A lot of corrections were stacking up, so I've done a bunch of them this morning.
This pushes us much closer to completion for volume 26.
Did the first half of the body.
Setup done, metadata done, bibliography done. Some extra work resequencing biblio items which were out of order.
This one took an inordinately long time due to the enormous bibliography (44 items) and the need to rewrite bits of it to switch saga items from being indexed under Anonymous to being listed under the saga title.
DG sent me a list of clarifications, which I've now done, and the latest content has been published.
...for the Eysteinsson article; two questions outstanding with editor.
I've done the ODT pre-processing for article 12.
Did all the style-based search-and-replace inline tagging I could do, and put the notes inline with XSLT, working in an ODT copy of the file.
Completed the Andrésson article and posted it for proofing.