and stationers in Warrington, 1639 to 1657, with a full list of a stationer's shop there in 1647. Trans. Historic Soc. of Lancashire and Cheshire, 37 (1888), 67-115. Lancashire 309
Salter, J.L.The books of an 18th century curate Library, 5th series (1978), 33-46 Warwickshire 564 T. Devey, Coleshill, c. 1700-05
Sayle, C. E.Cambridge fragments. Postscript. Libr., 3rd ser., 3 (1912), 336-39. Cambridgshire 11
Sayle, Charles.Cambridge fragments. Libr., 3rd ser., 2 (1911),339-55; and Postscript. Ibid, 3 (1912), 336-39. Goes, Hugo Yorkshire 357
Schmoller, TanyaLife and times of …. Revel Hamper History of the Book Trade in the North, 79 (1999) Hamper, Revel Yorkshire 590
Schmoller, TanyaSheffield papermakers History of the Book Trade in the North, 59 (1992) Yorkshire 589
Scholes, James C.Bolton bibliography, and jottings of booklore: with notes on local authors and printers. Manchester: Henry Gray, 1886. Lancashire 255
Scragg, B.Mrs. Gray's circulating library, Manchester Quadrat, 5 (Nov. 1998), 13-15 Gray, Mrs Lancashire 504
Scragg, BrendaNULL NULL Parker, James Lancashire 506 For James Parker of Preston, see J.R. Turner, 'Books for prizes', Studies in the provincial book trade, BBTI (1950), ed. D.A. Stoker, 1-12. Post 1850
Scragg, BrendaWilliam Ford, Manchester Bookseller The Human Face of the Book Trade, 155-170 Ford, William Lancashire 505
Sessions, William K., and Sessions, E. Margaret.Printing in York from the 1490s to the present day. York: Sessions, 1976. Yorkshire 388
Sessions, William K.A worlde of mischiefe: The King's Printer at York … and Shrewsbury, 1642-3 York: Sessions, 1981 Shropshire 543
Sessions, William. K.A worlde of mischiefe: the King's printers at York in 1612 and at Shrewsbury 1662-3 York: Sessions, 1981 Yorkshire 595
Sessions, William KayeThe King's printer at Newcastle upon Tyne in 1639, at Bristol in 1643-1645, at Exeter in 1645-1646, with illustrations and dates of extant printed works York: Ebor Press, 1982 Devon 459
Sessions, William. K.Les deux pierres: Rouen, Edinburgh, York York: Sessions, 1982 Yorkshire 596
Sessions, William, Ltd.The story of a printing house. York: William Sessions, 1965. Sessions, William Yorkshire 393
Sessions, WilliamThe first printers at Ipswich in 1547-1548 and Worcester in 1549-1553 W.K.Sessions, 1984 Suffolk 551
Sessions, W. K. & D. StokerThe first printers in Norwich from 1567 1987 Solempne, Anthony de Norfolk 520 Includes David Stoker, Anthony de Solempne: attributions to his press
Sessions, W.K.John Mychell 1983 Mychell, John Kent 492
Sessions, W.K.The King's Printer at Newcastle … in 1639 York: Sessions, 1982 Northumberland 532
Shaw, David and Sarah GrayJames Abree (1691?-1768): Canterbury's First 'Modern' Printer The Reach of Print, 21-36 Abree, James Kent 490
Shaw, DavidBooks printed or published by James Abree 1981 Abree, James Kent 489
Shaw, DavidCanterbury's External Links: Book-trade Relations at the Regional and National Level in the Eighteenth Century The Mighty Engine, 107-119 Kent 488
Shaw, George T., and Shaw, Isabella.Liverpool's first directory. Liverpool: Henry Young and Sons, 1907. Gore, John Lancashire 296 Note: A facsimile reprint with introduction, of Gore's Directory for 1766. George T Shaw also edited reprints of the issues for 1767, 1769, 1773, and 1774. For detail, sees Jane E. Norton, Guide to the national and provincial directories of England and Wales, excluding London, published before 1856. London: Royal Historical Society, 1950, nos. 436-40.
