Quick query to find out the situation:
xquery version "3.0"; declare namespace output= "http://www.w3.org/2010/xslt-xquery-serialization"; declare option output:method "text"; declare option output:encoding "utf-8"; let $eastAsian_Other := for $o in //owners_to_ethnicities where $o/ote_ethnicity_id_fk="11" return $o/ote_owner_id_fk, $eaCount := count($eastAsian_Other), $eaCount := count($eastAsian_Other), $asiaOtherUnknown := for $o3 in //owners_to_ethnicities where $o3/ote_ethnicity_id_fk="4" return $o3/ote_owner_id_fk, $aoCount := count($asiaOtherUnknown), $uc_chinese := for $o2 in //owners_to_ethnicities where $o2/ote_ethnicity_id_fk="10" and not($o2/ote_owner_id_fk = $eastAsian_Other) return $o2/ote_owner_id_fk, $ucCount := count($uc_chinese), $uc_chinese_not_ao := for $o4 in //owners_to_ethnicities where $o4/ote_ethnicity_id_fk="10" and not($o4/ote_owner_id_fk = $asiaOtherUnknown) return $o4/ote_owner_id_fk, $ucNotAoCount := count($uc_chinese_not_ao) return concat('Found ', $eaCount, ' EastAsia_Other owners, ', $aoCount, ' Asia:Other_Unknown owners, ', $ucNotAoCount, ' owners who are UC_Chinese and not also Asia:Other_Unknown: ', string-join($uc_chinese_not_ao, ','), ' and ', $ucCount, ' UC_Chinese owners who are not also EA: ', string-join($uc_chinese, ','))
So if we're moving UC_Chinese to EastAsia_Other, then we just need to delete the UC_Chinese category; if we're moving them to Asia:Other_Unknown, we need to convert those which are not already in that group (361 out of 364).