Street index

Dunlevy Street

# Lots Titles 1930 1941 1942 1943 1949

Dunlevy Street
At the foot of Dunlevy across the train tracks. No address supplied Vancouver Harbour Commissioners
Foot of Dunlevy across the train tracks. No address supplied Cliff M R & B C Mills Towing (wharf office) HI-2425
Foot of Dunlevy across the train tracks. No address supplied * National Harbours Board PA-1271
Foot of Dunlevy across the train tracks. No address supplied N H B fish oil tanks
Foot of Dunlevy across the train tracks. No address supplied Carpenter W R (Canada) Ltd copra manufacturing HI-4177
Foot of Dunlevy across the train tracks. No address supplied Standard Oil (marine) PA-3212
Foot of Dunlevy across the train tracks. No address supplied Cliff M R & BC Mills Towing (wharf office) HA-2425
Foot of Dunlevy across the train tracks. No address supplied National Harbours Board PA-1271
Foot of Dunlevy across the train tracks. No address supplied N H B fish oil tanks
Foot of Dunlevy across the train tracks. No address supplied Carpenter W R (Canada) Limited copra crushers HA-4176
Foot of Dunlevy across the train tracks. No address supplied Standard Oil (marine) PA-3213
Foot of Dunlevy across the train tracks. No address supplied Cliff M R & BC Mills Towing (wharf office) HA-2425
Foot of Dunlevy across the train tracks. No address supplied * National Harbours Board PA-1271
Foot of Dunlevy across the train tracks. No address supplied Carpenter W R (Canada) Limited copra crushers HA-4176
Foot of Dunlevy across the train tracks. No address supplied Standard Oil (marine) PA-3213
Foot of Dunlevy across the train tracks. No address supplied BC Vegetable Oils HA4176
Foot of Dunlevy across the train tracks. No address supplied Cliff M R Tugboat Co wharf office) HA2425
Foot of Dunlevy across the train tracks. No address supplied * National Harbours Board PA1271
Foot of Dunlevy across the train tracks. No address supplied Standard Oil (Marine) PA3213
Canadian Government Transport Department National Harbours Boardfoot of Dunlevy Avenue
Dunlevy Street
加奈陀 鹽 鰊 輸出 販賣 株式 會社 Kanada Shio Nishin Yushutsu Hanbai Shushiki Kaisha Canadian Salt Herring Exporters Ltd. 晩香坡市 ダンレビー 街 二一七 電話 パシフィック 三五五七 電話 パシフィック 三五五八 Bankouba shi Danrebii Machi Ni ichi shichi Denwa Pashifikku San Go Go Shichi Denwa Pashifikku San Go Go Hachi Vancouver City217 Dunlevy Avenue Phone Pacific 3557 Phone Pacific 3558 Vancouver, British Columbia
晩香坡市 ダンレビー街 二一七 電話パシフィック 六九二七 Bankouba-shi Dunrebii ai Ni Ichi Nana Denwa Pashifikku Roku Kyuu Ni Nana Vancouver City Dunlevy Street 217 Telephone Pacific 6927 海産物 問屋 嘉祥 商會 Kaisanbutsu Tonya Kajou Shoukai Seafood Wholesale Kajou Company 嘉祥 治三郞 Kajou Jisaburou 東カドバ街 四七六 電話ハイランド二九六九 アール 晩香坡市 [*] Higashi Kadoba Gai Yon Nana Roku Denwa Hairando Ni Kyuu Roku Kyuu Aaru Bankouba-shi [*] East Cordova Street 476 Telephone Highland 2969 L Vancouver City [*]
Dunlevy Street
B 39 L 18 Bldg 174 (1956) 29007E (0000-00-00) [Map]
William Murray