Simms, R.Bibliotheca Staffordiensis. Lichfield, 1894. Staffordshire 266
Singleton, Frank.Centenary supplement 1837-1937. Lancaster Guardian, 29 Jan 1937. Lancaster Guardian, The Lancashire 259
Singleton, Frank.Tillotsons 1850-1950. Bolton: Tillotson & Son Ltd., 1950. Tillotsons Lancashire 258
S., J. G.Joseph Richardson. Binley, 1901. Richardson, Joseph Yorkshire 377
Slade, J. J.Bicentenary supplement 1729-1929. Salisbury and Wiltshire Journal, 7 Jun 1929. Salisbury Journal, The Wiltshire 347 Note: See also Madden and Dixon 1494-95, 1497
Slade, J. J.Wiltshire newspapers - past and present. The Wiltshire Arch. And Natural History Soc. Magazine, 40 (1917-19), 37-74, 129-41. Wiltshire 346
Smales, Gideon.Whitby authors and their publications, with the titles of all the books printed in Whitby. Whitby: Horne & Son, 1867. Yorkshire 382
Smith, JeffreyBooks and Culture in Late Eighteenth- and Early Nineteenth-Century Newcastle The Moving Market, 1-26 Northumberland 533
Smith, JeffreyThomas Slack Arch. Aeliana, 3rd series, 17 (1920), 145-51 Thomas Slack Northumberland 534
Smith, J.R.Bibliotheca Cantiaria NULL Kent 483
Smith, R.E.G.Newspapers first published before 1900 in Lancashire, Cheshire, and the Isle of Man: a union list. London: The Library Association, Reference, Special and Information Section, 1964. Cheshire 35
Sparke, Archibald.Bibliographia Boltonensis. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1913. Lancashire 256
Sparke, Archibald.Bolton authors and Bolton books. BAR, 12 (1915), xxxix-xliv. Lancashire 257
Spencer, J. H.Centenary number. Southport Visiter, 6 May 1944. Southport Visiter, The Lancashire 307 Note: See also Madden and Dixon 1548.
Spencer, J. H.Preston's early newspapers. Preston Herald, 30 Dec 1949, 18 Aug 1950. Lancashire 306
Sprange, J.Edmund Baker & J. Sprange Factotum 38 (1994), 17-21 Baker, Edmund Kent 497
Sprange, J.Factotum, Occasional paper 3 (1983); and Printing History Society Bulletin, 10 (1983), p. 41 NULL Kent 495 Tunbridge Wells
Sprange, J.Printer's pie archives British Museum Soc. Bulletin, 43 (July 1983), 29-31 Kent 496 Illustrated
Spufford, MargaretSmall books and pleasant histories: popular fiction and its readership in seventeenth-century England Methuen, 1981 General 444 Chapter V on distributors, chapmen, pedlars
Stedman, Rex.Baskerville in the judgment of German contemporaries. Birmingham: Birmingham School of Printing, 1937. Baskerville, John Warwickshire 326
Stedman, Rex.Vox populi: the Norfolk newspaper press 1760-1900. Library Association Fellowship thesis, 1971. Norfolk 325
Stephen, George A.Norfolk bibliography. Holt: Norfolk Press Syndicate. 1921. Norfolk 395 Note: A monograph, not a bibliography.
