Title: Designing Culture: A Work of the Technological Imagination

Author: Anne Balsamo
Statement of responsibility:
Marked up by Martin Holmes
Marked up to be included in the on the ACH/ALLC 2005 Conference Website. Received too late to be included in the Abstracts book.
Email from author to PGL, 30/05/05.
Text classification:
  • culture
  • technology design
  • technological imagination
  • MDH: Created from email source 30 May 2005

Designing Culture: A Work of the Technological Imagination

Anne Balsamo    abalsamo@annenberg.edu

USC; Keynote Speaker, sponsored by Canadian Institute for Advanced Research

To stimulate a discussion about the many ways in which culture influences the practices of technology design, I present examples of technologies and digital applications whose designs were explicitly informed by cultural theory. In 1999, a research group at Xerox PARC built an interactive museum exhibit called "XFR: Experiments in the Future of Reading." The resulting exhibit explored different facets of the nature of reading in a digital culture. In describing those moments when cultural theory, values, and conventions become an explicit part of the design process, I reflect on the 'technological imagination' at work, and how the exercise of this imagination, in turn, results in the development of new literacies, modes of expression, as well as devices and digital artifacts.