24243I (1915-10-12) [Map]
Harriett Scott Murray

2144K (1925-01-03) [Map]
George Cradock & Company (British Columbia) Limited

19613K (1926-06-07) [Map]
Shipping Federation of British Columbia

31027K (1927-04-07) [Map]
Shipping Federation Building Society Limited

65851K (1929-12-09) [Map]
Shipping Federation of British Columbia Limited

15744L (1936-12-24) [Map]
Shipping Federation of British Columbia Limited

195871L (1948-05-15) [Map]
Shipping Federation of British Columbia

527829L (1966-04-04) [Map]
British Columbia Maritime Employers Association

L25565L (1983-03-17) [Map]
British Columbia Maritime Employers Association
45 Shipping Federation of British Columbia
45 Vancouver & District Waterfront Workers' Association
45 Shipping Federation Lunch Counter
45 * Shipping Federation of BC PA-3151
45 Vancouver Longshoreman's Association PA-7959
45 Burrard Coastwise Longshoreman's Association PA-3151
45 Canadian Waterfront Workers MA-0042
45 Canadian Waterfront Workers Association Cigar Stand
45 Federation Hall Lunch Counter
Burrard Coastwise Longshoreman's Association Darwood J secretary 45 Dunlevy Avenue
Canadian Waterfront Workers Association Chawner W H bus agent 45 Dunlevy Avenue
Canadian Waterfront Workers Association Cigar Stand Leathley L manager 45 Dunlevy Avenue
Federation Hall Lunch Counter Wilson A Mrs 45 Dunlevy Avenue
Shipping Federation of British Columbia 45 Dunlevy Ave (Street) PA 3151 PA 6442 PA 6443 Pickett F J President Crombie W C D Labour Manager
Vancouver Longshoremens Association Buyes J bus agent 45 Dunlevy Avenue
45 * Shipping Federation of British Columbia PA-3151
45 Burrard Coastwise Longshoreman's Association PA-6784
45 Vancouver Waterfront Workers Association MA-0042
45 Shipping Federation Lunch Counter
45 Vancouver Waterfront Workers Association Cigar Stand
Vancouver Waterfront Workers Association A G Smith secretary 45 Dunlevy Avenue
45 * Shipping Federation of British Columbia PA-3151
45 Burrard Coastwise Longshore men's Association PA-6734
45 Vancouver Waterfront Workers Association MA-0042
45 Shipping Federation Lunch Counter
45 Vancouver Waterfront Workers Association Cigar Stand
Burrard Coastwise Longshoremen's Association Darwood J bus agent 45 Dunlevy Avenue
Shipping Federation of British Columbia 45 Dunlevy Avenue Phones: PA 6442, PA 3151, PA 3152
Shipping Federation Lunch Counter Anderson J E Brown M E Mrs 45 Dunlevy Avenue
Vancouver Waterfront Workers' Association Smith A G secretary 45 Dunlevy Avenue
Vancouver Waterfront Workers' Association Cigar Stand Leathley L manager 45 Dunlevy Avenue
45 Shipping Federation of British Columbia PA6442
45 International Longshoreman's & Warehouseman's Union PA7959
45 International Longshoreman's & Warehouseman's Cigar Stand
45 International Longshoreman's Association PA5734
International Longshoremen's Association Local 38-163 J O'Donnell bus agent 45 Dunlevy Avenue
International Longshoremen's & Warehousemen's Union Canadian Regional Office J E Berry representative 211 Dunlevy Avenue Local 501 R H Clewley secretary 45 Dunlevy Avenue Local 507 D C Mackenzie secretary 217 Dunlevy Avenue
Dunlevy Street
50 McKee R
50 Vacant
50 Vacant
50 Vacant
Dunlevy Street
B 41 L 1 Bldg 104 (1913)
B 41 L 1 Bldg 104 (1930)
47175E (0000-00-00) [Map]
Richard Henry AlexandeR

22420K (1926-08-19) [Map]
Richard Henry Handcock AlexandeR, John Louis Grahame Abbott

50228K (1928-09-19) [Map]
The Standard Trusts Company

58376K (1929-05-07) [Map]
Howard Ellis

161708L (1946-11-14) [Map]
Samuel Alfred Moore, Esq.