Stevens Cox, GregoryEarliest books printed in Guernsey Brewhouse broadsheet 12, 1973 Guernsey 470
Stewart-Brown, R.The stationers, booksellers and printers of Chester to about 1800. Trans. Historic Soc. of Lancashire and Cheshire, 83 (1932), 101-52. Cheshire 38
Stoker, David.A history of the Norwich book trades from 1560 to 1760. Library Association Fellowship thesis, 1976. Norfolk 404
Stoker, DavidAnthony de Solempne: attributions to his press The Library, 6th series, 3, no. 1 (March 1981, 17-32 Solempne, Anthony de Norfolk 521
Stoker, DavidPrinting at the Red-Well: an Early Norwich Press through the Eyes of Contemporaries The Mighty Engine, 97-106 Norfolk 522
Stoker, DavidThe Country Book Trades 1784-85 The Human Face of the Book Trade, 13-28 General 445
Stoker, David.The establishment of printing in Norwich: causes and effects 1660- 1760. TCBS, 7 (1977), 94-111. Norfolk 403
Stoker, D.Mr. Parkin's magpie, the other Mr Whittingham and the fate of Great Yarmouth The Library, 6th series, 12 (1990), 120-131 Norfolk 519
Stokes, H. P.Cambridge stationers, printers, bookbinders, &c. Cambridge: Bowes and Bowes, 1919. Cambridgshire 12
Stokes, H. P.Catalogue of an exhibition of Cambridge books and printing held in the Old Court House, Marylebone Road. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1931. Cambridgshire 13
Sutcliffe, Peter.The Oxford University Press. An informal history. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1978. Oxford University Press Oxfordshire 182
Sutton, C. W.Manchester libraries and booksellers. BAR, 6 (1908-09), lxv-lxxi Lancashire 304
Swaini, Elizabeth A.The auction as a means of book distribution in eighteenth-century Yorkshire. Publishing History, 1 (1977), 49-91. Yorkshire 356
Tapley-Soper, H.Exeter printers, booksellers, and libraries. BAR, 5 (1907-08), xxi-xxiii, xli. Devon 69
Taylor, H. A.Notices of printing presses as required by the Unlawful Societies Act, 1799. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: History of the Book Trade in the North, 1966. Northumberland 123
Taylor, Henry.Chester's oldest newspaper. J Chester and North Wales Arch. and Historic Soc., new ser., 21 (1915), 25-29. Chester Weekly Journal, The Cheshire 45
Taylor, Norman.Derbyshire printing and printers before 1800. Derbyshire Arch. J, 70 (1950),38-69. Derbyshire 57
150th anniversary supplement. Windsor, Slough and Eton Express, 1962. Windsor and Eton Express, The Berkshire 1
Thompson, MargaretEarly Banbury chapbooks and broadsides The Library, 4th series, 17 (1937), 98-108 Oxfordshire 539
Thompson, MargaretSome aspects of printing in Wallsend History of the Book Trade in the North, 1982 Northumberland 538
Thomson, A. Hamilton.Centenary: 100 years of the Shields Gazette 1849-1949. South Shields, 1949. North and South Shields Gazette, The Durham 91 Note: See also Madden and Dixon 1329.
Thomson, A. Hamilton.The Surtees Society 1834-1934. Publications of the Surtees Soc., 150 (1935). Surtees Society, The Durham 90 Note: List of publications, pp. 86-216
Thomson, Frances M.Newcastle chapbooks in Newcastle-upon-Tyne: University Library. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Oriel Press, 1969. Northumberland 138
Thwaite, M. F.Hertfordshire newspapers, 1772-1955. Hertford: Hertfordshire Local History Council, 1956. Hertfordshire 231
Todd, William B., and Wallis, Peter J.Provincial booksellers c. 1744: the Harleian Miscellany subscription list. Libr., 5th ser., 29 (1974), 422-40. General 206
Toms, Elsie.The 'schoolmaster printer'. Black Art, 3 (1964), 19. Hertfordshire 238
Treptow, Otto.John Siberch. Cambridge: CBS, monograph, 6, 1970. Siberch, John von Lair Cambridgshire 22 Note: Translated from the German by Trevor Jones, and edited by John Morris and Trevor Jones. Originally published in 1964, and in a revised version, in Heimatbuch der Stadt Sieburg, 2 (1967).
