I've started writing text, which generates more research, some of which I've done. The Zotero collection is growing...
Re-read the article on the Chicago db and took some notes; looked back at my code to confirm what I'm doing with the db is sensible.
Assembled and posted to basecamp a list summarizing the datasets and information we've processed over the past 3 years (action item coming from steering committee meeting in December).
All these files are in the repository at https://revision.hcmc.uvic.ca/svn/landscapes/trunk/directories/data/
Haney directory
1930, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1948; ~900 rows per year; xml
surname, forename/initial(s), business name, occupation, employer
Steveston directory
1930, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1948; ~900 rows per year; xml
surname, forename/initial(s), business name, occupation, employer
Chung Vancouver Japanese Directory (J-C author)
1941; ~100 of 1000 rows; xml
surname in japanese, forename in japanese, business name in japanese, surname, forename, business name, street name, street number, place of birth in japanese, place of birth
Nihonmachi Vancouver Japanese Directory (J-C author)
1941; ~800 rows; xml
surname in japanese, forename in japanese, business name in japanese surname, forename, business name street name, street number, telephone number
Vancouver street-based directory
1930, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1949; ~900 rows per year; xml
surname, forename/initial(s), business name, street name, street number, phone
Vancouver name-based directory
1930, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1949; ~2700 rows per year; xml
surname, forename/initial(s), business name, occupation, employer, street name, street number
Steveston Fishing Boat Ledger
1943; ~1000 forms; csv
boat name, owner name, value, buyer name, sell date, sell price
Unsold Custodian Properties
1943-1944; ~500 rows; xml
street name, street number, settlement, legal description, custodian file #, price
Business Lists : Trade Licences
1940; ~1000 rows; xml
licencee surname, licencee forename, business name, street name, street address
Business Lists : Company Values
1940; ~100 rows; xml
business name, street name, street number, value
Mizuta Stevenson residents and maps (J-C author)
2000s; ~650 rows; csv
surname, forename, spouse name, origin code, legal description
Haney Nokai History (J-C author)
1980s; ~80 pages; xml
prose, surnames, forenames
Mission History (J-C author)
1980s; ~75 pages; xml
prose, surnames, forenames
Letters of Protest (J-C authors)
1943-1948; ~400 pages; xml
prose, surnames, forenames, street names, street numbers
Moving along steadily. Not much new in the article from 1985.
Another article by AK, and serendipitously I found one on Korean immigration which confirms our surmises regarding the absence of Korean immigrants from Vancouver prior to the 1950s.
Started tracking down and taking notes on AK's publications that will provide some grounding for assertions I'll be making early in the paper.
Reviewed the situation for the Oral History cluster, and discussed authorship processes for the article.
Got some requests from SB, and had some unfinished bits in the generation of ethnicity spreadsheets for the GIS team from the street table pages. Got the block/lot extraction working properly, and fixed issues with mixing up of names, rolenames and occupations. Other tweaks.
Got sysadmin to set up EO on the filesystem, then provided intro and instructions for him; in the process found a permissions issue in NY's data, so worked with her to get that fixed.