188525L (1948-01-14) [Map]
Leon LotzkaR

188523L (1948-01-14) [Map]
Winifred Chang, Thomas J. Chang, George Wong

D17052L (1976-04-02) [Map]
The ROyal Trust Company , Joseph LOtzkar, Louise KEttleman

D25468L (1976-05-04) [Map]
City of Vancouver Public Housing Corporation
106 Orientals
106 Fujioka K
Fujioka Emiko 106 Dunlevy Avenue
Fujioka Kenai 106 Dunlevy Avenue
Fujioka Kinao 106 Dunlevy Avenue
Fujioka Shizo 106 Dunlevy Avenue
Fujioka Yaro Mrs manager Itokuma Manufacturing Co 106 Dunlevy Avenue
藤岡 賢仁 Fujioka Kenji 兵庫 Hyougo 106 Dunlevy Avenue Vancouver, British Columbia
106 Vacant
Dunlevy Street
B 40 L 20 Bldg 218 (1930) 22263E (0000-00-00) [Map]
Eric Davies

80397L (1942-11-24) [Map]
Allena Davies

192977L (1948-04-06) [Map]
Leon Lotzkar

229055L (1949-12-29) [Map]
Bernard Lotzkar, Joseph Lotzkar

F1206L (1978-01-12) [Map]
Kwong Man Sang Company Limited

N71438L (1985-10-03) [Map]
Patrick Kwok Leung So, Kai-Shing So
107 Orientals
Dunlevy Street
B 41 L 1 Bldg 100 (1913)
B 41 L 1 Bldg 100 (1930)
B 41 L 1 Bldg 101 (1930)
47175E (0000-00-00) [Map]
Richard Henry AlexandeR

22420K (1926-08-19) [Map]
Richard Henry Handcock AlexandeR, John Louis Grahame Abbott

50228K (1928-09-19) [Map]
The Standard Trusts Company

58376K (1929-05-07) [Map]
Howard Ellis

161708L (1946-11-14) [Map]
Samuel Alfred Moore, Esq.

188525L (1948-01-14) [Map]
Leon LotzkaR

188523L (1948-01-14) [Map]
Winifred Chang, Thomas J. Chang, George Wong

D17052L (1976-04-02) [Map]
The ROyal Trust Company , Joseph LOtzkar, Louise KEttleman

D25468L (1976-05-04) [Map]
City of Vancouver Public Housing Corporation
110 Hayashi Y
Hayashi Y 110 Dunlevy Avenue
110 Vacant
110 Vacant
Dunlevy Street
B 40 L 20 Bldg 222 (1930) 22263E (0000-00-00) [Map]
Eric Davies

80397L (1942-11-24) [Map]
Allena Davies

192977L (1948-04-06) [Map]
Leon Lotzkar

229055L (1949-12-29) [Map]
Bernard Lotzkar, Joseph Lotzkar

F1206L (1978-01-12) [Map]
Kwong Man Sang Company Limited

N71438L (1985-10-03) [Map]
Patrick Kwok Leung So, Kai-Shing So
111 Lucas R
Dunlevy Street
グリンコーブ漁業會社 GurinKoobu Gyogyoukaisha Green Cove Fishing Corporation 大出 竹二郞 Hiroda Takejirou 樫野 眞男 Kashino Makotoo 晩香坡島グリンコーブ 電話グリンコーブソルタリー Bankoubashima Green Cove Denwa Gurin Koubu Soritarii Vancouver Island Green Cove Telephone Green Cove Sortery 事務所 Jimusho Office 一二九 ダンレビー街 Ichi NI Kyuu Danrebii gai 129 Dunlevy Street 晩香坡市 電話パシフィック六九二七 Bankouba-shi Denwa Pashifikku Roku Kyuu Ni Nana Vancouver City Telephone Pacific 6927
Dunlevy Street
B 40 L 22 Bldg 226 (1930)
B 40 L 23 Bldg 226 (1944)
B 40 L 23 Bldg 226 (1956)
1432E (0000-00-00) [Map]
John Parkes, Donald B. McDonald

295875L (1953-09-25) [Map]
John Parks

326656L (1955-05-13) [Map]
Quon Wong, Willie Wong
131 Suzuki Y
Suzuki Y restaurant 131 Dunlevy Street
131 Moore W C tobacco PA-1057
Green Sydney seaman Canadian Transportation 131 Dunlevy Avenue
Moore William C tobacco 131 Dunlevy Avenue 1175 Lillouet
131 Moore W C tobacco
Moore William C of Coffee Shop and tobacco 131 Dunlevy Avenue
131 Moore W C tobacco PA-0063
Moore William C of Coffee Shop and tobacco 131 Dunlevy Avenue
131 Moore W C tobacco PA0063
Dunlevy Street
B 41 L 32 Bldg 96 (1930) P10918L (0000-00-00) [Map]
Baldev Khanna, Chanchal Khanna