Treptow, Otto.Siberch celebrations. Printing World, 188 (1971), 401. Siberch, John von Lair Cambridgshire 23
Turner, J. Horsfall.Halifax books and authors. Brighouse, 1906. Yorkshire 362
T., W.The Chester Guardian. Cheshire Sheaf, 3rd ser., 59 (1964), 39. Chester Guardian, The Cheshire 44
Twyman, Michael.John Soulby, printer, Ulverston. Reading: Department of Typography, Reading University, 1966. Soulby, John Lancashire 308
Vaisey, D.G.Probate inventories of Lichfield & district, 1568-1680 William Salt Society, 4th series, 5 (1969) Staffordshire 546 Includes Richard Gladwin, 1663, on pp. 138-9; comments on books in wills, pp. 36-7
Wait, Walter OswaldRugby: past and present, with an historical account of neighbouring parishes Rugby: Albert Frost & Sons, 1893 Warwickshire 566 pp. 167-173
Wakeman, Geoffrey, and Bridson, Gavin D. R.A guide to nineteenth-century colour printers. Loughborough: The Plough Press, 1975. General 207
Walker, Benjamin.Birmingham directories. Birmingham Arch. Soc. Trans. and Proc., 58 (1937), 1-36. Warwickshire 291
Walker, Benjamin.The resting place of John Baskerville. Birmingham, 1944. Baskerville, John Warwickshire 333
Walker, Benjamin.200 years of the Birmingham Gazette. Birmingham Gazette, 17 Nov 1941, p. 2. Aris's Birmingham Gazette Warwickshire 292
Wallis, A.A sketch of the early history of the printing press in Derby. J. Derbyshire Arch. and Natural History Soc., 3 (1881), 137-56. Derbyshire 58
Wallis, Peter J., and Robinson, F. J. G.A preliminary guide to Devonshire book subscription lists. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: PHIBB, 48, 1973. Devon 65
Wallis, Peter J.An eighteenth-century book trade index based on 'Newtoniana' and book subscription lists. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: PHIBB, 140, 1977. General 208 Note: This is one of several relevany publications issued by PHIBB; local studies are listed at the appropriate points in section2. For this project, which has important implicatons for provincial book trade studies, see P. J. Wallis, Book subscriptions. Progress and plans. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: PHIBB, 196, 1979. For further details contact P. J. Wallis, PHIBB, School of Education, University of Newcastle-upton-Tyne, St. Thomas's Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE1 7RU.
Wallis, P. J., and Robinson, F. J. G.A preliminary guide to West Midlands book subscription lists. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: PHIBB, 64, 1974. Shropshire 421
Wallis, P. J.The north-east book trade to 1860. Imprints and subscriptions. Newcastle- upon-Tyne: PHIBB, 153, 1977. Durham 86
Walton, John.A survey of the printing trade and related occupations in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire to 1900. Library Association Fellowship thesis, 1968. Nottinghamshire 149
Wardle, Arthur C.John Gore, publisher. Trans. Historic Soc. of Lancashire and Cheshire, 97 (1946), 223-24. Gore, John Lancashire 297
Wardle, Arthur C.Manchester bibliography. In Earwaker, J.P. Local gleanings related to Lancashire and Cheshire, vol. 1 (Manchester, 1875), § 1 15, 131, 214, 339. Lancashire 300
Wardle, Arthur C.The centenary of the Liverpool Post and Mercury: a record of the progress of Liverpool and its leading newspaper. Liverpool: Liverpool Post and Mercury, 1911. Liverpool Mercury, The Lancashire 299
Wardle, Arthur C.The Liverpool Courier: retrospect and present position. Liverpool: Liverpool Courier, 1908. Liverpool Courier, The Lancashire 298 Note: See also Madden and Dixon 1191-93.