28727E (0000-00-00) [Map]
Robert WIllis

24736I (1915-11-12) [Map]
Adelaide Margaret WilliS

57553L (1941-01-08) [Map]
Emily Ball

163392L (1946-12-05) [Map]
Harold Robert Willis

169623L (1947-03-18) [Map]
Harold Robert WilliS, Vivian Hayward Breakwell

171571L (1947-04-18) [Map]
The Marr Hotel Limited
132 Kidokwan D physician culture
河野 英記 Kawano Hideki 熊本 Kumamoto 132 Dunlevy Avenue Vancouver, British Columbia
Kidokwan Dojo 132 Dunlevy Avenue Sasaki S instructor [*] [*]
歸道 舘 Kidou Kan Return-Way Hall 132 Dunlevy Street HI 1522 Vancouver [*]
132 Vacant
Dunlevy Street
B 40 L 22 Bldg 228 (1930)
B 40 L 23 Bldg 228 (1944)
B 40 L 23 Bldg 228 (1956)
1432E (0000-00-00) [Map]
John Parkes, Donald B. McDonald

295875L (1953-09-25) [Map]
John Parks

326656L (1955-05-13) [Map]
Quon Wong, Willie Wong
135 Otafuku Restaurant
135 Itakuma Manufacturing fish cakes PA-8514
Itakuma Manufacturing Company Fujioka Y Mrs manager fish cakes 135 Dunlevy Avenue
135 Orientals
135 Vacant
135 Reading Room
Dunlevy Street
Morrison J 137 Dunlevy Street
藤岡 金藏 Fujioka Kinkura Fujioka Goods Warehouse 137 Dunlevy PA 8514 Vancouver
板熊 かぼまて (or かまぼて) 店 Itakuma Kabomate (or Kamabote) Mise Itakuma (Not Determined) Store 137 Dunlevy Avenue Street PA 8514 Vancouver
Dunlevy Street
B 40 L 22 Bldg 230 (1930)
B 40 L 23 Bldg 230 (1944)
B 40 L 23 Bldg 230 (1956)
1432E (0000-00-00) [Map]
John Parkes, Donald B. McDonald

295875L (1953-09-25) [Map]
John Parks

326656L (1955-05-13) [Map]
Quon Wong, Willie Wong
139 Japanese Merchants Association PA-9635
Japanese Merchants Association 139 Dunlevy Avenue Nobuoka R president
商業 組合 Shougyou Kumigou Merchant Association 139 Dunlevy Street PA 9635 Vancouver
139 Vacant
139 Cutcher A
Cutcher Alexander labourer 139 Dunlevy Avenue
Cutcher Katie 139 Dunlevy Avenue
139 Seamen's Union TA2731
Bychyk William ??? F Waterhouse 139 Dunlevy Avenue
Kennedy Fredrick fireman F Waterhouse 139 Dunlevy Avenue
Dunlevy Street
B 40 L 22 Bldg 232 (1930)
B 40 L 23 Bldg 38 (1930)
B 40 L 23 Bldg 232 (1944)
B 40 L 23 Bldg 232 (1956)
1432E (0000-00-00) [Map]
John Parkes, Donald B. McDonald

295875L (1953-09-25) [Map]
John Parks

326656L (1955-05-13) [Map]
Quon Wong, Willie Wong
143 Takshashi Y
143 Dunlevy Rooms
Culcutt William 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Kendrick William R 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Kosticki M 143 Dunlevy Avenue
McDonald A 143 Dunlevy Street
Murray G 143 Dunlevy Street
Nash G 143 Dunlevy Street
Prevost T 143 Dunlevy Street
Swanson T 143 Dunlevy Street
Takahashi Y ticket agent 143 Dunlevy Street
Thompson E D 143 Dunlevy Street
Walde M R 143 Dunlevy Street
143 Dunlevy Rooms PA-6986
Abbott Mark 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Beeton 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Berutson M 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Blake T 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Bradford B 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Campbell C 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Carlson G 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Danghang Chris 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Duff S 143 Dunlevy Avenue
French M 143 Dunlevy Avenue
French William cleaner Term City Iron Works 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Gilato E 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Gustavson K 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Hill 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Kaminishi Kaino proprietor Dunlevy Rooms widow Kaminishi K 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Kulshyeki N 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Lipton T 143 Dunlevy Avenue
MacDonald A 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Macmillan 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Mills B 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Monison J 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Mooney J 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Nakanishi Kanakichi 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Newman F 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Nicholson H 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Price R 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Salberg M 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Toft Benjamin 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Undine 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Wovich T 143 Dunlevy Avenue
江本 曾平 Emoto Souhyou 岡山 Okayama 143 Dunlevy Avenue Vancouver, British Columbia
上西 功一 Kaminishi Kouichi 廣島 Hiroshima 143 Dunlevy Avenue Vancouver, British Columbia
上西 カヤノ Kaminishi Kayano 廣島 Onaji Hiroshima 143 Dunlevy Avenue Vancouver, British Columbia
中西 兼吉 Nakanishi Kenkichi 廣島 Hiroshima 143 Dunlevy Street Vancouver, British Columbia
Dunlevy Rooms Kaminishi K Mrs 143 Dunlevy Avenue
上西 旅舘 Kaminishi Ryokan Kaminishi Japanese Style-Inn 143 Dunlevy Street PA 6986 Vancouver
143 Dunlevy Rooms PA-6986
Giloto E retired 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Hill J 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Lipton T retired 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Mills B retired 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Radford Bruce swamper Central Transfer 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Takahara Mrs K proprietor Dunlevy Rooms 143 Dunlevy Avenue
143 Dunlevy Rooms PA-6986
143 Sueserban H PA-6986
Babine Reuben sacker Marpole Coal 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Babyak J 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Clark T nightman Union Steamships Ltd 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Clarke Henry O janitor Royal Building 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Corn M 143 Dunlevy Avenue
French William chipper Ross & Howard 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Gregor Joseph fitter helper West Coast Shipbuilders 143 DunlevyStreet
Hill J 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Koluk Steve bolter Burrard Dry Dock 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Lipton T retired 143 Dunlevy Avenue
McInnis J 143 Dunlevy Avenue
McLeod R 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Mills B retired 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Mooney M 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Newman Frederick 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Nicholson M 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Page J 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Puyda Stanley 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Radford Bruce 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Rolser A 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Rostron 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Szczerban Harry proprietor Dunlevy Rooms 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Szczerban Annie 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Welch Samuel 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Wileyto A 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Dunlevy Rooms Saeaerban H 143 Dunlevy Avenue
143 Dunlevy Rooms PA6986
Barrieau J A elevator operator Abbotsford Hotel 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Clark Oliver news agent 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Clarke H Oliver of Clarke & Jones 143 Dunlevy Avenue
French William F 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Johnson Mrs Florence helper Trocadero 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Jones Arthur of Clarke & Jones 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Jones Arthur G trackman British Columbia Electric Railway 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Kansas John longshoreman 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Keeley Arthur T labourer City 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Koluk Steve labourer Active Trading 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Kolyn William retired 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Kowalyshyn Anthony logger 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Kraysnik Sam helper Pelsman & Son 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Krupnick Sam 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Lees Henry 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Lemay Raoul salesman 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Weaver John D shipyard worker 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Wyshniowsky Louis carpenter 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Yowney John labourer City 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Dunlevy Rooms H Sherban 143 Dunlevy Avenue
Dunlevy Street
B 55 L 19 Bldg 200 (1944)
B 55 L 18 Bldg 200 (1956)
87154E (1912-02-12) [Map]
Shinkichi Tamura