Watson, S. F.Some materials for a history of printing and publishing in Ipswich Proc. Suffolk Inst. of Arch. and Natural History, 24 (1949), 182-227. Suffolk 273
Watson, Sydney F.Early print in East Anglia. Eastbourne, 1951. Norfolk 396
Waveney BooksA catalogue of a collection of books and manuscripts relating to the county of Suffolk. With an introduction by J.M. Blatchly (& index of Suffolk place names). NULL Suffolk 549 Antiquarian Booksellers' catalogue issued August 1984. 55 (+ 50) items
Welford, R.Early Newcastle typography, 1639-1800. Arch. Aeliana, 3rd ser., 3 (1907), 1-134. Northumberland 139
Wells, C.History of the Bristol Times and Mirror. Bristol: Bristol Times and Mirror, 1913. Bristol Times and Mirror, The Gloucestershire 104
Wheeler, Alwyne.Thomas Bewick's projected History of British fishes. In Festschrift für Claus Niessen. Weisbaden: Guido Pressler, 1973, 651-86. Bewick, Thomas Northumberland 146
Wheeler, Alwyne.228 years on Tyneside. Newspaper World, 15 Apr 1939, 5, 37. Newcastle Journal, The Northumberland 147 Note: See also Madden and Dixon 1310-11.
Wheeler, R.W.Booksellers and book trades of Portsmouth and Portsea, 1700-1850 Portsmouth Polytechnic dip. 1987 Hampshire 474
Whiston, J. W.Some letters and accounts of Michael Johnson. Trans. Johnson Soc., (1974), 31-51. Staffordshire 269
Wiles, R. M.Freshest advices. Early provincial newspapers in England and Wales. Ohio State University Press, 1965. Newspapers 215
Wiles, R. M.Further additions and corrections to G. A. Cranfield's Handlist. TCBS, 2 (1958), 385-89. Newspapers 216
Wiles, R. M.Newspaper history from 126 years ago. Southern Daily Echo, 18 Apr 1956. Southampton and Isle of Wight Mercury, The Hampshire 119
Wiles, R. M.The earliest Hampshire newspaper. NQ, 211 (1966), 219-22. Portsmouth and Gosport Gazette, The Hampshire 118
Williams, J. B.Centenary number 1845-1945. Norfolk News, 6 Jan 1945. Norfolk News, The Norfolk 410 Note: See also Madden and Dixon 1327
Williams, J. B.Henry Cross-grove, Jacobite, journalist and printer. Libr., 3rd ser., 5 (1914),206-19. Crossgrove, Henry Norfolk 405
Williams, J. B.History of Jarrold and Sons 1823-1948. Norwich: Jarrold and Sons, 1948. Jarrold and sons Norfolk 406
Williams, J. B.Jarrold 1770-1970. A book of East Anglian prints and documents. Norwich: Jarrold and Sons, 1970. Jarrold and sons Norfolk 408
Williams, J. B.Jarrolds of Norwich. Printing World, 185 (1970), 583-39, 551. Jarrold and sons Norfolk 409
Williams, J. B.The house of Jarrolds. 1823-1923. Norwich: Jarrold and Sons, 1924. Jarrold and sons Norfolk 407
Wilson, Edward M.Bicentenary number. Coventry Standard, 19 Jul 1941. Coventry Mercury, The Warwickshire 337 Note: See also Madden and Dixon 859.
Wilson, Edward M.Centenary supplement 1828-1928. Royal Leamington Spa Courier, 10 Aug 1928. Leamington Spa Courier, The Warwickshire 338
Wilson, Edward M.Three printed ballad texts from Birmingham. TCBS, 6 (1976), 339-45. Wood, Thomas Warwickshire 336
Wood, Butler.Thomas Gent: printer, bookseller and bookmaker. London: The Library Association, 1900. Gent, Thomas Yorkshire 390
Worth, R. N.Notes on the history of printing in Devon. Report and Trans. Devonshire Ass., 11 (1879), 497-515. Devon 66
Zell, Michael L.An early press in Canterbury? Libr., 5th ser., 32 (1977), 155-56. Mychell, John Kent 245