10392L (1936-04-08) [Map]
Toru Tamura

83844L (1943-03-17) [Map]
Custodian of Enemy Property, Royal Bank

83845L (1943-03-20) [Map]
Giovanni DorigoN

402644L (1959-05-06) [Map]
Canada Trust Company

411531L (1959-10-15) [Map]
George Cooke, Yoshiyuki Fujiwara

618299L (1971-01-19) [Map]
Yoshiyuki Fujiwara

G93054L (1979-12-05) [Map]
Vancouver Indian Centre SocietY

J29510L (1981-04-10) [Map]
V. I. C. Housing Society
211 Tamura S
211 Vacant
211 International Longshoreman's & Warehouseman's Union Canada Regional Office TA1857
International Longshoremen's & Warehousemen's Union Canadian Regional Office J E Berry representative 211 Dunlevy Avenue Local 501 R H Clewley secretary 45 Dunlevy Avenue Local 507 D C Mackenzie secretary 217 Dunlevy Avenue
Dunlevy Street
B 55 L 19 Bldg 202 (1913)
B 55 L 20 Bldg 202 (1930)
B 55 L 19 Bldg 202 (1944)
B 55 L 19 Bldg 202 (1956)
87154E (1912-02-12) [Map]
Shinkichi Tamura

10392L (1936-04-08) [Map]
Toru Tamura

83844L (1943-03-17) [Map]
Custodian of Enemy Property, Royal Bank

83845L (1943-03-20) [Map]
Giovanni DorigoN

402644L (1959-05-06) [Map]
Canada Trust Company

411531L (1959-10-15) [Map]
George Cooke, Yoshiyuki Fujiwara

618299L (1971-01-19) [Map]
Yoshiyuki Fujiwara

G93054L (1979-12-05) [Map]
Vancouver Indian Centre SocietY

J29510L (1981-04-10) [Map]
V. I. C. Housing Society
Tamura S. "Sun Ban" 213 Dunlevy Avenue Sey. 881 [*] [*] [*]
213 * Tamura T log exports PA-2523
Tamura T manager 213 Dunlevy Avenue
Kodama G manager 213 Dunlevy Avenue
Noritake T manager 213 Dunlevy Avenue [*]
小野 Ono Isamu 福岡 Fukuoka 213 Dunlevy Avenue Vancouver, British Columbia
佐藤 Satou Mitsu 新潟 Onaji Niigata 213 Dunlevy Avenue Vancouver, British Columbia
田村 商會 Tamura Shoukai Tamura Firm 213 Dunlevy Street PA 2523 Vancouver
213 Vacant
213 Vacant
Dunlevy Street
B 55 L 19 Bldg 204 (1913)
B 55 L 20 Bldg 204 (1930)
B 55 L 19 Bldg 204 (1944)
87154E (1912-02-12) [Map]
Shinkichi Tamura

10392L (1936-04-08) [Map]
Toru Tamura

83844L (1943-03-17) [Map]
Custodian of Enemy Property, Royal Bank

83845L (1943-03-20) [Map]
Giovanni DorigoN

402644L (1959-05-06) [Map]
Canada Trust Company

411531L (1959-10-15) [Map]
George Cooke, Yoshiyuki Fujiwara

618299L (1971-01-19) [Map]
Yoshiyuki Fujiwara

G93054L (1979-12-05) [Map]
Vancouver Indian Centre SocietY

J29510L (1981-04-10) [Map]
V. I. C. Housing Society
217 Kumagaya J
217 Consolidated Famers' Co-operative Association
217 Imperial Wood & Coal Company
Kumagaya J insurance agent 217 Dunlevy Avenue
Imperial Wood & Coal Company N Heicke proprietor 217 Dunlevy Avenue
217 Salt Salmon Exporters PA-3557
217 Canadian Salt Herring Exporters PA-3557
松田 直一 Matsuda Naokazu 217 Dunlevy Avenue Vancouver, British Columbia
Canadian Salt Herring Exporters Limited 217 Dunlevy Avenue Kimura K (mng is not known) dealer
Salt Salmon Exporters of BC Limited 217 Dunlevy Avenue Kimura K mng dealer
加奈陀 鹽 鰊 輸出 販賣 株式 會社 Kanada Shio Nishin Yushutsu Hanbai Shushiki Kaisha Canadian Salt Herring Exporters Ltd. 晩香坡市 ダンレビー 街 二一七 電話 パシフィック 三五五七 電話 パシフィック 三五五八 Bankouba shi Danrebii Machi Ni ichi shichi Denwa Pashifikku San Go Go Shichi Denwa Pashifikku San Go Go Hachi Vancouver City217 Dunlevy Avenue Phone Pacific 3557 Phone Pacific 3558 Vancouver, British Columbia
晩香坡市 ダンレビー街 二一七 電話パシフィック 六九二七 Bankouba-shi Dunrebii ai Ni Ichi Nana Denwa Pashifikku Roku Kyuu Ni Nana Vancouver City Dunlevy Street 217 Telephone Pacific 6927 海産物 問屋 嘉祥 商會 Kaisanbutsu Tonya Kajou Shoukai Seafood Wholesale Kajou Company 嘉祥 治三郞 Kajou Jisaburou 東カドバ街 四七六 電話ハイランド二九六九 アール 晩香坡市 [*] Higashi Kadoba Gai Yon Nana Roku Denwa Hairando Ni Kyuu Roku Kyuu Aaru Bankouba-shi [*] East Cordova Street 476 Telephone Highland 2969 L Vancouver City [*]
松田 直一 Matsuda Naokazu 217 Dunlevy Avenue Vancouver, British Columbia
加奈陀 鹽鰊 會社 kanada shionishin kaisha Canadian Salt Herring Business 217 Dunlevy Street PA 3557 Vancouver
同 上 ona ue same as above 217 Dunlevy Street PA 3558 Vancouver
嘉祥 商店 Kashou Shoumise Kashou Company 217 Dunlevy Avenue Street PA 6927 Vancouver
217 Vacant
217 Vacant
217 International Longshoreman's & Warehouseman's Union TA1783
International Longshoremen's & Warehousemen's Union Canadian Regional Office J E Berry representative 211 Dunlevy Avenue Local 501 R H Clewley secretary 45 Dunlevy Avenue Local 507 D C Mackenzie secretary 217 Dunlevy Avenue
Dunlevy Street
B 55 L 19 Bldg 206 (1913)
B 55 L 20 Bldg 206 (1930)
B 55 L 19 Bldg 206 (1944)
87154E (1912-02-12) [Map]
Shinkichi Tamura

10392L (1936-04-08) [Map]
Toru Tamura

83844L (1943-03-17) [Map]
Custodian of Enemy Property, Royal Bank

83845L (1943-03-20) [Map]
Giovanni DorigoN

402644L (1959-05-06) [Map]
Canada Trust Company

411531L (1959-10-15) [Map]
George Cooke, Yoshiyuki Fujiwara

618299L (1971-01-19) [Map]
Yoshiyuki Fujiwara

G93054L (1979-12-05) [Map]
Vancouver Indian Centre SocietY

J29510L (1981-04-10) [Map]
V. I. C. Housing Society
219 Union Marine Supply Company
219 Japanese Merchants Association
Japanese Merchants' Association T Ide 219 Dunlevy Avenue
Union Marine Supply Co Nakamura K 219 Dunlevy Street
219 Union Marine Supply Company PA-6927
219 Nakamura K & Company shipping agents PA-6927
219 Kasho J & Company packers PA-6927
219 Green Cove Salteries Ltd packers PA-6927
Green Cove Salteries Limited Kashino M manager dealer salt fish packers 219 Dunlevy Avenue
Kasho J & Co Limited 219 Dunlevy Avenue Kasho J president [*]
K & Co 219 Dunlevy Avenue Nakamura K [*]
Union Marine Supply Co 219 Dunlevy Avenue Nakamura K [*]
219 Vacant
219 Vacant
219 Occupied
Arcand Joseph millworker Alberta Lumber 219 Dunlevy Avenue
Dunlevy Street
255 Sisters of Atonement
Sisters of Atonement 255 Dunlevy Street
255 Catholic Japanese Mission
Cath-Mar Japanese Mission Mary Angela Sister superior 255 Dunlevy Avenue
255 Catholic Japanese Mission
Catholic Japanese Mission 255 Dunlevy Avenue
255 Franciscan Sisters of the Atonement (school)
255 Franciscan Sisters of the Atonement (school) MA9987
Franciscan Sisters of the Atonement Sister Mary Puls superior nursery & private school 385 East Cordova Street 255 Dunlevy Avenue
Dunlevy Street
Tamura Building 300 block Powell corner Dunlevy southside
Dunlevy Motors & U Drive Limited W Wong president garage 300 block Dunlevy Avenue west side
Dunlevy Street
B 57 L 1 Bldg 96 (1930)
B 57 L 1 Bldg 100 (1956)
B 57 L 1 Bldg 96 (1956)
16881L (1937-03-04) [Map]
Ellen Armstrong, Gordon Henderson Armstrong

80577L (1942-12-02) [Map]
Gordon Henderson Armstrong, Frederick John Armstrong, Edgar Dorman Armstrong, Norman Henry Armstrong

316604L (1954-11-01) [Map]
Inabelle Mackie Armstrong, Edgar Dorman Armstrong

316738L (1954-11-16) [Map]
Inabelle Mackie Armstrong

324519L (1955-04-18) [Map]
GordoN Henderson Armstrong, Edgar Dorman Armstrong, Norman Henry Armstrong

416601L (1960-02-05) [Map]
Home Funeral Chapel (1959) Ltd. , Roselawn Funeral Directors (1959) Ltd. , N. H. Armstrong Ltd.

C10321L (1975-03-05) [Map]
N. Ross Armstrong Ltd. , N. H. Armstrong Ltd. , Roselawn Funeral Directors (1959) Ltd.

N52762L (1985-10-15) [Map]
N. Ross Armstrong Ltd.

N52762LA (1985-10-15) [Map]
Roselawn Funeral Directors (1959) Ltd.
304 Armstrong & Hotson
  • 304 1 Aggett R C
  • 304 2 Edwards G W
Aggett Lorne C bookkeeper R P Clark 1 304 Dunlevy Avenue
Aggett Reginald C mortician Armstrong & Hotson 1 304 Dunlevy Avenue
Edwards George W reliefman Armstrong & Hotson 2 304 Dunlevy Avenue
Armstrong & Hotson A Armstrong proprietor H A Hotson proprietor undertakers 304 Dunlevy Avenue
304 Armstrong & Company undertakers HI-0140
Armstrong & Co Armstrong P J Manager Funeral Directors 304 Dunlevy Avenue [*]
304 * Armstrong & Company undertakers HA-0141
304 Scott W HA-0141
Armstrong & Co. F J Armstrong Manager Funeral Directors. 304 Dunlevy Avenue HA- 0141
304 * Armstrong & Co undertakers HA-0141
304 Scott W HA-0141
Kemp J Clif funeraldirector Armstrong & Co 304 Dunlevy Avenue
Kemp Alga 304 Dunlevy Avenue
Scott William funeral director Armstrong & Co 304 Dunlevy Avenue
Scott Mary 304 Dunlevy Avenue
Armstrong & Company Armstrong P J Manager Funeral Directors 304 Dunlevy Avenue Phone HA 0141
304 * Armstrong & Co undertakers HA0141
304 Scott W HA0141
Armstrong & Company 304 Dunlevy Avenue HA 6141 Armstrong F J Manager Funeral Directors
Dunlevy Street
306 Scott W W
Lame Eva Mrs 306 Dunlevy Avenue
Scott William W funeral director Armstrong & Co 306 Dunlevy Avenue
Scott Mary 306 Dunlevy Avenue
Dunlevy Street
晩香坡市 ダンレビー街 二一七 電話パシフィック 六九二七 Bankouba-shi Dunrebii ai Ni Ichi Nana Denwa Pashifikku Roku Kyuu Ni Nana Vancouver City Dunlevy Street 217 Telephone Pacific 6927 海産物 問屋 嘉祥 商會 Kaisanbutsu Tonya Kajou Shoukai Seafood Wholesale Kajou Company 嘉祥 治三郞 Kajou Jisaburou 東カドバ街 四七六 電話ハイランド二九六九 アール 晩香坡市 [*] Higashi Kadoba Gai Yon Nana Roku Denwa Hairando Ni Kyuu Roku Kyuu Aaru Bankouba-shi [*] East Cordova Street 476 Telephone Highland 2969 L Vancouver City [*]